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Mafia: Vanilla Cone - Game #108


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If the Vig contacted Aladeen and the Vig is dead, then Aladeen is mafia. But King Heffy is mafia because he's lying about the investigation. So it could have been set up between them.

Vote King Heffy. He's mafia whether Aladeen is or isn't, IMO.

I can invite one more person into the Convo. I suspected you as mafia before but I realize right now I have no clue, so you can have the last spot if you want it, but Peaches has seen it.

I am so sorry to all TP, I didn't suspect KH for a minute, someone who is willing to read the whole convo to see that I was definitely played please speak up so I can invite you into the PM

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Also shows that no VIg ever contacted me, assuming Kryten was not Vig (easy since he said he wasn't) it must have been LTC or JE14 and I have only spoken to 3 people in PMs this game


King Heffy


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I have no idea man, possible KP investigation? Possible he lied to other TP in this game, and convinced the Vig he was the sheriff like he convinced me. I would have told KH if I was the Vig after he contacted me, I felt sure he was sheriff.

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Then Otis should never leave again :(

I try my best but some things otis cannot control.. shocking I know.

Aladeen can you copy and paste some of the quotes in ur PM or invite me if theres still room? thx

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You were my round 2 investigation, and I'd like you to be the spokesperson.

Kryten is a confirmed mafia, but no need to out him until tomorrow.

1st post of his to me, not sure how to make it show his name and time stamp etc.

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I'd come out sooner than later due to the amount of very quiet players, who could possibly be the vig. Just say the investigation was a hit but that I'd rather wait until tomorrow to reveal who it was.

Have you heard from the vig yet? I'd go with one of Peaches, otherwise, or WW as good targets, WW being the best.

I'm thinking of investigating VIC next round. He's not being as aggressive in hunting out mafia as he is when he's TP.

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I must have been the psycho sheriff then. We're screwed anyway so might as well get this over with. SK, Aladeen has to be mafia once I die and come up TP. I've been roleblocked so I can't investigate another player before i die. GG.

Vote King Heffy


:picard: to me

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