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[Report] Canucks interested in Martin Erat

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Pierre Lebrun has just tweeted that it is confirmed that Erat has asked to be traded.

Erat makes $.3 more than Booth.

Booth and a mid pick/prospect for Erat

Kesler, Booth, Shroeder, Sauve and a 2nd


Backstrom and Erat

How about NOPE! Don't want to trade Kesler and we are giving up a lot for Backstrom and Erat.

Erat for Booth straight up.

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"@kcarrera: Martin Erat confirmed he has asked to be traded, feels like he never had an opportunity with #Caps"

MG better get on this. Trade Booth and a low pick for Erat. I think Washington will bite since no one will give them anything close to what Preds got in return. Booth is healthy now and this is the best time to trade him.

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Wouldn't mind Erat in Vancouver, but Washington would have to eat some of that salary. Erat at 3 for next year would be okay.

That or a 1-1 deal of Booth for Erat, though I doubt Washington would bite on that.

They have no choice since Erat has a big cap and other teams aren't going to give up much for Erat knowing he has asked for a trade. Washington will trade out of conference and Canucks are the team in the West in need of a shakeup. So Erat for Booth makes perfect sense. Maybe Canucks add a low pick to convince Washington.

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Can't see a scenario where the Canucks go after Erat. I really like Erat's game a lot, so this isn't a comment on him as a player or what he can bring.

However, the Canucks problems extend past adding only Erat. And with the cap where it's at this season, I don't think it is in the Canucks best interest this year to sell off young assets to acquire both Erat and Camm.

If it wasn't for the Booth factor, there might be something to be had here. However, Booth is absolutely untradeable. This is a player who has been given every chance to succeed on a Canucks team that, up until last years shortened season, had no problems putting the puck in the net.

Canuck fans are just going to have to accept that this season is not an "all in" season. 1/3 of the way through the season (with games in hand) and they are 4 points out of a playoff spot. Yes, there is a lot of season to go, but all the teams ahead of them are teams that deserve a spot, as they aren't flukes (yes, even Phoenix).

Well, the Kings didn't seem to have an "all in" season when they won their first cup as an 8th place team in the West. I just don't believe in that crap anymore, since you can win the cup as long as you get into the playoffs. The Kings won the cup due to the huge shakeup and adding Carter and Richards to their top 6. If we can add Erat and Cammelleri (playoff performer) maybe we could drastically change our fortunes. This is the time Gillis needs to make those bold moves to make this team a contender while they still have Sedins and Kesler.

Our top 6 with Erat and Cam



A huge difference vs.



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I'd rather give Booth a chance to get in game shape and see what he can do other then get injured. Erat is not an improvement. I don't want a player who has asked to be dealt


Trade him this second before he gets injured again. Not only is he not producing, he gets injured more than Salo.

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Not sure I'd want Erat.

Not much of an upgrade over Booth.

But still an upgrade. So you are happy with Booth who gets injured every other game or gets healthy scratched? Rather have Erat who has proven in the past 8 seasons to be a consistent 50 pt player vs. Booth who scores 30 goals one season then is hunting bears the next two seasons.

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The last thing we need is another guy with a 4m+ cap hit that cant buy a friggin goal in a wide open eastern confrence style of play.

Well, we are trading a similar guy, Booth, for him so it would be a wash at worst. But there is a chance that Erat will produce more in one season than Booth has in a Canucks uniform.

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One thing to note about Booth vs. Erat is that while Erat's caphit is higher (4.5 vs. 4.25) the actual salary in the last year of his deal (they're both signed through next season) is significantly lower. Booth is paid 4.75 actual dollars next year, Erat 2.25. Makes it more palatable to Canucks ownership if a buyout is necessary in the summer, but of course less enticing to Washington.

I'm for it depending on what it takes to get the deal done. Similar to Bourque, there's the hope that these are two players who have been traded to the Conference that doesn't suit their style of play. It's disingenuous to state that all players will score more in the open style of the East - some players just deal with the tighter grinding better than others (particularly a lot of St Louis and LA's players).

