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Gillis silent while Canucks need him most (Bold moves my ass)


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I dont see how next year would be any easier to make a trade than this one. The cap goes up league wide, everyone has extra room. Our NTC's remain, most of the players with them will be 1 more year along the decline line. FA's will command stupid bids, and will inevitably disappoint.

Not only that, but we will prob be breaking in rookies. I seriously doubt any of Gaunce, Schroeder, Bo, Shink ect are immediate upgrades over Richardson, Santo, Higgy, Hansen...

Nothing we have gets any more valuable. Edler will probably continue to suck, no one will want to pay for him. Dallas and Philly had, and have, good young forwards and are looking for D. Best time was prob at the draft though....when people thought Eddie was good..

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They were also not a playoff team. Where are they this year after that deal?

In fairness to Dallas they could be in coming years if they keep building the right way, but there isn't much of a guarantee for them right now. It could have backfired, and then they'd be building a bit longer, but it looks like it's worked for them right now.

As you say, we did the same with Kassian for Hodgson. Certainly Kassian isn't a bust or anything, but it hasn't been the success people want it to be just yet. But Ballard was also a move of trying to get something rather than waiting for what comes available. Neither was quite as high profile as Seguin for Eriksson, but still similar style moves.

Re-signing Edler is a far better move than the Leafs bringing back Phaneuf for what they did. Hamhuis was a great move since he's been nothing but very good for us and Garrison and Stanton have booth been good as well.

As far as the Anaheim game, it was less about a PMD hanging us up by being hemmed in our own zone and more about two other things: converting out chances and not making critical mistakes. Would a PMD help? Sure, but Edler's out so who's to say he (and Stanton) wouldn't have helped make a bit of a difference at least. Certainly already established PMDs (and 1st line wings, particularly power forwards) don't just grow on trees, never mind in a year where teams have trouble making moves because of the cap.

"But that team was truly in a re-building phase. And they went about re-building."

I did mention they were a re-building team. Re-builds start with guys like Tavares, possibly (it appears so atm) Seguin. You always start with the best player available. Their immediate return is less important than putting in key building blocks. All the better if they come out of the gates firing.

It's still a different scenario than tweaking a competitive team. Boston had two other top 6 centers already signed long term. That building block was covered. We have lots of two way D. Trading a spare block for one you don't have is the goal.

But rebuilding or not; you also keep looking for key blocks if guys don't work out. Yzerman needed a goalie so he grabbed Lindback. He did not set the world on fire, so he added Bishop. Its still early days with Bishop even with encouraging results, so nobody gave up on Lindback as Philly did Bobro. Nor should we Kassian.

But we should still look for a Twin winger. And we should still look for a PMD. Not continue to add blocks we already have.

Two years ago we needed a Malhotra replacement. Since we added Mallet, Gaunce, Cassells, Horvat, had Schroeder, Richardson, Santorelli, Dalpe and Wesh. Its fair to question not grabbing Nichushkin. I see some single mindedness, while not addressing the wing which is a missing block.

And we should add a PMD, another brick. Weber is not a great effort. Subban is years away, if?

Edler? Edler is a great player. I am not amongst haters. So is Garrison. So is Hamhuis. Stanton appears he will be. But they are all, in the grand scheme of things, similar players. None of these guys are that PMD to make us a dynamic core. Nor is Bieksa, Corrado or Tanev.

I was asking why we keep investing in building blocks we already have?

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They (DALLAS) were also not a playoff team. Where are they this year after that deal?

Dallas have three games in hand on Vancouver and three fewer wins than Vancouver.

Vancouver is in 7th place in the Conference -soon to be eighth.

Dallas is in 10th-soon to be in 9th.Not much difference in loser land.

Gillis is not a 'Bold Moves' GM.Nill has already proven he is capable of a significant trade that markedly improved his team.

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And this year the best player available appears to have been Vanek, a rental who already has a team rumoured he'll sign with come free agency. Maybe Gaborik comes available (who am I kidding, he likely already is available) but there aren't a lot of top end choices. Kane and Pacioretty have been bandied about but locally everyone laughs at those rumours. I'm not sure who we'd even be able to go after that wouldn't cost an arm and a leg (as Vanek did).

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Dallas have three games in hand on Vancouver and three fewer wins than Vancouver.

Vancouver is in 7th place in the Conference -soon to be eighth.

Dallas is in 10th-soon to be in 9th.Not much difference in loser land.

