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Quit being gullible, you are the problem with this team.


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And there is this: http://prohockeytalk.nbcsports.com/2014/03/05/ducks-gm-is-confused-about-not-landing-a-big-player-like-kesler/ murray moved penner because he thought the deal with vancouver was a forgone conclusion. Couple that with the fact Gillis was on record saying he wouldn't trade anyone unless they came to him. This is a non starter if Kesler was 100 percent happy as a clam and didn't want to leave.

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I have been a fan of the Canucks a lot longer than you and am old enough to be your grandfather so I will offer up this:

1/ The fanbase is made up of all ages and you might be complaining about the comments of someone 8 years old or someone 50 years old.

2/ I will agree that some of the comments are not all that well thought out but just the same they are someones opinion. As a fellow fan, you have to respect that and if you have wisdom to share, use it to enlighten that person and maybe sway them your way in a respectful way.

3/ It bothers me that I have to read comments regarding trolls or comments about someone not being a fan. Hey they are on here because they do have an interest in the team.

Everyone might not be a versed in the game as you but they might have only been a fan for a couple of seasons and cannot fathom what it was like to be a fan in the 70's or 80's when we had a lot of tough years. And you yourself do not have any idea what the Stanley Cup series against the NYI was like either. That whole run to the Cup final had to go through Chicago to get there and we will never experience anything like that again in the Bettman era.

4/ And finally I am tired of having to read posts from people calling posts redundant or lock this post etc. Just let the mods do their job. Personally there are many time that I want to read the current comments on a subject without having to wade through 60 pages of month old comments that are no longer current.

I do respect your opinion and you do make some valid points though.....it offers a good prospective.

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And there is this: http://prohockeytalk.nbcsports.com/2014/03/05/ducks-gm-is-confused-about-not-landing-a-big-player-like-kesler/murray moved penner because he thought the deal with vancouver was a forgone conclusion. Couple that with the fact Gillis was on record saying he wouldn't trade anyone unless they came to him.This is a non starter if Kesler was 100 percent happy as a clam and didn't want to leave.

Almost makes you think kess asked to be traded... Lol. Someone is telling fibs to the media it's within reason for us to talk about it the OP is out to lunch and should get off his soapbox.

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Or maybe I'm just the guy that's finally willing to call out those fans who I and many others believe are detrimental to the well being of the fanbase, if that makes me an evil person, then so be it.

If what I'm doing is bringing people down, good, maybe they'll put two and two together if they're smart enough and realize the irony of it.

You're the guy who's willing to insult people because they see things differently than you. Weather you're right or wrong, the way you went about this is childish.

All fan bases have all kinds of fans. There's no fixing a fanbase, no overall "wellbeing", you can only choose to support with the type of fan that you like and respect. There are alot of things said and done by Canuck fans that I disagree with but in the end it's not hurting anyone so why bother berrating them? Nobody is going to change their mind after reading this. Some people will walk away with some self satisfaction that their point of view is re-enforced and others will walk away insulted.

At the end of the day, you'll still be frustrated with our fanbase as a whole, the only difference is a few other people will be pissed off as well.

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And there is this: http://prohockeytalk.nbcsports.com/2014/03/05/ducks-gm-is-confused-about-not-landing-a-big-player-like-kesler/ murray moved penner because he thought the deal with vancouver was a forgone conclusion. Couple that with the fact Gillis was on record saying he wouldn't trade anyone unless they came to him. This is a non starter if Kesler was 100 percent happy as a clam and didn't want to leave.

Boy wouldn't the sheep love that, I mean if they found out that Kesler didn't waive to go to Anaheim, I mean, if you can draw the conclusion that it means he wanted out, I'll draw the conclusion, maybe he chose not to waive, and maybe Gillis chose not to throw him under the bus like he did to Luongo cause he didn't want that situation all over again.

It's just as easy to conclude that Gillis approached Kesler and said he needed to make a move that he felt was best for the team, doesn't mean Kesler wants out.

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Nope not at all, it's when people use this fact as basis for false allegation that Kesler no longer wants to be a Canuck is where my problem lies.

Still have not once said I have a problem with Kesler being traded.

Ok you have been on here for almost 11 years and now you are complaining about lying, manipulating, scamming, gossip mongering by kids hiding behind a computer using a fake name?

I wouldnt worry about things you cant control.

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You're the guy who's willing to insult people because they see things differently than you. Weather you're right or wrong, the way you went about this is childish.

All fan bases have all kinds of fans. There's no fixing a fanbase, no overall "wellbeing", you can only choose to support with the type of fan that you like and respect. There are alot of things said and done by Canuck fans that I disagree with but in the end it's not hurting anyone so why bother berrating them? Nobody is going to change their mind after reading this. Some people will walk away with some self satisfaction that their point of view is re-enforced and others will walk away insulted.

At the end of the day, you'll still be frustrated with our fanbase as a whole, the only difference is a few other people will be pissed off as well.

If people have a problem with a little tough love, especially on a hockey board, they need to realize there is a whole world out there about to eat them alive.

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If people have a problem with a little tough love, especially on a hockey board, they need to realize there is a whole world out there about to eat them alive.

Yes, justify being a prick because the world is a tough place.

