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Byfuglien steamrolls California

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What was the penalty call on that?

That was an absolutely beautiful bit of defensive work there. Such a big guy. In a perfect world Pedan becomes a solid and dependable 5-6 D-man and Tryamkin a top 4 capable of doing just that.

Hats off to Butt Fuglien that was impressive

He hooked him...what makes that crazy is Buff is so powerful he tossed Kopitar with his stick. Man's a monster.

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The dude is 265 lbs, majority of players in the NHL are 180-225 lbs, he's one of the toughest players to get in contact with on the ice.
I was at a Flames game against Winnipeg and he was mauling whoever got in his way.
PS- for future reference, plese don't display gfycat gifs in posts.
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I will always remember this thread. It has broken some amazing records.

So laggy I'm half way through reading a post cause its frozen then it finally scrolls down and I don't get to finish reading the post. I scroll up then I miss the post I am trying to read. Going up and down it took me 3 mins to read the post I wanted to read and now I'm done.

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