Gillis is not a 'Bold Moves' GM.Nill has already proven he is capable of a significant trade that markedly improved his team.

Haha, one move for Nill and he's a 'bold moves' kind of guy. People forget Gillis' first year of going after Sundin with a major contract to woo the best free agent on the market. Not to mention he's been involved on a number of other players like Weber and Doan, plus the top college free agent in a while in Schultz.

Markedly improved his team is a bit strong - at least at present. Seguin should have more longevity being younger than Eriksson, the the other pieces in the deal balance that out. Morrow and Reilly going to Boston with Peverly coming to Dallas aren't throwaway pieces in the deal. Kind of sounds like a little bigger version of the Grabner/Ballard deal actually, but who cares who was involved in that.

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No Sundin=No Beast Kesler and Sedin offensive skill we have had last several years

Sundin taught him everything he knew in those forty games of lack lustre performance.

AV couldn't even put him on the PP for 20 games he stunk so bad.

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since I was pretty drunk during the game 7 SCF and didn't want to see the game again, I was just watching full highlights on youtube and noticed that every goal scored was when the sedin line was on. Our recent game with LA who also plays really physical know how to dominate them so it is pretty obvious in playoffs what is going to happen every year.

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Ahhhh yes, the steel mindtraps of the CDC strike yet again... everything is ALWAYS as simple as we would have it to be, had MG and other previous GM's had done then this would be a different team. The twins traded for a bag of pucks for starters... and i could go on and on.. People talk as though we're the panthers.

Oh yes and everyone including MG saw the lockout coming and the cap going DOWN instead of up, but oh MG SHOULD have seen that too!

Yes and getting a yr end rental and deplete the prospect pool which has finally developed some decent prospects for a change is soooooooo the answer, yes lets throw away our teams future and get a *shot* at one cup. MAN THAT IS SO SMART! Isn't that what detroit has done year after year?

Oh wait, Vancouver is the only team in hockey looking for a really good top 6 centerman and D-man! Oh right, i forgot that there tons of them out there for next to nothing these days and we have tons of cap space for it too!

Oh right and it's been MG that's been our GM since the canucks first started so everything is on his plate for the blame as well.. (what was i thinking?)

Oh and hey... What a idiot Torts was to put sestito on the top six to send a msg to the other team not to mess with our stars and some added toughness and it actually worked... man what is wrong with that guy???????

Oh hang on, with salaries going through the roof and will only get worse and worse.. MG is going to look like a idiot for those NT clauses when the prices for even decent guys will be even worse than it is now.

Oooops and i forgot, why wait to get players to get healthy before you even consider a trade? trade them immediately and get a lot less return! WHOA! That's so amazingly smart... More GM's should get on that boat before it sinks!

Man i feel sorry for us fans who are have such a horrible team, empty building for the most part and losing money so badly that maybe next year we may go bankrupt. We never have a chance at winning any games at all, we're always last place. We never have exciting games... this is soooooooo awful! Can i go cry in a corner now? PLEASE! Wahhhhhhhh!!!!

Seriously... can we come back down to earth yet? i, for one am certainly glad we actually got something for schneids that looks like in the near future could auctually have the potential for being the captain of this team as was hoped for with Cody. There was no way ANYONE could have seen the lockout and it's affects on the cap. Lou will not be traded and MG will have even more cap money in the next 1-3 because of having anywhere near close to a world class goalie without having to pay 10 mil a season which "NEWSFLASH* may very well be the case at the rate things are going.

The same is probably going to be said for D-men of any calibre, that has already gone through the roof and is steadily climbing as well.

For real... we have 7-ish million coming next year to play with.. that and getting rid of a single salary for around 2 mil is around 10 million to get a star top 6 center and D-man we need to make us with the top 5 in this league and a serious contender for the cup for the next 4-5 yrs AT LEAST. One could almost say "favorite" but a contender at the least... Doubt it? we, right now without those 2 players are in the close to the top 10 already.

Please, please give your head a rattle about the NTC's... players of calibre with FAMILIES don't want to keep moving around from city to city and a lot of what attracts them is stability of knowing they won't be packing yet again for awhile, that's a lot of the reason they choose between one team and another. Do we like it? Not really when things change but too bad so sad... live with it...

