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Mafia: Zodiac - GAME OVER, TOWN WINS - Sign-ups open

Master Radishes

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Man I didn't think this game started until today now I have 23 pages of crap to sift through in order to get caught up...

What the hell is the Zodiac thing, cause obviously MR got mine wrong since he should know that I most closely resemble a Horse... :bigblush:

Anyone want to give me the cliff notes of what's been going on?

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Half-assed summary:

- King Heffy and Alchemy Time are giving me weird vibes. Could definitely see one or both of them being Mafia.

- You (VIC) are always Mafia, and I like to take a "guilty until proven innocent" approach when reading you. More so than with other players at least.

- Drouin needs to be killed off tomorrow night.

- Has Aladeen posted yet? Might be worth having a TP special take him out just to see what that PM was all about.

- I've had trouble following the whole CatsPajamas thing, but he's probably a good candidate for a first round lynch even if he does come up TP.

- Take notes, Dral. You don't need to go bat**** crazy when posting drunk. ;)

WTF? What PM? I haven't even logged on this weekend I PMed nobody except Dral like 2 minutes ago cause he asked me what my sign was and I told him I'm not telling until at least I know what the signs are for!

Vote Intoewsables

At least until he tells me what is going on and why he is wanting TP Specials to Target me. Since he is throwing my name out there I would ask the Sheriff to please investigate me if you haven't investigated someone yet (Or Intoewsables even) to clear my name.

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A thought considering the possibility of multiple sheriffs: Anyone who's been PM'ed by a "sheriff" should ask the sheriff what their sign is. They can then share the sign with anyone else contacted by a different sheriff. This won't help with the paranoid/naive sheriffs, but it will help with mafia members with a different role from impersonating a sheriff. (I think it's quite likely that any sheriff would have been given the same sign by MR)

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CatsPajamas - 13 (PPCLI, Big Mike, Luciferase, Kesler87, VICanucksfan5551, One one two, Peaches, Tig'ol Bitties, HowYaDrouin, King Heffy, Alchemy Time, Intoewsables, Go Faulk Yourself, g_bassi13, avelanch)

JE14 - 2 (mau5trap, Drouin)

One one two - 2 (D.Doughty, Kryten)

OurTimeToShine - 1 (JE14)

Kesler87 - 1 (LTCanucksfanatic)

Drouin - 0 (Dral)

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