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Vancouver Salaries: Lowest in Canada?


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I understand the people on this board are bitter or insecure with their own expertise.

Picture your self, a 26 year old male fresh out of school, you have the world at your feet, full of optimisim. I will dress nice, talk the part and draw up my resume the best i can. A good resume goes a long way, and front of the list on the resume will be my schooling.

I believe your education tells the emloyer a lot, if school was not important no one will go, if school wasnt not the gateway to financial security no one will attend. Hate to break it to you, but it is, and always will be. This is what I was made to believe and I refuse to believe anything else because I banked my whole future on it.

If education wasnt an easy answer I would have joined trades and worked my ass off, but I was given an easier path to riches. To hang out with mom and dad, play games relax, and just cruise through a degree and ask for a good salary on my way to an early retirement.

You have NO IDEA what our graduates can earn these days, just because you couldnt find a job out of school does not mean I can not, or wont. My goal isnt to find a job, that is too easy, I want a high paying job that fulfills my criteria. I feel I am a special person full of skills, I worked hard and finish a university degree, which by the way is no easy feat.

I had to spend years redoing courses, passing exams, doing homework, I hated every minute of it, I wish I didnt have to pull all nighters. I joined as many team projects as I could so my team can pull the weight, I paid asian students to help me write exams and do labs, I used online essay websites to record top grade papers, i spend hours and hours googling how to beat scantron cards and look for patterns on multiplechoice questions.

I took the path less traveled, because I am an innovator, and an honest person with a good heart and strong mind. I know I can make it, the power of the will can not be underestimated.

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i honestly can't believe the hostility people shown here towards the op. I mean seriously, wat the frack is wrong with you guys?

I dont see what is wrong with a kid fresh out of college expecting himself to make certain amount of money a year.. no wonder there was a riot here a couple years ago... you people will find any chance you get to bash on anything until there is nothing left.

So what if he's expecting too much? at least the kid has a goal and you bet he will work his ass off to get to his goal. It's call ambition and expectation and there is nothing wrong with that..

There's NOTHING wrong with having expectations or goals. There's a problem when those goals are unattainable. If I told you I was going to be on Earth today, but I wanted so badly to be on a beach on the Moon tomorrow, what would you tell me? "Ok, you can do it!!!!!"? No. You're gonna tell me I'm an idiot.

His sense of entitlement, nativity, and ignorance is unbelievable. 100k in the first 3 years just because you have a degree from SFU? Please.

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I understand the people on this board are bitter or insecure with their own expertise.

Picture your self, a 26 year old male fresh out of school, you have the world at your feet, full of optimisim. I will dress nice, talk the part and draw up my resume the best i can. A good resume goes a long way, and front of the list on the resume will be my schooling.

I believe your education tells the emloyer a lot, if school was not important no one will go, if school wasnt not the gateway to financial security no one will attend. Hate to break it to you, but it is, and always will be. This is what I was made to believe and I refuse to believe anything else because I banked my whole future on it.

If education wasnt an easy answer I would have joined trades and worked my ass off, but I was given an easier path to riches. To hang out with mom and dad, play games relax, and just cruise through a degree and ask for a good salary on my way to an early retirement.

You have NO IDEA what our graduates can earn these days, just because you couldnt find a job out of school does not mean I can not, or wont. My goal isnt to find a job, that is too easy, I want a high paying job that fulfills my criteria. I feel I am a special person full of skills, I worked hard and finish a university degree, which by the way is no easy feat.

I had to spend years redoing courses, passing exams, doing homework, I hated every minute of it, I wish I didnt have to pull all nighters. I joined as many team projects as I could so my team can pull the weight, I paid asian students to help me write exams and do labs, I used online essay websites to record top grade papers, i spend hours and hours googling how to beat scantron cards and look for patterns on multiplechoice questions.

I took the path less traveled, because I am an innovator, and an honest person with a good heart and strong mind. I know I can make it, the power of the will can not be underestimated.

Okay, now I'm beginning to think this thread is just a troll scheme. And looking at your profile, it seems you try to get CDCers to do your assignments for you. I guess taht's the innovative, honest, good-hearted and strong-minded part?

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Your Communication's degree is about as valuable as the Cottonelle Comfort Care 2-Ply I use.

Google college degrees with the worst ROI and you'll find that Communications Degree's are right near the top of most lists.

And by top I mean bottom.

link, please?

