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Shawn Thornton Slew Foots Orpik, Proceeds to Punch Him While He's Down UPDATE : 15 GAME SUSPENSION

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That was a GOOD hit by Orpik on Eriksson. Of course the god damn retard Bruins fans come out of the wood work claiming it was a head shot.

And as a result of a GOOD hit where Eriksson got steamrolled, Thornton has to beat the piss out of someone otherwise he's not doing his job. Then the reputation of the Bruins being thugs only compounds because Julien will never ever accuse of his players being in the wrong but instead make excuses such as "Salo took a run.." or "Marchand was just defending himself.."

And people want the instigator rule back?

All that will do is allow goons like Thornton to beat up on anybody who throws a hit on a Bruin - clean or not - without interference from the pesky refs.

His whole 'honor' diatribe just proves how ridiculous a notion it is to "let the players police themselves".

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Kassian got 5 games for careless use of his stick.

John Scoot got 7 games for telling Kessel he was going to go with him and took 2 chops off his leg while holding 2 Leafs at arms length

Dale Hunter got 20 games for hitting Turgeon after he scored a goal.

This by far is worse then the Hunter hit. Give him 25 or 30 games and I don't care if it is his first time beinig suspended.

Not worse than the Hunter hit. But Dale should have got the whole season for that nonsense.

But I agree that Thornton should get 25-30 games. Probably won't though, since I think it's his first suspension.

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If that coward Orpik had answered the bell none of this would have happened. To all you Bruins bashers the Pens are as dirty as they come. Have you all forgotten that Matt Cooke used to play for them. Cry baby Crosby seems to have forgotten this too. Neals knee to Marchands head was a dirty dirty play.

The Savard hit was clean.

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With a hit he didn't have to make. Look, he's the same as dustin brown a hit an run player who tries to hurt guys and will never answer the bell. What do you expect is gonna happen. Even Matt Cooke fought Thornton when he had to answer fhe bell.

The hit looked fine to me. No he didn't HAVE to make it but he's allowed to. Could've been interference maybe. But the head wasn't the main point of contact. Hundreds of players have made similar or worse hits, not very many of them were straight up mugged later on. I don't think anyone expected that to happen.

I know hockey is emotional but it sucks how guys go out and pick fights with someone who made a legal hit. The Bruins are one of the worst teams for this.

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I'm wondering why the rule they are using against Thornton (aggressor rule) wasn't used against Ray Emery, who obviously should have been suspended.

Maybe start a thread about it. This is a thread about the violent premeditated assault by Thornton on an unsuspecting player. Liefetime ban is the only justice.

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A knee to the back of the head could paralyze someone.

A sucker punch to the head would give you a concussion, a few cuts and a broken bone, at worst.

Steve Moore says hello to point #2?

And they were both separate, individual, dirty acts. One doesn't downplay or excuse the other. There is no comparison to be made and they have to be looked at separately, not collectively.

The attack by Thornton was a search and destroy mission after gameplay. Post whistle and an ambush. Has no place in hockey and should have been done away with as of March 8, 2004. Yet, here we are, nearly a decade later with crap like this still happening. Any other boss with a workplace like this would be canned for not taking charge and having addressed matters through a clear and decisive action plan. Yet, here we are, nearly a decade later, and we're more confused than ever it seems. Inconsistent and based on numbers (on the back of jerseys) still. Rather than just cut and dry in a you did it and this will happen way.

Thornton grabbed a guy he wanted some retaliatory justice against, just like Bertuzzi. Took him to the ice and clocked him in the back of the head, similar to Bertuzzi. Didn't really mean it after the fact and cried, just like Bertuzzi. Said he was sorry, just like Bertuzzi. The only thing different (really) is the end result, which only fate decides...nothing else is much different. So I'd expect the rest to play out....just like Bertuzzi. Or that Bertuzzi's case reflects the fact that the head honchos in charge of it all are STILL allowing this TO happen and that is where the real problem lies.

But, I can already hear the Shanaspam that will defend him as a clean player without much history of.... blah, blah. If they do that, then it's clearly not going to change anything. You can't justify this, period.

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A knee to the back of the head could paralyze someone.

A sucker punch to the head would give you a concussion, a few cuts and a broken bone, at worst.

One of the dumber posts in this thread, and that is saying a lot. People have died being sucker-punched, just as people have died by being kneed to the head.

I get that you didn't think the punches were serious, but you don't need to resort to outlandish statements to try and back up that argument.

The replay shows that Orpik was not punched that hard. The problem was that his his neck was lying parallel to the ice. He had absolutely no way of supporting the side of his neck, and when he got punched, his neck snapped towards the ice. You can get a concussion just from getting hit in the neck...

Also, it is pretty obvious who the Flyer fan is in this thread. You don't have to like the player to acknowledge the play was dirty. I hate Marchand, I don't care what happens to him. At the same time, Neal's play was nearly as bad as Thornton's (and certainly the outcome could have been worse).

Julien's comment are, unsurprisingly, disgusting.

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he just got hit in the right spot.... the punches were not that bad it was just too bad that he got knocked out.. anyone remember carkner boyle in the playoffs a couple years back? carkner was throwing much harder punches and many more to a guy that didnt want to fight difference is boyle didnt get knocked out. and that stretcher last night was a little much and cant help but feel teams will do this more as it adds to the bad optics of the event......football players get knocked out all the time and dont leave on stretchers same with MMA and boxers....... like i said sometimes you get hit in the right spot and its lights out....

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Grasping at straws, here.

Come on, you have to admit those were weak sauce jabs. Not to mention, Thornton had his gloves on.

Doesn't matter, easy concussion material right here with those weak jabs resulting in his head hitting the ice several times.

I could demonstrate with you if you feel confident.

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Steve Moore says hello to point #2?

And they were both separate, individual, dirty acts. One doesn't downplay or excuse the other. There is no comparison to be made and they have to be looked at separately, not collectively.

The attack by Thornton was a search and destroy mission after gameplay. Post whistle and an ambush. Has no place in hockey and should have been done away with as of March 8, 2004. Yet, here we are, nearly a decade later with crap like this still happening. Any other boss with a workplace like this would be canned for not taking charge and having addressed matters through a clear and decisive action plan. Yet, here we are, nearly a decade later, and we're more confused than ever it seems. Inconsistent and based on numbers (on the back of jerseys) still. Rather than just cut and dry in a you did it and this will happen way.

Thornton grabbed a guy he wanted some retaliatory justice against, just like Bertuzzi. Took him to the ice and clocked him in the back of the head, similar to Bertuzzi. Didn't really mean it after the fact and cried, just like Bertuzzi. Said he was sorry, just like Bertuzzi. The only thing different (really) is the end result, which only fate decides...nothing else is much different. So I'd expect the rest to play out....just like Bertuzzi. Or that Bertuzzi's case reflects the fact that the head honchos in charge of it all are STILL allowing this TO happen and that is where the real problem lies.

But, I can already hear the Shanaspam that will defend him as a clean player without much history of.... blah, blah. If they do that, then it's clearly not going to change anything. You can't justify this, period.

+1 for you Deb . Well said.

How is Bertuzzi charged with assault , but Thornton isn't ?

The league threw Bertuzzi out for a whole year. Thornton should get 25 games, regardless of history.

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