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Gillis silent while Canucks need him most (Bold moves my ass)


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Yup, some pretty big moves were made.

We have moveable assets, whether or not we want to see Horvat or Shinkaruk in a different organization is a different story.

We aren't the only team who has needs that isn't making a trade. Look around, its not like big trades are going off left & right. Every team is in the same position we are. Luckily for us, we have been able to collect points without alot of really important players in our lineup.

Ya its not like we were in game 7 of a SCF recently or anything...

These are all facts, he owned you all.

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Yup, some pretty big moves were made.

Every team is in the same position as us.

Two waiver wire pickups.

The Canucks are now in a position to fall into 9th in the West,statistically.

Three of 14 teams in the West have scored fewer goals than the Canucks.

From Stanley Cup contender to fighting for a playoff position.

There are plenty of teams not in this position.

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Two waiver wire pickups.

The Canucks are now in a position to fall into 9th in the West,statistically.

Three of 14 teams in the West have scored fewer goals than the Canucks.

From Stanley Cup contender to fighting for a playoff position.

There are plenty of teams not in this position.

Yup, a new coach wasn't brought in, a big trade wasn't made, some top 9 forwards weren't brought in. Nothing happened this offseason my mistake.

I meant teams are in the same position as us, as it pertains to, having needs & not being able to pull off a trade, every team in the league is in that position, should every team fire there GM?

Even standing's wise, there are 7 points seperating 5 teams in the west. There are good teams fighting for playoff spots, we aren't alone. LA just won the cup a few years ago, and there only 2 points ahead of us, I guess they went from Stanley cup winners, to fighting for a playoff spot, even worse. Its a tough conference, and an especially tough division, everyone is fighting for a playoff spot. So yes, there are plenty of teams in the spot as we are.

Things aren't as grim as it would seem from reading this forum.

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Two waiver wire pickups.

The Canucks are now in a position to fall into 9th in the West,statistically.

Three of 14 teams in the West have scored fewer goals than the Canucks.

From Stanley Cup contender to fighting for a playoff position.

There are plenty of teams not in this position.

He meant that as it pertains to wanting to make a trade to fill needs & not being able to.

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What big trade? You mean a junior player hopeful for a roster player?

Waiver wire pick ups are depth players,at best.Santo is a miracle on a real struggling team.First line with the twins,you know?

The Canucks have won 23 out of 43 games.

Anaheim have 31 wins.

The conference is tight.Canucks are looking at 9th place in a heartbeat.

It's a process.

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He's only human, everything is 20/20 in hindsight, it's not an exact science, yadda yadda. In many instances, players just didn't produce.

At this point, we are anchored by our franchise's two greatest players ever, the Sedins. They are our identity, and it's not gonna win in this north american game.

We are doomed to suffer as fans. Do yourselves a favor and choose a secondary, american, big market team to cheer for, if you really love hockey. Honestly. Mine is the blackhawks, and i never looked back. Best hockey decision i ever made.

Game seven of the Stanley Cup Finals...?

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What big trade? You mean a junior player hopeful for a roster player?

Waiver wire pick ups are depth players,at best.Santo is a miracle on a real struggling team.First line with the twins,you know?

The Canucks have won 23 out of 43 games.

Anaheim have 31 wins.

The conference is tight.Canucks are looking at 9th place in a heartbeat.

It's a process.

Wild suck, And Stars are inconsistent and are the Canucks only competition in the West for the 8th seed.

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blaming gillis' decisions is easy when you have zero idea what the options actually are.

signing twins to a 4 year contract extension when they've clearly lost a step

handing out ntc like there's no tomorrow

signing a 30 year old goalie to a 12 year (or is it 13? who cares?) contract extension after he choked in the playoffs (game 6 blackhawks, 2009) then try to trade him just 3 years later

actually it is so easy to blame that arrogant inept clown

as someone pointed out in another thread; he's still a players' agent masquerading as a gm

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What big trade? You mean a junior player hopeful for a roster player?

Waiver wire pick ups are depth players,at best.Santo is a miracle on a real struggling team.First line with the twins,you know?

The Canucks have won 23 out of 43 games.

Anaheim have 31 wins.

The conference is tight.Canucks are looking at 9th place in a heartbeat.

