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Mafia: The Game [Cosi Grossi Testicoli] Game Over - Please Sign Up!


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Almost as good as this next one. ;)


Also, VIC hasn't pushed very hard for my lynching, although the immediate vote for me and later backtrack seems a little odd to me.

Haha, I can't believe those games were more than 2 years ago now. I remember thinking there was no way I'd be in that exact same situation with you being the Serial Killer AGAIN, but sure enough... :lol:

One of Vic/intoews/CL is definitely mafia


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If the Doppel guy uses his save and misses, does that constitute as the only chance he gets to use it? Or does his save actually have to save someone for it officially count?

Vote1: PPCLI

Dudes just making us waste our resources on him so that the Mafia can make a clean hit without worrying about a save. Don't think he would have just blatantly come out like that if he really had the intention of helping the TP win. Also because I have work, class, and a fat assignment due Friday so I'm submitting my vote now.

Prove me wrong, PPCLI. Make me change my mind.

I'm assuming the DG just gets one save, period. Doesn't matter if it's successful or not.

Seems pretty obvious that he's trying to start up a TP alliance by outing himself. There's really no point in voting him out now since we'll more than likely find out if he's telling the truth or not tonight.

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Seeing as people are voting out for personal reasons and targeting potential valuable TP who have at least shown some worth RD one, lets try to change that.

Hodor: has been dead silent since this game has now actually began, however, from the one time I've seen her play Mafia, she played the same way. VIC, get your girl into the game like you are!

Ryp: Although I'm against voting people, as I said, for personal reasons. If you are going to do that, this would be your best target with his shenanigans last night of changing peoples criteria in their post, fake quoting people. It can be quite a piss-off, but maybe that's apart of his game plan? Who knows, I've never truly played with this guy before.

Mikeyboy44: I am actually surprised throwing this name in here. I've seen him lurk the thread a few times since the game has begun, but heard nothing from him. I'm curious as to why he'd be so silent this game. Usually he's quite fond of calling people out to get a feel for if they're Mafia or not, but I've yet to see any life from him.

Mau5trap: The only reason I throw his name in here is because, while he did vote for someone, it was PPC. I find this rather interesting considering that over the span of game start to this point, we've concluded that he is likely the Doctor and that the Vigilante shouldn't attack him at risk of the DPG not saving him, and Lackey interfering, but he still goes ahead and votes for him anyways. I'll just go and say he likely didn't have time to read through the whole thread, at least for now. However, it seems eerily similar to the last game where it was Otherwise, Burr, and him left, and he tried to convince Burr.


Now I usually don't go and make a suspicion list, exactly, but other people who have caught my attention at this time,


The Purple Panda (Playing the same as last game, was Mafia, but hasn't had a lot of input in thread overall still)


That's all I've got for now! These are just my thoughts so don't look too much into it.

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Transcript of entire conversation.


"Are you mafia?"


"It depends.

Who's asking?"


"I'm just a regular tp bro"


"Then no"


"Okay :("


"Keep your chin up, kid. :)"


"This is a completely hypothetical question

If you were mafia, what would you want the lackey to do"


"Well, speaking purely in hypotheticals, I would probably want the Lackey to use his or her block on a certain member whose username consists of three of the first four numbers in the Fibonacci sequence... Afterwards, I would hope that said Lackey contacts the user they blocked, who might be kind enough to introduce the Lackey to his family."


"Hmm 0 1 1 2

Not quite sure what you mean :bigblush:"




"Hypothetically why wouldn't you want the lackey to block PPL"


"Hypothetically, there's still only a small chance that PPCLI actually dies next round because the SK would have to be on the Mafia's side. Hypothetically, the Kingpin's investigation may have also been a hit, and the Mafia might feel it's best to take out a potentially special role rather than re-affirm PPCLI's alleged role of Doctor."


"Did you guys get sheriff?"


"Wait lol, nevermind. Just realized if a hypothetical member of the Mafia is blocked, the Mafia kill won't go through."

"And no, not Sheriff, which means we can hypothetically block them this round instead."

but seriously can someone explain what's happened?

VIC summarized it up there two pages ago. Kesler pm'ed 112 because he thought from one of his posts that he was asking the lackey to contact him apparently.

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but seriously can someone explain what's happened?

Kesler PMed me insinuating that he was the Lackey. This was in response to an earlier post I (jokingly) made in the thread, where I requested that the Lackey contact me. I humoured him at first and then tried to get him to waste his hypothetical block, although I was never fully convinced he was the actual Lackey. Kesler thinks I'm Mafia now because of this.

VIC posted a transcript of the conversation. I'll link it in a second, but you're usually pretty active in reading the thread yourself, no?

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but seriously can someone explain what's happened?

Here's a TL:DR version of it.

PPC has said he's Doctor. He asked the DPG to save him, and the Vigilante to attack him. As the night progressed, no-one else came forward as the Doctor and we still have no clue if the DPG will save PPC. At this time we've concluded he's likely the Doctor and asked the Vigilante not to attack him.

On the other end of things, Ryp went arond quoting peoples posts and "fake-quoting" them, getting people angry. JE14 also said that Drouin PMed him in the early stages of the game and said he was Mafia, but that was more a joke than anything, and of course, it is JE14 after all.

Kesler has also pretended to be the Lackey, and PMed 112 in an effort to gather information. Toews and VIC also have evidence of this, but 112 was speaking hypothetically in the PM, which in turn leaves Kesler's attempt a little open-ended. 112 did not admit to being Mafia, but simply stated what he'd do if the Lackey did contact him, which caught Kesler by surprise. Furthermore, 112 has pleaded that, if he is Mafia, he will not play Mafia for the next 10 games.

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Wondering why Toews only asked the specials not to kill you, GFY... why weren't the Mafia included in that plea ?

I'd imagine that, at the time, he suspected the Mafia would likely target PPC instead, and take the chance. I don't care, though, if the Mafia want to take me out, they can go straight ahead. I have nothing to lose, and will simply help the TP alliance be formed. I hold no powers to help the TP again, so if I must be sacrificed for the better of the TP, so be it.

And to clear things up as to why he asked the Special's not to attack me, he was in a similar situation at one point. Everyone always seemed to vote Toews, kill Toews, etc. in the 1ST RD. He eventually got quite pissed off about it (I think it was like 4 times in a row?), and vented his frustration.

He see's I'm in the same situation as he was, being killed in the 1ST RD of the game 3 of the last 4 games I believe, and is only trying to plea to the Special's to give me a break. We even talked about it in a PM last game (When he was Mafia too, hahaha!). I never asked him to come out and plea for me, it was simply him being a good guy since he was in the same situation.

I don't think I deserve any immunity, but it'd be nice to survive more than a RD every now and then. Just sayin'

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