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PGT- Vancouver 1 - 2 Dallas


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God what's with some of you.. Yeah the Canucls need to score more goals, this much is obvious..

Yet the way some of you people act, you'd think that its not unfair to have to play against the opposition AND the officials.

They are happy to review and call back goals that appear to be kicked in, yet they choose not to revisit an obviously good goal which could very well ha e been the difference in this game.. The Canucks were skating circles around Dallas at this point in the game.. And you mean to try to tell me one disallowed goal wouldn't be the difference?

Get real.. Some of you need to take off the NHL glasses and start seeing what this league is really all about..

And for god sakes stop using " the Canucks didn't score" as some blanket reason to overlook horrible and inconsistent officiating which is leading to games being directed instead of being played

do people who make these kinds of posts realize how ridiculous they look?

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Booth needs to be in the press box. He is useless in every area of the ice. I don't care how much money he makes he is doing this team no favours. Someone like Jensen would be far more beneficial to have in the line up that Booth. The guy can't even clear the puck out of our own end. Disgusting. The argument that he has been plagued by injuries has run dry. He has simply lost his ability to be an NHL level player.

Our big shots on the blue line have gone not just quiet, but stone cold silent.

We are on the outside looking in when it comes to the playoffs and are in the toughest division. This isn't going into a panic frenzy but something clearly needs to change. otherwise this season is going to be another write off.

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Wow. The blind ref as the PGT post.

Thanks for the creativity, we haven't seen this one before.. and stop living in denial, there's a reason why we have lost 4 games in a row, and it's not the refs, I'll tell you that.

Why is it a race? Nothing better to do? or are you 7? What do you want a cookie?

psssst... they disallowed a clear goal that cost us the game. So yea, the refs cost us the game. Clear now? Want a cookie??

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I keep reading the Canucks scored 1 goal but they scored 2. Dallas also scored 2.

This.. Some of the people on here need a Ritalin to settle down a bit.. They faced a great goaltending performance and scored two goals (and based on how they were playing would have probably come out with one or two more) but the officials decided that one didn't count even though he was 10 feet away.

Why even bother having two officials on the ice.. They tend to flub more calls now than ever before.

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Who cares about outshooting the opponent, when 98% of those shots are weak perimeter gimmes.

This team needs a wake up call.

But with 10 NTC's what do you do?

you swallow your pride and you make of list of players you might be willing to part with, then you sit down with those players and you have a heart to heart with them, and you find out who would be willing to waive.

apparently MG would never do that.

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Wow. The blind ref as the PGT post.

Thanks for the creativity, we haven't seen this one before.. and stop living in denial, there's a reason why we have lost 4 games in a row, and it's not the refs, I'll tell you that.

Why is it a race? Nothing better to do? or are you 7? What do you want a cookie?

So you don't understand how a blown call can shift momentum? Give one team a boost? And throw the team/guy off who frustratingly had to play through getting completely ripped off?

You can't tell us anything...we watch the game too. So your opinion isn't THE opinion.

There are shows called "The Turning Point"...do you know what creates a turning point? A pathetic call like that. And why no review?

do people who make these kinds of posts realize how ridiculous they look?

They actually are posting about the game, which is likely better than what you've done (and, in the process, me). Now get back on topic please....

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