Yes i get razzed by other fans that happen to be family and friends in other provinces that we have never won a cup, does it bother me? Not really when i consider that if i take a night to watch a hockey game then there's a good chance we actually win and i get some fun out of watching because this isn't the oilers or panthers for the most part. So i consider too that i'm thankful for a change we have decent ownership now that doesn't own the team just for the status of it like the griffiths did and who try and run it on a shoe string and THAT'S THE REAL REASON why we have never had a cup, back in the day there wasn't such a thing as the cap obviously and that's easy to forget. Sorry Griffith lovers but the Griffiths never deserved to own this team and they ran it into the ground.

IF your too stupid to figure out this mess wasn't created by MG or the ownership then i think you need re-think things just a little.....

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Our best players have to be our best players. If our supposed stars don't bump the slump and start converting chances then we will stay a bubble team because of our good secondary personnel and hard work ethic.

Gillis has done a good job, sometimes players have off years, hell when LA won the cup they were silent all year then exploded in April. Claude Giroux was invisible last season...

I hope they (mainly Daniel) can turn it around. If Dank starts converting chances at a 30-40 goal rate again, then we are golden.

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Reality Check. Gillis has NTC'd himself into a corner. Anything we want to trade, we can't. Anything we want to hold onto long term we don't want to trade.

Luongo has little if ANY value unless we agree to pay his entire salary. And even then there's no real demand for goalies.

Kesler is an emotional fireball, even if he agreed to move where would he want to go?

Twins even with the cap going up no one has cap room for them.

Edler, has to agree to move, and he's been not playing great this season.

Are people ok with trading Shinkaruk or Kassian or both?

We are far more than 1 top 6 forward away. We have a team with 3 top 6 forwards in Kesler, and the Twins. We have a top 2 d-man in Hamhuis. All the other forwards are not proven enough to be other than 3rd or 4th liners. And Stanton, and Tanev are just getting used to the NHL. Bieksa, Garrison and Edler are Jekyll and Hydes. One minute they play like all-stars, the next shift they can't stop a 4th liner.

I'm pretty sure if you gave Scotty Bowman 100% ownership of the team and let him build it the way he sees fit. It would still take him 1-2 seasons to get this thing figured out.

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Dallas have three games in hand on Vancouver and three fewer wins than Vancouver.

Vancouver is in 7th place in the Conference -soon to be eighth.

Dallas is in 10th-soon to be in 9th.Not much difference in loser land.

Gillis is not a 'Bold Moves' GM.Nill has already proven he is capable of a significant trade that markedly improved his team.

Stars lost 7-3.

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Reality Check. Gillis has NTC'd himself into a corner. Anything we want to trade, we can't. Anything we want to hold onto long term we don't want to trade.

Luongo has little if ANY value unless we agree to pay his entire salary. And even then there's no real demand for goalies.

Kesler is an emotional fireball, even if he agreed to move where would he want to go?

Twins even with the cap going up no one has cap room for them.

Edler, has to agree to move, and he's been not playing great this season.

Are people ok with trading Shinkaruk or Kassian or both?

We are far more than 1 top 6 forward away. We have a team with 3 top 6 forwards in Kesler, and the Twins. We have a top 2 d-man in Hamhuis. All the other forwards are not proven enough to be other than 3rd or 4th liners. And Stanton, and Tanev are just getting used to the NHL. Bieksa, Garrison and Edler are Jekyll and Hydes. One minute they play like all-stars, the next shift they can't stop a 4th liner.

I'm pretty sure if you gave Scotty Bowman 100% ownership of the team and let him build it the way he sees fit. It would still take him 1-2 seasons to get this thing figured out.

How is it that we need to trade our NTC's? Most of them are a mindset away from being the players we need them to be. When the team does badly it's from guys trying to do it indivually and not as a team and then they try to be more then they are.

Luo doesn't need to be traded, i bet within 2-3 years $10 million for a goalie will hardly be out of the norm by that much. So Burrows isn't top 6? Since when?

Booth is easy a top 6 (2nd line) but has run into injury problems but for whatever reason isn't close to playing the game he could i give you that but he played great before and that's what normally a GM goes after and he was the only close to a power forward we needed at the time to put with Kes.

Some teams have their top 6 solidified and have players that developed into that now are playing on 3rd lines that can be parted with next year so don't be suprised when we get one for a decent trade of someone we have that is not as good as 2nd line but too good for 3rd line i.e. higgins santorelli... those 2 could net us a top 6 and then we could easily fill those spots with prospects on their way up to need to learn how to even out their game. Same happened to kes and burr before they got to top 6 remember?

Then we still have 7-8 mil for a top 6 forward and another d-man, our situation is not near as bad as people make it out to be.

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