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Vaccine-free daycare criticized by Ottawa Public Health

Lockout Casualty

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Personally, I think that whenever an amateur decides to make a decision that could have life altering consequences for others, it's not only completely irresponsible, it's borderline criminal.

Anyone can do "research". If the internet has shown us anything, it's that you can "prove" virtually anything with a simple google search and weeding out the sources that don't support your hypothesis, while posting the ones that do, even if they're vastly in the minority.

The fact that diseases like Smallpox, Polio and yes, Measles have been all but eradicated is all the proof I need to know that vaccinations are effective and I am grateful that all three of my daughters received theirs.

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Personally, I think that whenever an amateur decides to make a decision that could have life altering consequences for others, it's not only completely irresponsible, it's borderline criminal.

Anyone can do "research". If the internet has shown us anything, it's that you can "prove" virtually anything with a simple google search and weeding out the sources that don't support your hypothesis, while posting the ones that do, even if they're vastly in the minority.

The fact that diseases like Smallpox, Polio and yes, Measles have been all but eradicated is all the proof I need to know that vaccinations are effective and I am grateful that all three of my daughters received theirs.

My wife googled an issue with my daughter...turned out according to her and google she was dying.

Doctor found out she just had an angry gum from a tooth that was coming in.

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Again. Why are you worried if the kids are vaccinated?

One unvaccinated child puts all the vaccinated children at risk. That sounds retarded sorry.

As someone who actually has worked in numerous daycare centers before this is stupid. Viruses spread like wildfire in child-care establishments. All it would take is one un-vaccinated child and everyone in that environment would be at risk.

Personally as a chjld care provider I would not want to work in a place that promotes this type of behavior. It goes against everything I believe in to willingly put a child at risk this way.

All you anti vacinne people can shout all you want, can throw stats all you want. If cold and flu viruses, hand foot and mouth disease, etc can run through a center and pretty much infect all the kids then more serious life treating childhood disease can as well.

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You clearly have done 0% research and for that i commend you.

The person who coined herd immunity did so before vaccines and stated that 65% was the magic number of people who have contacted the virus and defeated it naturally. This creates a lifetime immunity. The herd theory is being used incorrectly and now says 95% of vaccinated people.

Please read the article i posted before you start posting your own opinions based on 0 research

This high percentage of individuals having long-term immunity [to natural chicken pox] has been compromised by mass vaccination of children which provides at best 70 to 90% immunity that is temporary and of unknown durationshifting chickenpox to a more vulnerable adult population where chickenpox carries 20 times more risk of death and 15 times more risk of hospitalization compared to children. Add to this the adverse effects of both the chickenpox and shingles vaccines as well as the potential for increased risk of shingles for an estimated 30 to 50 years among adults. Dr. Goldberg Ph.D also confirmed by a study in the New England Journal of Medicine.

There are numerous issue with the blog post you cited:

1) One of the main theme is that the author claims that immunocompromised people can be vaccinated anyway, so unvaccinated kids does not pose a hazard.

but that is based on an incorrect interpretation of the CDC guideline. Firstly, if you read the guideline careful there are numerous cases where vaccination is not recommended. Moreover, the decision to whether vaccinate a immunocompromised person seems to be largely based on whether the vaccine harms the patient, not necessarily whether it confer sufficient protection. Note that the CDC guideline states:

When exposed to a vaccine-preventable disease such as measles, severely immunocompromised children should be considered susceptible regardless of their history of vaccination.

The blog author seemed to have made the erroneous assumption that because it is safe to vaccine immunocompromised person, it will be effective. The real issue is that besides people who can't receive vaccines, there are also people who receive vaccines but doesn't obtain the necessary protection.

2) I went through the Hendrich 1933 paper cited in the blog, and very likely that the blog author misread the paper (if he/she actually did). The Hendrick paper aim to establish the number of susceptible children in Baltimore, and never dealt with the issue of herd immunity. I did not find the 68% figure appearing anywhere.

The closest thing is that the author mentioned the proportion of susceptible population never fell below 32% (=1-68%), but that's not a statement regarding herd immunity.

3) Author stated "But you see, vaccines aren’t natural and they don’t provide life-time immunity". According to CDC, 95% of children receive lifelong immunity to MMR with a single dose.

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Wow...that is uber stupid. :sadno:

When have you ever met a kid that liked injections? I'm going to go out on a limb and say "never".

EDIT: BTW Dral. This was directed at the meme, not you.

heh, I figured - it's an anti-vaccination parody tho, so it's meant to be stupid ;)

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Again. Why are you worried if the kids are vaccinated?

One unvaccinated child puts all the vaccinated children at risk. That sounds retarded sorry.

I love how you ignored my entire post and took one aspect of my argument out of context. I was referring to having one un vaccinated child infecting a whole group of children in an environment such as a vaccine free daycare.

I am sorry if you couldn't grasp this obvious concept and will provide you with a concrete example of what can happen in even a normal daycare. A few years ago a child was brought into the daycare I worked at with what we thought was a bad diaper rash. It wasn't till the rash spread to the childs hands and feet that we realized it was hand foot and mouth disease. The child was sent home, the daycare was cleaned more then normal, and parents where informed. The original child had mostly been kept away from the other children when we realized what they had and so actual exposure was limited, yet three more children came down with the illness. Imagine if this environment was a vaccine free daycare and the illness was something far worse like measles and then tell me how one child in this environment could not possibly make them all sick? How just one unvaccinated child in such an environment wouldn't possibly spread something deadly around. Tell me how this logic is retarded? if children in a normal childcare environment bring in non fatal illness I fail to see how this scenario could not possibly be worse.

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Again. Why are you worried if the kids are vaccinated?

One unvaccinated child puts all the vaccinated children at risk. That sounds retarded sorry.

Because we care about the whole human population rather than just our own families? Because we don't like seeing people die from preventable diseases? It's not rocket science here.

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Again. Why are you worried if the kids are vaccinated?

One unvaccinated child puts all the vaccinated children at risk. That sounds retarded sorry.


What is more retarded.

Ensuring children are protected against illnesses that can cause disfigurement, lifelong pain, deformities or death


Citing literal hand picked sentences and paragraphs from a widely discredited paper to try and support your claims

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