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NATO disputes Conservative claim that Russians confronted Canadian warship

Lockout Casualty

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I can't think of a single issue I agree with Harper and his cronies on. That being said, I consider keeping trying to push the spying bill through while using different excuses to be an absolute disgrace to our country.

I dislike Harper, especially for that bill they're trying to force down our throats.

And that Canada Action Jobs program that doesn't really do much for unemployment.

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I hope everyone notes the entirety of Harpers 'reign' when we go to the polls. We need a true diplomat in power to regain our international stature. As of now, we have JT as the best option. His father wasn't commended as PM until he was out of power. Harper will GO DOWN as one of the worst puppets this country has ever seen.

Side note : now is a good time to go online and buy the toys from the oil workers who're now laid off. Not being one sided here, it'll help them as well. But the premise behind everything is to not put ALL of your countries eggs in one basket.

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The fundamental issue with this story is that in a time where the Conservative party under Harper is trying to engender fear in the population his defence minister is creating and fabricating lies and falsehoods in an effort to promote a very contentious bill that effectively erodes massive parts of our rights and freedoms in Canada

Why the hell is this not being spoken about more?

He is fabricating an international incident which NATO is standing back and denying 100% in the face of common sense and an uber aggressive Russia

REALLY would like some open debate on this

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Classic use of misinformation and misdirection to try and advance your own agenda.

Our own GW Bush junior.

Can't believe there's not more outcry over this government.

Oh there's outcry trust me.. but since we live in a true democracy there's nothing we really can do except vote him out.

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