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Clippers owner Donald Sterling "don't bring black people to my games"

Tom Sestito

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Well, what if he wasn't banned for life from the NBA, or wasn't forced to sell his team? What if he wasn't fined at all? Would less punishment or no punishment be the way to go? What would that tell the general public? In fact, what would that tell his own players who are black and playing for him and making money for him?

If I was a black player playing for Donald Sterling's team and found out what type of racist he is and what his true feelings are towards me, I would definitely ask for a trade and quit playing for his team. And if I was a black Clippers fan, I would stop going to the games, buying the team's merchandise and would boycotting watching Clippers game altogether until a change was made to ownership.

So what am saying is that I'd rather have an overreaction to these racial incidents than have no reaction at all or a slap on the wrist.

Did I suggest no reaction? That would be the opposite... extreme. I think the sanctions that the commissioner levied were excessive...& unforgiving...so very unlike all of the hand-holding & coddling given to others with behaviorial issues that don't necessarily fly in society. Give him NO op to be repentant,...then? Admit it - he's a billionaire...& you just want him harshly sanctioned & punished for his backward-thoughts expressed in a private convo...because of that! He's not the team's GM.. or the team's President.. or the coach...he simply took on the risks to fund the whole enterprise...what a bastard!

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TBH I hope this story ends now... its dragged on enough.

From what I have read I understand where Defcon and Viking mama are coming from. The weird and crucial detail people are forgetting is that his mistress or gf whatever you want to call her didn't sell the tape... It was someone close that did. She also believes Donald isn't racist, but instead his upbringing is the issue..


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i didn't say you're a troll poster, i said i can't tell if you're trolling. you were spot on with the 'dumb' part, though!

your fashionable (re: substance-free) cynicism is a reflection of your own regressive attitude, it isn't an accurate picture of how the world "truly is" or something. tossing out a bunch of generalities and trivializing the concerns of others, like you've done in this thread, isn't some demystifying act where you reveal "people" for who they really are. if you believe anything you say is, or can be, substantiated with more than just (what reads like) delusion, then you should do or show it. but until then, it's you who pads your sophomoric, CoNTRoVerSiaL rants with paranoia... ironically, while criticizing the "paranoid people" all around you.

just because you're anchored by a tolerance for racism doesn't mean the world lags with you

get some help

WOW...just wow.

Have you ever worked upon a committee? Ever, really listen to..or hear.. both sides of a debate? Is it your strategy to emphasize points by tossing disparaging barbs at strangers? Have you ever had to compromise...with anyone...for any reason? Do you attempt to look at all sides to a situation... before making knee-jerk judgements & refusing to alter course?

I would love to be around to see how well people treat some of you when you are 81 yrs old & ailing. Let's see how... in-step or out-of-step... all of your opinions might be - then. Will others be tolerant of you & compassionate enough to simply scold you,...teach you...talk with you...guide you.. council with you...or will they pile-on & crucify you,...despitefully use you... villify you & dis-regard your many accomplishments,...then fine you some ridiculous sum.....& force you to part with your belongings?

Good luck... in life.

I agree with drummer4now. That expose' by TMZ... got more hype than it deserved. It was a guy discussing an issue with his girlfriend...not news. Racism IS a hot issue...but this wasn't the worst example of it. I liken this very opportunistic villification of Mr, Sterling....to this analogy. Hertl's visor grazed off of Edler's back in a game & spun off. But - the real outrage existed when Edler previously kneed a Staal brother at the World Championships. Even-tho' Edler was disciplined by the IIHF... angry ill will followed him. This carry-over created a bias. That palatable bias lead to a harsher than normal DPS interptretation of events & Edler was suspended for... not injuring a union brother during incidental contact on the ice. Sterling's intimate convo with his girlfriend about race relations & other issues, altho' interesting...was none of our business...& hardly a justifiable reason to fine the fellow.. 2.5 million $...or ban him from attending NBA games for life.