I just tried to find this, and instead found numerous websites with completely conflicted stats about religion majors and social worker salaries, but no mention at all of communications degrees at all.

as somebody who is interested in advertising, i look up jobs in the 'communications' field all the time, if only out of curiosity. i see plenty available, with decent pay, too. even in a culturally irrelevant city like Vancouver. i didnt see any of these jobs listed on any of the ROI sites. instead, i saw jobs like "museum researcher" listed near the bottom of the pile, listed at 48k. that's a job i would love, to be honest. i would love to work at a nice museum for 48k long, long, long before i would ever want to work in a law firm for 80k. i would rather literally die than have a job in a dentist's office or something.

i don't really understand why you'd want to wipe your ass with a career you consider, i dunno, less valuable because its less lucrative, or something?

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i honestly can't believe the hostility people shown here towards the op. I mean seriously, wat the frack is wrong with you guys?

I dont see what is wrong with a kid fresh out of college expecting himself to make certain amount of money a year.. no wonder there was a riot here a couple years ago... you people will find any chance you get to bash on anything until there is nothing left.

So what if he's expecting too much? at least the kid has a goal and you bet he will work his ass off to get to his goal. It's call ambition and expectation and there is nothing wrong with that..

I think reality sees a problem with that kind of thinking. Sooner or later it sets in for all of us.

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8 years for a bachelor's in Communications? :lol:

I failed some courses, cause SFU forces you to have a balance of Math, Fine Arts and Science. So you are forced to take a few electives of all 3, its not easy.

I just dont like work, and I dont want to spend hours reading books when all my friends are on the beach drinking beer. It was so hard for me to justify to go to school when so many of my friends went to work 9-5 after high school and I couldnt stand being in a library instead of at a house party.

At least I am honest, I am so proud of my self for my sacrafise, and I still stayed in school and got through it. I hated it, but now that I am done I want to get the most out of it. Its my pride on the line, I have to show my friends school wasnt for nothing, I want to prove to my parents that I can be a somebody, I made so many boasts to my current girlfriend that once I am done school I will support her, I will get a great job etc.. She is expecting a lot from me, I am expecting a lot from my self, there is no turning back now.

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There's NOTHING wrong with having expectations or goals. There's a problem when those goals are unattainable. If I told you I was going to be on Earth today, but I wanted so badly to be on a beach on the Moon tomorrow, what would you tell me? "Ok, you can do it!!!!!"? No. You're gonna tell me I'm an idiot.

His sense of entitlement, nativity, and ignorance is unbelievable. 100k in the first 3 years just because you have a degree from SFU? Please.

unattainable? my friend is earning 70k a year 3 years after graduating from SFU. And here you are telling him that it is unreal for him to aim for 60-100k in a few years?

EVEN if it is unattainable and the expectation was too much, there are nicer way to tell him taht instead of calling someone delusional because they have high expectation, not for you, BUT FOR HIMSELF.

i mean jesus christ how does his expectation for himself effect or offend you in anyway that you have to call someone delusional? FFS you are making it sound like he want to make millions right after he finishes school.

What do you want to hear from him? that he wants to work from McDonald because it's realistic for you?

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Obviously one of his goals is to whine about not making enough money.

and what is the problem of wanting to make more money and actually try to take action to make it happen?

ffs.. a bunch of welfare hobo not understanding that someone in the world actually want to be successful.

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As previously stated you're in for such a rude awaking it's not even funny.

Here's a news flash for you, we're in a recession. 5 years ago I could quit my job today and find a job tomorrow. Now it'll take me a week (and trust me I can network like no other).

You want to know what your degree means? It means you might be better than the person without a degree and no experience. That other guy sitting next to you though, yeah the guy with no degree and 5 years of experience, he just used your degree as toilet paper. Welcome to the real world. Accept the job that gives you an opportunity to learn In your chosen field and accept the dog shit wage they offer you because right now you're not worth a whole lot to an employer.

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I don't have a college degree and I'm making 70k plus benefits after two and a half years and many promotions with a large Canadian business.

It's all about the work you put in. I'd love to have a degree as it's icing on the cake in the interview process. Unfortunately I was very lazy during my university years and didn't finish.

With a degree and the proper work ethic and attitude the sky is the limit. Without a degree you can achieve the same end result you just have to work that much harder.

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I don't know a whole lot about marketing but I do know that 3 years is not enough to get a Master degree so there is absolutely no way you are getting anything close to 100k. I will say that your marketing degree might land you a job as a Walmart Assistant manager that might make around 40-50k a year and then after you get experience working as a manager for 3-5 years maybe some better paying company will higher you.

I highly doubt a wal-mart assistant or even head manager makes close to that 40-50k salary.

every other place i know that pays there workers minimum wage the managers and assistant managers only make a couple dollars more per hour. just maybe better benefits. i would guess 30k a year with benefits.

they probably make as much as an entry level unskilled labour worker in the company i work for.

i have been really surprised at how little some people make. when i was young i always thought any job with a real title made fat cash ... how wrong i was.

