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Dogs are amazing


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Heres a video going viral from Iraq.


All the stories we hear about makes me wonder how they know so much. Funny how the dog does what the person recording (or us watching) may of not even thought about doing.

Screw off cats.

Another story

Capitan, a German shepherd, reportedly ran away from home after its owner, Miguel Guzman, died in 2006. A week later, the Guzman family found the dog sitting by his grave in central Argentina.

Miguel Guzman adopted Capitan in 2005 as a gift for his teenage son, Damian. And for the past six years, Capitan has continued to stand guard at Miguel's grave. The family says the dog rarely leaves the site.

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Cats rock too!

I got a kitten last November. It's almost a year old now. Becoming a pet owner again, I have a new found love for pets.

I saw this wanted poster for a missing house cat the other day. It was described as being shy and probably scared hiding in a bush somewhere. Instantly I thought of my cat and was sad that I could do nothing for this missing cat because I know how terrified mine would be outside all alone. There was a $200 reward for its return. I wouldn't even accept the reward if I was able to find it and return it because rescuing the cat is enough for me .

And sad video is sad. Many feels :( Dogs are much like us -- we're both animals.

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In before some dork says youtube thread.

I've never seen a dog act like that. Keep in mind this is a stray dog in a harsh country and it's behaviour is entirely instinctual here. It's heartbreaking the amount of stray homeless dogs on this planent and how they're treated in some countries. Oh well, there's plenty of abuse right here at home. The latest SPCA newletter reported that they attend over 6000 abuse complaints a year in the province. That's horrid for just BC. 6000/365=16.5 per day, every day. We have a long way to go right here. Thankfully Torts is a big dog lover and plans to work with the SPCA provincally! Yea.

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The reason I prefer dogs over cats (had both) is that most dogs return the love they get, while most cats don't. They need you just to feed them or scratch them whenever they like. You are just convenient thing for cats, while a dog would give away life to help you or protect you.

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I love both animals expressly because they are different. Both add a different element to you family/pack that the others don't.

Cats are great to weed out rodents and other pests, at all hours, while dogs, I mean real dogs, are great for protecting the group.

Both return affection in different ways.

I have concluded that cats are sociopaths though. A dog does something bad but as soon as you come home they remembered what they did, feel shame for their actions and fear the consequences.

Cats? They knock your glass over and are only concerned as long as it's still moving. After that they go on about their day like nothing happened.

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