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Mafia: The Game [Cosi Grossi Testicoli] Game Over - Please Sign Up!


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Another nightfall and tonights the night I make my biggest move.

I'm the Doppelganger :)

If I die before I make my kill, that's alright! I've done as much as I can for the TP, while playing mind games with those Mafioso.

If I live here and the Doc dies, just incase, my kill is otherwise.

Otherwise, if you're not Mafia/SK, I apologize, and will see that we (Taking a page from ilduce) build a statue in your honour, along with renaming the local hospital to "St. Otherwise General".

If you are Mafia, I'm sad to inform that your death will be slow and gruesome.

thanks. :)

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This is the vigs last words(Dral)..pretty obvious he is vig now lol

DoppelGanger is Junko - he used his investigation and save on me, so its possible he's lying and is actually mafia. He said he was going to come out right before nightfall. He's hitting up otherwise tonight - so if the doc and me die, and the kill goes somewhere else, lynch him

My VK is going on Toews; too suspicious - I think mafia myself because he doesn't post in our convos or on the boards for like 10-15 mins after nightfall... like he has a more important convo going on. Which means either KP or the sheriff is playing us as well - the MB44 seems like the perfect scape goat to legitimize the sheriff.

mau5trap and NAF are my top suspects for remaining mafia, and Kryten for SK. Contacting PPCLI for a 'suicide mission' is good TP team work, but a better strat for the SK to blend in.

Riigghhttt. And why would I be at the top of the list? Because I called you out earlier on being mafia? Get real noob.

I hope no one is buying this guys act. You're mafia, and I hope everyone else can see it too.

Vote4 Kesler87.

I still feel Heffy may be mafia, but I'm gonna worry about Kesler for now. Vote this guy.

Can someone representing the sheriff please clear my name?

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Not much to add as it looks like we've found a lynch candidate tonight, my opinion though is that 112 is TP because like Toews said, VIC seemed like he was trying to get a bandwagon vote going on him. 112 also said he would self ban himself for 10 games if he wasn't TP...

Unlike mau5trap who said he would god kill himself if VIC wasn't Mafia - pretty safe bet to make when you're Mafia as well.

I'd also suspect Kesler of being TP just because Aladeen probably read him the riot act before the game.

Junko's been all over the board, for now I'd chalk it up to being enthusiastic about surviving past round 1, but I'm watching you :P

NAF looks suspicious to me, sticking up for Mafia - could just be bad luck, but still suspicious

TTP, otherwise and GreenDemon have just been useless so I'd like the Vig to take them out

JE, KH and Kryten I'm 50/50 on could go either way.

Toews is always suspicious, but seems to be playing like a TP, is he that good of an actor? Would be nice to see an epic recap.

And myself, well - yes, I AM that good of an actor :P

I made that proposal because I knew VIC was 100% mafia, and I thought I could make the game more interesting. Again, in a game where the mafia are getting absolutely decimated, why on EARTH would I throw another teammate under the bus? It's just nonsensical. Think about it carefully before making such assumptions.

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With all that being said, another 2 mafia kills! Is this some sort of record? This has been an absolute demolition and I'm glad to be apart of it. It's gonna be tough to weed out the 2 remaining since there are still a lot of TP left, I can envision at this point a lot of TP going down, as that's just the reality of the remaining numbers.

Like I said before, King Heffy (although slightly less now) and Kesler are the last 2 guys that I feel are most likely to be mafia, (and a little bit intoews). Perhaps an investigation could be used?

Also great work on the sheriff for flushing out Mikeyboy, that was awesome. What a start for the TP, exciting stuff.

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