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Trade proposals

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I've been saying this all season but now more than ever we need an upgrade on the 2nd line. higgy is having a bad year. Burrows is more of a 3rd liner now and Bonino has been serviceable but needs help.

Van: Loui Eriksson

TBL: Kassian

It's been rumoured that Boston has been looking at Kassian and they need to clear cap for this summer to sign Smith, Krug, and Hamilton. KAssian plays a Boston style game

Van: Yandle, Vermette

PHX: Lack, Sbisa, Jensen/Vey, 2016 1st

PHX is entering a full rebuild and will be looking to get some good pieces in return. I feel Mike Smith may end up in Minni by seasons end, which means they will need a young goalie, thus Mr. Lack. Sbisa is a good top-6 dman and showed he can play top-4 mins when Hamhuis was out. Jensen or Vey to kickstart an offensive game. Either player could essentially slide into a top-6 role there. nad a 1st round pick to sweeten the deal.

VAN: Tinordi
MTL: Burrows, Ericsson, 2016 4th

MTL needs to bulk up front. they have a plethora of defenders and Tinordi is a tweener AHL/NHL guy on MTL but has great potential. Burr could provide good leadership and play on the PK and top-9. Tokarski might be a trade chip for them in which he could be replaced by Ericsson. and a 4th to sweeten it for taking on Burrows Salary.










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2nd trade isn't a good deal because we need picks to keep rebuilding. Also Maloney probably wants to sell Yandle and Vermette separately to maximize value for them.

3rd deal is good if it is done in the offseason because we need Burrows now and Tinordi can't help us because was KO'd by Pedan earlier and not healthy atm

1st deal is impossible. It baffles me how ANYONE believes Kassian is worth a veteran on pace for 50 points. Everyone views Kassian as a 3rd liner with upside. He will NEVER fetch a first round pick or a player like Eriksson, period. He has not shown nearly enough in this league to be worth that kind of value and if anything, the Canucks would have to add a 1st to make that deal even happen. People need to stop overrating his value due to some irrational love for him or this fear he will be Neely 2.0 upon being traded even though there is little to suggest he will even be half of what Neely was. I can see Kassian fetching a 2nd and a warm body, just not a whole lot more. He has more potential then he has actual trade value, I just wonder when people will finally understand this concept that potential =/= value.

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I've been saying this all season but now more than ever we need an upgrade on the 2nd line. higgy is having a bad year. Burrows is more of a 3rd liner now and Bonino has been serviceable but needs help.

Van: Loui Eriksson

TBL: Kassian

It's been rumoured that Boston has been looking at Kassian and they need to clear cap for this summer to sign Smith, Krug, and Hamilton. KAssian plays a Boston style game

Van: Yandle, Vermette

PHX: Lack, Sbisa, Jensen/Vey, 2016 1st

PHX is entering a full rebuild and will be looking to get some good pieces in return. I feel Mike Smith may end up in Minni by seasons end, which means they will need a young goalie, thus Mr. Lack. Sbisa is a good top-6 dman and showed he can play top-4 mins when Hamhuis was out. Jensen or Vey to kickstart an offensive game. Either player could essentially slide into a top-6 role there. nad a 1st round pick to sweeten the deal.

VAN: Tinordi

MTL: Burrows, Ericsson, 2016 4th

MTL needs to bulk up front. they have a plethora of defenders and Tinordi is a tweener AHL/NHL guy on MTL but has great potential. Burr could provide good leadership and play on the PK and top-9. Tokarski might be a trade chip for them in which he could be replaced by Ericsson. and a 4th to sweeten it for taking on Burrows Salary.










Value wise I don't really like these trades as I do not see how we are in any position to challenge for the cup. One question though. How does trading Kassian to TBL net you Loui Eriksson when he plays for Boston last time I checked????

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Value wise I don't really like these trades as I do not see how we are in any position to challenge for the cup. One question though. How does trading Kassian to TBL net you Loui Eriksson when he plays for Boston last time I checked????

1. The original poster's comment about the Eriksson/Kassian deal made it pretty clear he'd erred when typing TBL. He'd written "It's been rumoured that Boston has been looking at Kassian and they need to clear cap for this summer to sign Smith, Krug, and Hamilton. KAssian plays a Boston style game"

2. In every one of the 3 proposals the team being traded with (Boston, Arizona, Montreal) would be able to get higher offers from other teams.

3. The original post was made before Benning's interview this morning in which he said Canucks aren't going to be trading picks or prospects. I think those comments rule out the 2nd deal proposed from a Canucks perspective.

4. I suspect that even though Benning says he's getting calls about Kassian his trade value right now is pretty low (3 healthy scratches recently, in a scoring slump) so that his trade value is low, too low to fetch Eriksson in return despite the age difference and Eriksson's cap hit, declining (though still good) production and concussion history. I don't think this proposal (Bos/Vcr) works for either side.

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for me I'd like us to trade with either Buffalo or Arizona

we have draft picks , Kassian,Stanton , Weber,Higgins only cause he is getting older and can help a young team and will be worth something at the trade deadline for them to retrade!!

From Buffalo I'd want both Molson and Myers

from Arizona I'd want Stone and Vermette

long as we could get them together for not giving up to much , either that or stay as is till the offseason

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