There was over-pandering here..., a cash grab.... & an attempt to orchestrate the hi-jacking of the old man's asset....the Clippers.The NBA is hypocritical. Like Gary Bettman's NHL...Silver hopes to hype the NBA & himself as a do-gooder...while really fronting a den of thieves. If one cannot see injustice....despite "liking" or "dis-liking" the leaked comments of Sterling....then I suggest folks prepare for life to start biting them a little more frequently & harder in the arse. A good society is judged by how well it learns...& trains up the next generation. Excessive retributions harden hearts...& will just lead to more distrust & discord in the future. It's the small mercies that lead to more societal peace.

@ Glassjaw...I find it ironic that you would actually compare my attitudes to that of...Stalin or Hitler! Excessive reparations & punishments... along with general villifications stemming from vindictiveness & limited perspective.... gave root to the attitudes which enabled those tyrannts to rise up. Hate begets more hate... unless humbler & more tender mercies intervene to model a better way...to true equality, freedom, harmony & peace. Kum-ba-ya!

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let's paraphrase what he said - he dislikes minorities and he doesn't want her to have blacks on her instagram and he does not want her to bring blacks to games

Is this guy not allowed to have his own opinion? He did not explicitly say anything negative or offensive about blacks. He obviously doesn't like them, but he never said anything that should gather this type of reaction. You can look up 'black jokes' on google and any of them are more offensive than what he said. Notice how it is all white people that are offended? All of us minorities have experienced this, we have all dealt with this and what he said is nothing compared to what we deal with on a regular basis.

Just take a look in some universities. A chinese kid has 98% average yet the spot goes to a white kid with 94% average. There is no surprise that we get sh*t on, on a daily basis.

If we all get recorded for what we say in our own homes, we will all go to jail or end up in mental asylums. People making a big deal out of this like how they make a big deal out of everything...

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let's paraphrase what he said - he dislikes minorities and he doesn't want her to have blacks on her instagram and he does not want her to bring blacks to games

Is this guy not allowed to have his own opinion? He did not explicitly say anything negative or offensive about blacks. He obviously doesn't like them, but he never said anything that should gather this type of reaction. You can look up 'black jokes' on google and any of them are more offensive than what he said. Notice how it is all white people that are offended? All of us minorities have experienced this, we have all dealt with this and what he said is nothing compared to what we deal with on a regular basis.

Just take a look in some universities. A chinese kid has 98% average yet the spot goes to a white kid with 94% average. There is no surprise that we get sh*t on, on a daily basis.

If we all get recorded for what we say in our own homes, we will all go to jail or end up in mental asylums. People making a big deal out of this like how they make a big deal out of everything...

Sorry I almost spewed my soup after reading that... It seems to be another example in the Asian or greater Asian community that grades automatically guarantee success or spots in certain programs. The reason the 94% "White kid" gets picked is because he/she is a well rounded student... Race has nothing to do with it or at least it shouldn't matter, unless we are talking about a job or spot specifically catered to a given ethnicity or racial group..

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Sorry I almost spewed my soup after reading that... It seems to be another example in the Asian or greater Asian community that grades automatically guarantee success or spots in certain programs. The reason the 94% "White kid" gets picked is because he/she is a well rounded student... Race has nothing to do with it or at least it shouldn't matter, unless we are talking about a job or spot specifically catered to a given ethnicity or racial group..




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Just take a look in some universities. A chinese kid has 98% average yet the spot goes to a white kid with 94% average. There is no surprise that we get sh*t on, on a daily basis.

Yes... that totally explains why Universities such as SFU and UBC are predominately Asian (Oriental, Indian, Southeast Asian)...

And yes, as drummer4now said, schools are looking at things outside of academic success now. I knew a lot of smart kids (a lot of them Asian), who had no other redeeming qualities that a school would look for outside of being smart. They were not well rounded because their whole life was dedicated to studying.

Anyways, it's funny that you are saying people are making big deals about nothing, then you use this argument to say you are being "sh*t on, on a daily basis".