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Most people who make over $100K a year are self employed and own their own business. Like me. I went to college for 3 months. 8 years in uni? You should be a Doctor by now. I had friends who would rather get drunk party go the beach instead of work.. most of them are broke now and in their 40's bouncing from job to job.

The friends I know who are doing the best own their own businesses. from landscaping to boat building from printing signs to owning restaurants......differenece is they want to work hard the others don't and just want to party woo hoo...

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I understand the people on this board are bitter or insecure with their own expertise.

Picture your self, a 26 year old male fresh out of school, you have the world at your feet, full of optimisim. I will dress nice, talk the part and draw up my resume the best i can. A good resume goes a long way, and front of the list on the resume will be my schooling.

I believe your education tells the emloyer a lot, if school was not important no one will go, if school wasnt not the gateway to financial security no one will attend. Hate to break it to you, but it is, and always will be. This is what I was made to believe and I refuse to believe anything else because I banked my whole future on it.

If education wasnt an easy answer I would have joined trades and worked my ass off, but I was given an easier path to riches. To hang out with mom and dad, play games relax, and just cruise through a degree and ask for a good salary on my way to an early retirement.

You have NO IDEA what our graduates can earn these days, just because you couldnt find a job out of school does not mean I can not, or wont. My goal isnt to find a job, that is too easy, I want a high paying job that fulfills my criteria. I feel I am a special person full of skills, I worked hard and finish a university degree, which by the way is no easy feat.

I had to spend years redoing courses, passing exams, doing homework, I hated every minute of it, I wish I didnt have to pull all nighters. I joined as many team projects as I could so my team can pull the weight, I paid asian students to help me write exams and do labs, I used online essay websites to record top grade papers, i spend hours and hours googling how to beat scantron cards and look for patterns on multiplechoice questions.

I took the path less traveled, because I am an innovator, and an honest person with a good heart and strong mind. I know I can make it, the power of the will can not be underestimated.

You just got out of school. How much dressing up of your resume can you possibly do? Do you have lots of work experience to put on there?

We all want high paying jobs... Nobody says hey i wanna make minimum wage and is ok with it. You can't survive. We all want to live comfortably. I just think your expectations aren't realistic for right away. Maybe 5-7 years down the line you can crack 100k and if you do it before..all the power to you.

If i'm an employer.. and my two interviews are a fresh out of university graduate or someone with industry experience. I am most likely leaning towards someone with experience. All a university student has done is read books and learned concepts but haven't had the chance to apply them in the real world.

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link, please?

I just tried to find this, and instead found numerous websites with completely conflicted stats about religion majors and social worker salaries, but no mention at all of communications degrees at all.

as somebody who is interested in advertising, i look up jobs in the 'communications' field all the time, if only out of curiosity. i see plenty available, with decent pay, too. even in a culturally irrelevant city like Vancouver. i didnt see any of these jobs listed on any of the ROI sites. instead, i saw jobs like "museum researcher" listed near the bottom of the pile, listed at 48k. that's a job i would love, to be honest. i would love to work at a nice museum for 48k long, long, long before i would ever want to work in a law firm for 80k. i would rather literally die than have a job in a dentist's office or something.

i don't really understand why you'd want to wipe your ass with a career you consider, i dunno, less valuable because its less lucrative, or something?

Here's one. It's US based but still a reputable site.


And for the record, the Cottonelle reference, while rather extreme, was made in the context of this particular poster having created several threads regarding displaying his sense of entitlement and his expectation of earning big money right out of school.

My point being that it ain't happening with a Communication's degree right out of school.

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I still dont understand why jobs in any field dont start out at 50-60k range and go up from there.

Where are these 30-40k wage expectations coming from? No one in their right mind would accept a wage that low, people have integrity, dignity.

If students out of university said "no that is too low wage for me" the employers will have no choice but to raise wages. You have to spend money to earn money. You have to understand that your employees is one place you cant afford to save money on, you need to attract top talent and pay them premium.

Look at the NHL, there is always compettition for most players, hell once you made it to the NHL there is a "minimum salary" that is still exceptional, that is how I see life/career after university. Once I made it past university that is like getting into the NHL there is a certain minimum salary base which in my eyes is at least 60k, it could be more in other cities, but if you arent making at least 60k in Vancouver you wont survive.

And as a young man looking to survive in Vancouver, and I want to live in Yaletown and looking to lease a nice car I want to represent the image of success I see on the streets of Vancouver and it drives me mad, up the wall that these sucessful people have what i want and I need that and want that too.

So rather than accepting that salaries are low, why not fight to raise them and try to get the most for your efforts?

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