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Mafia: Uomini di Onore


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VIC knows the mafia don't even need the kingpin or lackey anymore.

CA will probably die today although he may have the med kit and it's a 50/50 shot. Kryten was mentioning the sheriff in 75% of his posts and I'd be shocked if he wasn't the sheriff. Even kumar could have told you that. He mentioned investigating AT before spokesperson or ilduce mentioned that. How the hell is he supposed to know. Let's be honest here...Mafia def kingpinned him.

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“GFY’s power level is under 9000! Let’s not let him reach his final form, Kingpin! It's time to blow him to smithereens once and for all this guy once and for all, for the good of the Earth and all its inhabitants! TP of this game, LEND ME YOUR STRENGTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

“Will GFY get lynched? What will the investigation turn up as? Tune in next time on the next episode of...Ma...Fia.”

Vote GFY.

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Its BS. Why do they still think there's a TB? Why is Kesler going to live another round when he's obviously Mafia??

Well you're confirmed Mafia....we'll see come nightfall what happens. There's no possible excuse Kes can make up this time around after all that's been said and done.

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