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I just want to comment that Sterling is a frustrated old man primarily because he is racist. If he wasn't racist he wouldn't have a problem with his gf taking pictures with black guys and he would be a much happier man.

He brought his frustrations onto himself because of his inability to adapt.

You got to change with the world.

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Yes... that totally explains why Universities such as SFU and UBC are predominately Asian (Oriental, Indian, Southeast Asian)...

And yes, as drummer4now said, schools are looking at things outside of academic success now. I knew a lot of smart kids (a lot of them Asian), who had no other redeeming qualities that a school would look for outside of being smart. They were not well rounded because their whole life was dedicated to studying.

Anyways, it's funny that you are saying people are making big deals about nothing, then you use this argument to say you are being "sh*t on, on a daily basis".

contrary to popular belief, you'll notice that there are actually more white people when you step into UBC

The things Sterling said aren't even offensive. People are making too big of a deal out of what he said. What we deal with is more than this. If the only things I had to deal with were guys like Sterling, the world would be more peaceful. At least he keeps his racism within him and doesn't spew it out

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contrary to popular belief, you'll notice that there are actually more white people when you step into UBC

The things Sterling said aren't even offensive. People are making too big of a deal out of what he said. What we deal with is more than this. If the only things I had to deal with were guys like Sterling, the world would be more peaceful. At least he keeps his racism within him and doesn't spew it out

He did say (paraphrasing) "In Israel, they treat blacks like dogs", and implied that the US should be more like Israel. If that's not offensive I don't know what is.

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let's paraphrase what he said - he dislikes minorities and he doesn't want her to have blacks on her instagram and he does not want her to bring blacks to games

Is this guy not allowed to have his own opinion? He did not explicitly say anything negative or offensive about blacks.

He doesn't like his girlfriend to be publicly associated with black people. It is actually very offensive. In a way it is much more offensive then say something explicit like "black people are criminals". He is categorizing them as belonging to a lower social class without needing to give a reason.

I hope you understand this.

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WOW...just wow.

Have you ever worked upon a committee? Ever, really listen to..or hear.. both sides of a debate? Is it your strategy to emphasize points by tossing disparaging barbs at strangers? Have you ever had to compromise...with anyone...for any reason? Do you attempt to look at all sides to a situation... before making knee-jerk judgements & refusing to alter course?

I would love to be around to see how well people treat some of you when you are 81 yrs old & ailing. Let's see how... in-step or out-of-step... all of your opinions might be - then. Will others be tolerant of you & compassionate enough to simply scold you,...teach you...talk with you...guide you.. council with you...or will they pile-on & crucify you,...despitefully use you... villify you & dis-regard your many accomplishments,...then fine you some ridiculous sum.....& force you to part with your belongings?

Good luck... in life.

I agree with drummer4now. That expose' by TMZ... got more hype than it deserved. It was a guy discussing an issue with his girlfriend...not news. Racism IS a hot issue...but this wasn't the worst example of it. I liken this very opportunistic villification of Mr, Sterling....to this analogy. Hertl's visor grazed off of Edler's back in a game & spun off. But - the real outrage existed when Edler previously kneed a Staal brother at the World Championships. Even-tho' Edler was disciplined by the IIHF... angry ill will followed him. This carry-over created a bias. That palatable bias lead to a harsher than normal DPS interptretation of events & Edler was suspended for... not injuring a union brother during incidental contact on the ice. Sterling's intimate convo with his girlfriend about race relations & other issues, altho' interesting...was none of our business...& hardly a justifiable reason to fine the fellow.. 2.5 million $...or ban him from attending NBA games for life.

There was over-pandering here..., a cash grab.... & an attempt to orchestrate the hi-jacking of the old man's asset....the Clippers.The NBA is hypocritical. Like Gary Bettman's NHL...Silver hopes to hype the NBA & himself as a do-gooder...while really fronting a den of thieves. If one cannot see injustice....despite "liking" or "dis-liking" the leaked comments of Sterling....then I suggest folks prepare for life to start biting them a little more frequently & harder in the arse. A good society is judged by how well it learns...& trains up the next generation. Excessive retributions harden hearts...& will just lead to more distrust & discord in the future. It's the small mercies that lead to more societal peace.