Booth and Dalpe might get it done. I think McPhee will just want to save face over the original deal. I'm not sure what the perception of Dalpe is down there (he came from their old division) but if he has some caché as a potential regular it could be enough to appease the fan base.

Out of curiosity I read through a few pages on the Caps forum about the Erat situation. Not surprisingly, the majority were variations of what goes on here - "GMGM out GM'd again!". This was one of the only decent posts, from what looked like one of their regular posters (but wtf do I know about the Caps board..):

. . . Let the chaos begin.

This doesn't bode well as being moved to a team for a player who was also traded for and now wants out, doesn't sound good.

So, I guess we need to shop for a left handed shot in the 4 mil range that will improve us, move him for a D, or risk the season and package him up for a major deal. Or find someone who will give us good picks/prospects and move MoJo to wing and use the picks/cap space at the deadline

(BTW the later has a very high probability)

This is just gonna get ugly,. . . Hoping will grab a high energy guy from this, but well see

There seems to also be a lot of chatter about a more conservative D for their team, someone simple. As much as it's a cliché, Alberts as a throw-in isn't unreasonable I think.

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Schroeder's a bit much imo. Maybe Dalpe.

The reason I picked Schroeder is because I don't see his playing opportunity here. He's kinda like a Raymond; not really good enough for the top lines, not physical enough for the bottom lines. And he might be developing slowly, but I've seen not a lot of progress with him. It isn't that I want to give up on him, but I just don't see many worthwhile prospects in our system and I don't think a guy like Dalpe is gonna cut it.

The truth is that Erat has shown himself in the past to be a better player than Booth even at both of their primes. Add to that the fact that Erat has only had one year of decline, whereas Booth hasn't been very good now for years. Plus, Erat still has done better this year than Booth. Finally, Erat's actual price for the season is noticeably lower. (Although the cap hit is similar)

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I would roll the dice on Erat for Booth, but only because Erat is a ufa at the end of this season. As it stands, Booth might be a buy out andhas been injury prone. Do not want to risk him getting injured. Whereas If Erat gets injured, tough. New scenery should motivate and Erat is in his contract year. He is motivated to do better!

Edit: actually nevermind. They both have equal salaries and Rest has the same amount of term left. Would rather have Booth.

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The point of making such a trade is that it can't get any worse for either player. They're both rock bottom in their careers, so if you get anything out of them for the rest of their contract it's a bonus because right now they're both buy-out candidates. Maybe only one of them turns things around, maybe neither of them do? But a change of scenery can make all the difference in the world. That's why you consider making that trade.

i know why you consider making the trade , i never asked that
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But still an upgrade. So you are happy with Booth who gets injured every other game or gets healthy scratched? Rather have Erat who has proven in the past 8 seasons to be a consistent 50 pt player vs. Booth who scores 30 goals one season then is hunting bears the next two seasons.

What does hunting have to do with his playing status and lack of production ?
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I wouldnt overly mind the addition of Erat, just to see if we could gererate some moe secondary scoring. It just seems odd to me that a consistent 20 goal, 50 point offensive threat falls so far off the map once joining a new team.

Im not so sure that hes any more effective than a Higgins or Hansen offensively, therefore Ill take a pass, since I think that we could use more players who react like we did last night.

Higgins, Hansen, Burrows, Booth and Santorelli. We need to replace two of these players with two attributes: the ability two create more scoring chances, and the ability to respond physically. Most of the forementioned can buzz around and throw a few body checks, but theyre anything but intimidating physically nor are they seen as a offensive threat to the opposititon. A Kyle Clifford, Evander Kane, Marcus Foligno, Troy Brouwer, Steve Ott, David Clarkson, ect. type player. Thats the addition Id like to see. Im aware that offensive is of the most pressing concern, but I think that a physical presence in the form of a solid top 9 player is of even better gain if they are to compete with this division.

I know that Zack Kassian was the addition they wanted to play that role, but clearly he's still very early in his development and he wont be doing anything consistently for the forseeable future. Currently I can see him anywhere but playing on the 4th line utill he starts to use his body while not nullifing every good play with a bone head turnover.

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