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Some eye opening numbers that show exactly where this team is.


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Anaheim has the lowest goal differential in the top 10, either they have a lot of clutch players or they don't deserve to be there.

Goal differential doesn't represent everything.

Canucks had a negative goal differential when they beat the hawks in 2011 during 7 games.

I rather win 4 games 3-2 and lose 3 99-0 in the playoffs.

You just gotta win games and we've been doing it so far. The stats you pointed out aren't great... And hopefully we improve on it moving forward. However, the win column is the only stat that matters at the end of the day.

Ultimately tho you've made a good point and we have to be better 5 on 5.

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Interesting stats, thanks for posting.

Who cares if we don't dominate 5 on 5, did anyone actually expect we were going to be anything close to what we are this season?

We're not considered favorites, but at least we can compete in the Pacific.

Also note we still have an odd man out, which leaves room for a trade to upgrade our defense.

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Funny how when we win games, we have no reaction threads.

We lose one game, and Center Disease Control explodes into chaos.

I did not watch the game today but was just looking at these numbers lately( was just wondering how good we were 5 on 5). It has nothing to do with whether we win games or lose them as evidenced by me posting this when we win.

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Interesting stats, thanks for posting.

Who cares if we don't dominate 5 on 5, did anyone actually expect we were going to be anything close to what we are this season?

We're not considered favorites, but at least we can compete in the Pacific.

Also note we still have an odd man out, which leaves room for a trade to upgrade our defense.

Just trying to keep things in prospective cause if you read the PGT there are some people who do.

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Goal differential doesn't represent everything.

Canucks had a negative goal differential when they beat the hawks in 2011 during 7 games.

I rather win 4 games 3-2 and lose 3 99-0 in the playoffs.

You just gotta win games and we've been doing it so far. The stats you pointed out aren't great... And hopefully we improve on it moving forward. However, the win column is the only stat that matters at the end of the day.

Ultimately tho you've made a good point and we have to be better 5 on 5.

I agree it doesn't tell everything, just for Anaheim case they have a noticeably lower one (its even lower then ours albeit one goal).

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So we are a good special teams team that plays most other teams even at 5v5. I think I knew that, and I think you can win with that if you get the goaltending.

Also means we are a slightly above average team or slightly below average team. Sedins+Vrbata basically put us over the top cause of the PP.

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The lack of a true second line is our biggest problem IMO.

The Twins and Vrbata might not be lighting teams up each night, but they are putting up pretty decent numbers. The third and forth lines are doing pretty well too.

That second line is a glaring hole. Our second unit PP is also pretty much non existent.

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Special teams are part of the game.

Also so what Boston was first and we were 8th? We won the Cup had the nhl not changed the rules and Campbell not pulled as many strings as he did.

And JFK was killed by triangular crossfire right?

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Good thread. I also recall us blasting our powerplay in the playoffs against the Sharks and Predators. Either way this team needs to feed off their powerplay to have success. This core has always been like this, and this year is no different;furthermore, 5 on 5 this team is mediocre at best. I have also noticed this team plays different when they score first. For instance, nights they are down 2-0, its better to just shut off the TV and walk away. It seems when they go down they stop trying. Especially if the team is elite eg LA the game will go from 2-0 to 5-0 real quick. This year is going to be interesting because the playoff spots are closer than ever,(here comes Dallas and what if Minnesota fires Mike Yeo?) we won 3 games against non-playoff teams.In short,if this teams powerplay stops scoring, we will miss the playoffs and finish 9th or 10th.

Also, this team is extremely fragile. If Miller lets in one bad goal it seems the whole team again stops trying. We seen countless times this year this has happened to this team, and the defence of this team is still a huge question mark.

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Another trend to note is how the California teams simply aren't taking penalties against us.

LA: 5 calls in 2 games, just 1 last game.

Anaheim: 5 calls in 3 games, just 1 last game.

SJ: 1 call in 2 games, 0 last game.

And Calgary is learning too. 0 calls last game.

Considering this is the regular season when penalties are called more often, that's a bit disturbing.

No opportunies for the power play = No chance to use it to win. This is the main reason why you shouldn't rely on it to score. In key instances, such as being down in playoff rounds, series and games, the team will start to look desperate trying to get calls, and that's when the criticism about diving will start to fly. We've seen this already though, so we should know.

You've said this a few times as if it's something we are doing on purpose. It's not like we are trying to not score 5 on 5.

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Here are some eyeopening numbers.

26 power play goals scored + 4 shorthanded goals= 30 goals from special teams

18 power play goals allowed + 1 goal allowed on the PP= 19 goals allowed from special teams

Total goal differential from special teams +11

80 Goals scored 5 on 5, 4 on 4, 3 on 3 (23rd in the league)

84 Goals allowed 5 on 5, 4 on 4, 3 on 3 (18th in the league)

Total goal differential from even strength play -4

The reason the totals don't add up to our goal totals is because empty net goals are not considered even strength. But the point still remains; we are feeding off our special teams, mainly our penalty kill which is second in the league behind chicago.

Why does this all matter? Cause a large majority of the game is spent on even strength play.

Something startling I noticed was even in our best season ever 2010/2011 we were not even in the top 5 in goals scored 5 on 5 (we were 8th and guess who was number 1.... Boston)

Just look at the 5 on 5 stats of NHL.com. Not too long ago we were the worst team 5 on 5 of all playoff teams at that time. I assume that still holds true.

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