@ Glassjaw...I find it ironic that you would actually compare my attitudes to that of...Stalin or Hitler! Excessive reparations & punishments... along with general villifications stemming from vindictiveness & limited perspective.... gave root to the attitudes which enabled those tyrannts to rise up. Hate begets more hate... unless humbler & more tender mercies intervene to model a better way...to true equality, freedom, harmony & peace. Kum-ba-ya!

uh, just because i disagree with you doesn't mean i didn't read your every word. i think your opinions on most issues are absolutely hilarious. totally crass. this has nothing to do with my ability to 'function on a committee' and it has nothing to do with me being 81 years old somewhere down the line. i have read plenty of your posts, and i think they all lead to the same conclusion: you're an absolute (insert 'barb' here)

also, and more importantly: search for irony elsewhere: i didn't compare your attitudes to Stalin or Hitler. I didn't mention Stalin or HItler once. That was DefCon.

here's the REAL irony in all of this: you're telling me to read your arguments and listen to your side of the debate, then you attribute quotes to me that I never even said or supported or even commented on. Hitler? Stalin? What is wrong with you?

Anyway, saying "this isn't the worst example of racism" is, as i said previously, relative privation. it's a stupid argument. who cares if its the worst? good grief.

similarly, almost every other 'point' you make is hinged on your speculation, cynicism ('den of thieves?'), with irrefutable and vague comments here and there. It's not even a debate, there's nothing substantial being said. claims like "this isn't the worst act of racism, and the NBA is pandering to a den of thieves" is meaningless to me, as it should be everyone else

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contrary to popular belief, you'll notice that there are actually more white people when you step into UBC

The things Sterling said aren't even offensive. People are making too big of a deal out of what he said. What we deal with is more than this. If the only things I had to deal with were guys like Sterling, the world would be more peaceful. At least he keeps his racism within him and doesn't spew it out

to you.

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WOW...just wow.

Have you ever worked upon a committee? Ever, really listen to..or hear.. both sides of a debate? Is it your strategy to emphasize points by tossing disparaging barbs at strangers? Have you ever had to compromise...with anyone...for any reason? Do you attempt to look at all sides to a situation... before making knee-jerk judgements & refusing to alter course?

I would love to be around to see how well people treat some of you when you are 81 yrs old & ailing. Let's see how... in-step or out-of-step... all of your opinions might be - then. Will others be tolerant of you & compassionate enough to simply scold you,...teach you...talk with you...guide you.. council with you...or will they pile-on & crucify you,...despitefully use you... villify you & dis-regard your many accomplishments,...then fine you some ridiculous sum.....& force you to part with your belongings?

Good luck... in life.

I agree with drummer4now. That expose' by TMZ... got more hype than it deserved. It was a guy discussing an issue with his girlfriend...not news. Racism IS a hot issue...but this wasn't the worst example of it. I liken this very opportunistic villification of Mr, Sterling....to this analogy. Hertl's visor grazed off of Edler's back in a game & spun off. But - the real outrage existed when Edler previously kneed a Staal brother at the World Championships. Even-tho' Edler was disciplined by the IIHF... angry ill will followed him. This carry-over created a bias. That palatable bias lead to a harsher than normal DPS interptretation of events & Edler was suspended for... not injuring a union brother during incidental contact on the ice. Sterling's intimate convo with his girlfriend about race relations & other issues, altho' interesting...was none of our business...& hardly a justifiable reason to fine the fellow.. 2.5 million $...or ban him from attending NBA games for life.

There was over-pandering here..., a cash grab.... & an attempt to orchestrate the hi-jacking of the old man's asset....the Clippers.The NBA is hypocritical. Like Gary Bettman's NHL...Silver hopes to hype the NBA & himself as a do-gooder...while really fronting a den of thieves. If one cannot see injustice....despite "liking" or "dis-liking" the leaked comments of Sterling....then I suggest folks prepare for life to start biting them a little more frequently & harder in the arse. A good society is judged by how well it learns...& trains up the next generation. Excessive retributions harden hearts...& will just lead to more distrust & discord in the future. It's the small mercies that lead to more societal peace.