It's a process.

do you even know how a trade works? Both sides have to give up something they don't need / want, and get something back to fill their current or future needs... What trade is available to us that make sense for both sides? please don't say Horvat + 1st + roster player for Evander Kane

I only remember one waiver wire pick up, and that is in the name of Ryan Stanton, who IS a depth player and was a stable as our 6th Dman until he was hurt..... Santorelli was SIGNED as a depth player, in fact he was only really suppose to compete for the 3rd or 4th line C ... the fact that he can play on Sedin line is a sign that this DEPTH SIGNING is paying off dividends

What's the point of comparing Canucks to Ducks? We need to get better while they're currently the better team, in fact, best team in the league base on point standings... or are you just simply suggesting that overpaying for players such as Kane or Pacioretty or get a rental like Vanek will magically put us on par with that team? and why are you even comparing us to Ducks? Bruce has been well known as a great regular season coach (see his years in Washington)... I will await my judgment on that team base on their team's playoff success

Yeah the conference is tight, we could also be looking at 2nd or 3rd place in our division in a heart beat

Seriously I don't seem to remember you saying anything useful besides MG IS CLOWN PLS FIRE HIM DIS TEAM WILL SUK UNLESS WE HIRE A DIFFERENT GM... just out of curiosity, who would you have in mind as his replacement? someone bold like Burke (signing Kessel to that poaching contract which costed multiple first round picks) or Holmgren (I don't think I need to give any examples of this guy)?

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There were reports after both the Hodgson trade and Schneider trades that other GMs, had they know those players were available, would have offered significant assets. In both cases, GIllis acted out of urgency and impulsively and got less than he likely could have.

Offering more isn't the same as offering what's wanted. Gillis said he'd already inquired about the availability of several young power fowards but none of the GM's were willing to trade them at the time. That's the return for Hodgson he was looking for. When one became available he made the deal.

As to Schneider I don't think goalies are getting the return they did even two years ago. There's a lot of good young goalies out there. But a top ten pick in a deep draft is a pretty good return as far as I'm concerned. The odds are heavy on the success side in picking that high. A blue chip is something we needed for the future and I think we got one. A GM can't only look at now, he has to have cheap replacements for the future as well. One of the problems Gillis walked into here.

I have no problem at all with either of those deals as they both addressed a need. Size with offensive potential and a relatively sure thing for the future. Our core isn't getting younger. Some can be replaced from the UFA market but doing so doesn't give you those cheap entry level deals that allow you to add extra.

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Thank you.

We all watched Luongo hung out to dry for an entire year.

Poor Lou...got outplayed by his backup and lost his job. Then of course we couldn't trade his albatross of a contract. I don't consider that being hung out to dry. The starting role is his to lose and he did.

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Horvat won't be with the big team next year. Where is he going to play and get minutes? Third line defensive responsibilities? Not a chance. Fourth line f-all minutes? Not a chance. Utica-bound. Get used to it. :sadno:

Bo Horvat is not eligible to play in Utica next year. He'll still be only 19 years old. One more year in London, a leading role on team Canada then a third line role in two years. Unless Gillis is dumb enough to rush him into the lineup. Which I wouldn't rule out completely.

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I hate Gillis as much as the next guy but I find it funny people want him to make a trade only to complain we got a poor return. I'd say wait until he's fired and let a real GM make a trade. We keep losing we might get a good pick this year..

We are 2 points out of 6th in the league.. we would have to lose a lot to get a good pick.. the problem is the west is so strong so even that high in the league our playoff position is in jeopardy.. tanking for a pick is not going to happen.. we have to get better.

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Bo Horvat is not eligible to play in Utica next year. He'll still be only 19 years old. One more year in London, a leading role on team Canada then a third line role in two years. Unless Gillis is dumb enough to rush him into the lineup. Which I wouldn't rule out completely.

Although i would prefer that he be in utica next year, i think another year in london may be a mistake

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Last years draft provided us with two or three very nice pieces but their contribution is three to four years away. Over payiing for an average defense with not one of them being difficult to play against as well as a wealth of 6 foot 190 pound grinders with not much finish has left us in this situation. We need more size and speed in our role players if we are going to compete. I don't have a problem with Sedin's contract as they have earned it over their careers. this is an above average team, not much else.

( Just because Bieksa can fight does not mean he is difficult to play against )

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