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Mafia: The Game [That's A Spicy Meatball] Game Over Please Sign Up


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Sure that would make the doc save useless, but it also will make the mafia use one of their kills on someone who is just a a regular TP, that's a tradeoff I am happy with personally.

I don't see much downside in you announcing your kill TBH, if you come through and are doc saved we have a confirmed TP and can start building an alliance, if the mafia wastes a kill on a regular TP, like I said, that is a good tradeoff rather than risking losing a special, IMO

But I'm not just a regular tp

I am kesler87

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I'll have you know Aladeen I am only slightly inbred and just recently got a C- in english, so I wouldn't call myself illiterate!

I'm not sure if I wanted to be a special role or not this round tbh. Was kinda getting sick of it actually...

Anyway VOTE Peaches cause he voted me.

or is it cause he's a fruit? :sadno:
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The regime would like to announce that your glorious Duce, previous Doctor and ever patriot encourages the noble citizens of this forum to root out and destroy the despicable Mafioso by any means necessary. To this end, he begrudgingly endures Kesler's babbling as a force of (net) good.

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The regime would like to announce that your glorious Duce, previous Doctor and ever patriot encourages the noble citizens of this forum to root out and destroy the despicable Mafioso by any means necessary. To this end, he begrudgingly endures Kesler's babbling as a force of (net) good.

post so I can understand pls
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The regime would like to announce that your glorious Duce, previous Doctor and ever patriot encourages the noble citizens of this forum to root out and destroy the despicable Mafioso by any means necessary. To this end, he begrudgingly endures Kesler's babbling as a force of (net) good.

post so I can understand pls

Noooo. I love ilduce's posts. Easily the best in Mafia. I don't care if I don't understand them, they're epic.

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The regime would like to announce that your glorious Duce, previous Doctor and ever patriot encourages the noble citizens of this forum to root out and destroy the despicable Mafioso by any means necessary. To this end, he begrudgingly endures Kesler's babbling as a force of (net) good.

isn't that only true if he's actually a TP?

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Yes but I think its a safe bet at this point in time to trust that he is and give him a chance to prove it it he cant


Really? His story hasn't made any sense whatsoever and he pulls this kind of crap every game. If he truly is the TB, he should be using his kill tonight and starting up an alliance by next round.

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