@ Glassjaw...I find it ironic that you would actually compare my attitudes to that of...Stalin or Hitler! Excessive reparations & punishments... along with general villifications stemming from vindictiveness & limited perspective.... gave root to the attitudes which enabled those tyrannts to rise up. Hate begets more hate... unless humbler & more tender mercies intervene to model a better way...to true equality, freedom, harmony & peace. Kum-ba-ya!

Well said on all points, and if you want a delicious piece of irony.. when you note how those who are deeply involved in the hysteria bandwagon of going nuts about an old guy making merely a silly/stupid rant (barely worthy of suspension) are being highly irrational, the next thing they do is make some analogy to Hitler (either toward Sterling or toward you, the poster).. totally proving how rational they are, amirite? :lol:

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uh, just because i disagree with you doesn't mean i didn't read your every word. i think your opinions on most issues are absolutely hilarious. totally crass. this has nothing to do with my ability to 'function on a committee' and it has nothing to do with me being 81 years old somewhere down the line. i have read plenty of your posts, and i think they all lead to the same conclusion: you're an absolute (insert 'barb' here)

also, and more importantly: search for irony elsewhere: i didn't compare your attitudes to Stalin or Hitler. I didn't mention Stalin or HItler once. That was DefCon.

here's the REAL irony in all of this: you're telling me to read your arguments and listen to your side of the debate, then you attribute quotes to me that I never even said or supported or even commented on. Hitler? Stalin? What is wrong with you?

Anyway, saying "this isn't the worst example of racism" is, as i said previously, relative privation. it's a stupid argument. who cares if its the worst? good grief.

similarly, almost every other 'point' you make is hinged on your speculation, cynicism ('den of thieves?'), with irrefutable and vague comments here and there. It's not even a debate, there's nothing substantial being said. claims like "this isn't the worst act of racism, and the NBA is pandering to a den of thieves" is meaningless to me, as it should be everyone else

I was referencing your lack of civility in dialoguing with others of differing opinions....and the Stalin/Hitler bash I referenced was from another thread. There I was also accused of tolerating bigots...when I instead advocated for more peaceful approaches...as the best way to dis-arm the fear-mongers out there.

My main point....is that the penalties set upon Sterling were excessive. He was summarily over-villified & not offered what a typical player or a union might demand...which is the op for councilling, redemption, apologies...and change. There's a template used for modifying inappropriate behavior in society or on the job...but then he wasn't on the job was he...he's an owner having private discussions with his girlfriend...which he was freely participating in and listening to. I give him credit for entering that exchange. Now...I'll sit back & wait for someone to leak tapes from his pastor or a psychiatrist next...maybe that will be worth a 4 million dollar fine?!

How will people change... if they cannot freely dialogue with others about such things in their own homes... for fear of reprecussions like this?! Sterling has cause to distrust & dislike those who strutted about... eager to villify him....not for ultruistic reasons...but their own greedy purposes.

Yes,..I also feel your attempts to villify me...as a social pacifist. I get that. Folks like this are happy to defend aggression & violent protest, too. I just question...to what degree those things are necessary...& try to add balance by pointing at...perhaps a better way. That's why I live in Canada...it may take us a lot longer to build that consensus among ourselves...but we do & generally we move forward, together. Despite all the freedoms we have to protest & rant...many choose a more peaceful & kinder way...tilll we get it right. At least there are safeguards to knee-jerk reactions...by our government. But - there is little to be done about knee-jerk reactions....in social media...or on these fan-boards....or apparently if one is a new NBA commissioner! A swift response may have been necessary by Silver...but surprisingly he left out the teaching/compassionate model of offering Sterling an opportunity to repent. The fact that there was no conditional offering that we know of...leads me to believe this was an orchestrated sting....all along.

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