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[Heritage Classic] Ottawa @ Vancouver | 03/02/14 |


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Sure. Something Luo tweets, and something tweeted by someone else to report secondhand something Luo said are exactly the same thing except for people who worry about semantics. Or, you know, accuracy and truth.

Luo's never shown himself to be anything other than a supportive teammate. It's up to the team to show a little respect in return! And btw, his job is to be the goaltender, not stop the media from creating a circus. That's management's job and it's about time they started doing it instead of expecting their players to.

As for the Kesler comment, if that was a joke at the expense of the management, it was a well deserved charge.

Fact is, Lu said it.

Poor choice of words.

Deserved or not, not a wise move and he may be paying the price for it.

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Believe it or not, some people have this thing called class and respect for seniorty. Luongo has played awesome this year, he's put up with a LOT of BS from fans and management for many years, he even asked to be traded away, he was denied that and he wanted this game, he should be entitled to play. It is the least they could do. Unless of course they need him to stay healthy for a trade, then he should be thankful.

Lack, I love the guy and he is awesome and the future goalie of this team, but his hot streak is going to end believe it or not, he is still a rookie without a single NHL season under his belt.

Class as in keeping quiet and remaining professional and respect for seniority as in refraining to take public shots at senior Management?

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A rookie who, right now, is giving the team a better chance to win. If Luongo sees this as a reason to whine, he needs to be traded ASAP.

I agree he needs to be traded..last year...but Lack can wait,,this game is more than the hot hand bro...all the arsekissing getting Lu back here and now this...its a big kick in the nads. The difference is minimal between the 2.

I guess you are ready for another controversy dominating the media ..after the last one,, Im not.

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Fact is, Lu said it.

Poor choice of words.

Deserved or not, not a wise move and he may be paying the price for it.

And if management is punishing our starting goalie for referencing a recent and well know event to try to take heat off a teammate, we've got way bigger problems. People (like you) keep saying how Luo needs to suck it up, but that sounds like it's the management who need to learn to suck it up and behave like professionals!

EDIT to add: If they thought he spoke out of school, they should have taken him aside and had a conversation with him, not sit him out of childish spite and knowingly create this controversy that is an unnecessary distraction to the entire team.

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he said he had moved on beyond Vancouver. he likened the team to being an ex-wife that he is "over" -- he expected to leave. he sold his house. his wife is not in Vancouver. give me a break.

the same argument about Schneider was made "omg he's never played a full season, we don't how good he is" -- utter crap argument, in my opinion. a goalie does not play well for 30 games then start to suck when he plays 18 more. Look at Schneider's numbers this year. There is absolutely no reason to think he will crumble with a few more games. He is a fantastic talent. All indication is that Lack has a lot of potential too.

So the argument that Lack shouldn't play because he does not have experience is silly and regressive because it actually cripples the ability to make an actually educated judgment on the quality of the player

im not saying Lack can be a world class starter after 24 games, but we're seeing the potential, AGAIN. why stifle it and then ship it off... AGAIN?

Look buddy, I'm not sure why you're attacking my opinion but it's just as valid as yours and certainly not "crap".

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And if management is punishing our starting goalie for referencing a recent and well know event to try to take heat off a teammate, we've got way bigger problems. People (like you) keep saying how Luo needs to suck it up, but that sounds like it's the management who need to learn to suck it up and behave like professionals!

If you read my posts, you will see that my opinion f management's handling of this is the same as yours. that doesn't give Lu a pass for his role in this mess.
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Class as in keeping quiet and remaining professional and respect for seniority as in refraining to take public shots at senior Management?

Luongo has been classy and put up with an astonishing amount of BS from this organization and its fans. Luongo has clearly been disgruntled for a very long time and has been good, even humorous about it. There is a difference between being fed up and speaking out about it, and shutting up and doing what your told. Any GM worth his salt would have put an end to this goalie controversy years ago and not let it fester for this long, clearly MG is playing games and doesn't have luongos interests in mind in the least.

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And if management is punishing our starting goalie for referencing a recent and well know event to try to take heat off a teammate, we've got way bigger problems. People (like you) keep saying how Luo needs to suck it up, but that sounds like it's the management who need to learn to suck it up and behave like professionals!

EDIT to add: If they thought he spoke out of school, they should have taken him aside and had a conversation with him, not sit him out of childish spite and knowingly create this controversy that is an unnecessary distraction to the entire team.

Maybe he's been a bigger problem behind closed doors than they're letting on. It could be that this is a disciplinary decision due to him spouting off to Torts or something.
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Wow shocking Lack would start.. does this coaching staff and management just like starting controversies. I get it he's played well the last couple games but cmon just terrible optics and this is coming from a guy who would gladly see Luongo move on from here. I don't see 1 positive to come from this move if true. Last i checked Luongo was still the starting goalie on this team, playing the so called hot hand is nothing but complete hogwash from them.

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If you read my posts, you will see that my opinion f management's handling of this is the same as yours. that doesn't give Lu a pass for his role in this mess.

His role is to play. He's not here to make us feel better about the crappy way he's being treated. Nor is it his role to come to the defense of the management of who keeps mistreating him. If they don't like the situation, they need to address it and make it better and people need to stop expecting Luo to do it for them.

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