I've decided, you're an awful person.

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Boy wouldn't the sheep love that, I mean if they found out that Kesler didn't waive to go to Anaheim, I mean, if you can draw the conclusion that it means he wanted out, I'll draw the conclusion, maybe he chose not to waive, and maybe Gillis chose not to throw him under the bus like he did to Luongo cause he didn't want that situation all over again.

It's just as easy to conclude that Gillis approached Kesler and said he needed to make a move that he felt was best for the team, doesn't mean Kesler wants out.

Sounds like your speculation and starting rumors, find me a link that kess said he was not willing to wave his NTC to go to the ducks. Follow your own advice or get off your soapbox.

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Well I tried, the point went above everyone's head... might as well close it. No hope at all.

I better bloody well clarify myself again since people seem to want everything spelled out for them, I have lost faith in the fanbase, not the team.

I see where you're coming from. This fan base, at least on the CDC is rife with "experts" who seem to know exactly where the team needs to go based on a tweet from Dreger or Lalji.

These types felt dejected by Kesler's "comments" in Sochi and take that opportunity to crucify him, referring to him more as trade bait than a player who has moved up through the ranks and become a legitimate star in the league.

All a Botchford or Lavoie has to do is come up with some partially believable scenario and it is swallowed whole by the hungry masses.

There are excellent fans as well who support the team with their feet firmly planted in reality though.

Not blind homers who take any critique of the team as a federal offence, but people who want the team to win because cheering for another team full time just feels plain wrong.

Too many fans come on this site with their fanhood out.

Screw em.

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Please do.

I just find it weird that you're expecting us not to talk about changing a team that was the second worst in the nhl over the last 40 games.

Thats not what he is saying.... there is a difference between talking about change and mindless bashing and making up and engaging unfounded rumours

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If people have a problem with a little tough love, especially on a hockey board, they need to realize there is a whole world out there about to eat them alive.

Holy hypocrisy!! So people on the board should be thick-skinned enough to take criticism, but a professional hockey player shouldn't bear the slings and arrows from rumours on said hockey board.

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If people have a problem with a little tough love, especially on a hockey board, they need to realize there is a whole world out there about to eat them alive.

Half of them are the way they are because they have been spit out. They are reactionary people who take everything personally and feel the need to one up each other with sticks and stones.
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Sounds like your speculation and starting rumors, find me a link that kess said he was not willing to wave his NTC to go to the ducks. Follow your own advice or get off your soapbox.

Find me a link that said he would waive it.... That is his whole point, not to go engaging rumors and bashing players over rumours that more often than not aren't true.

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Find me a link that said he would waive it.... That is his whole point, not to go engaging rumors and bashing players over rumours that more often than not aren't true.

Your missing my point here we have a guy complaining about rumors then states something like that... Lol

Apparently his view is actually that it's only ok to talk about rumors he agrees with.

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If people have a problem with a little tough love, especially on a hockey board, they need to realize there is a whole world out there about to eat them alive.

You know nuckster, when I first read your OP I was a little on board because I thought you were referencing comments regarding Kes's personal life in the forum, but I can see now that isn't the only case. Rumors/conjecture regarding players "effect in the room" or their dealings with management / agents / contracts probably make up more than 50% of hockey fans discussion on this and every other NHL forum on the internet- you don't have to like them but they are here to stay and are hardly worth the effort you've put into this. If you are 33 years old you may not remember when Linden got traded or when Pavel turned his back on the team, but you are certainly old enough to remember Bertuzzi cashing it in. You can't get too wrapped up or emotionally involved with the name on the back of the jersey, the only one that counts is the one on the front.

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If people have a problem with a little tough love, especially on a hockey board, they need to realize there is a whole world out there about to eat them alive.

I think I understand what's going on here. You think you are helping the situation. You think that because you've identified what you find wrong with a few people in this community that you are somehow qualified to stand above the hoi paloi and administer a little dose of "what they need".

The way you talk: "As a former mod", "a little tough love", "a whole world out there about to eat them alive". It suggests to nearly everyone who reads it that you think you're pretty special.

The truth is, you're just a dude on the internet, like the rest of us, who has an opinion on something. Flashing your credentials and talking in a paternalistic tone doean't add weight to your message, it exposes you as a self important dude on the internet. There are more than enough of those to go around.

No need to start a whole thread - as a former mod you ought to know that.

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I think I understand what's going on here. You think you are helping the situation. You think that because you've identified what you find wrong with a few people in this community that you are somehow qualified to stand above the hoi paloi and administer a little dose of "what they need".

The way you talk: "As a former mod", "a little tough love", "a whole world out there about to eat them alive". It suggests to nearly everyone who reads it that you think you're pretty special.

The truth is, you're just a dude on the internet, like the rest of us, who has an opinion on something. Flashing your credentials and talking in a paternalistic tone doean't add weight to your message, it exposes you as a self important dude on the internet. There are more than enough of those to go around.

No need to start a whole thread - as a former mod you ought to know that.

I think the guy was frustrated and venting. However, the curious thing to me is he is 33 years old, a former mod who has been active on a hockey forum with teenagers for almost 11 years.

Just NOW hes frustrated and needed to set the record straight?

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