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Mafia: The Game [Suits]


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I'm just sitting here laughing at how I'm getting lynched cause Virt faked tracker. Has he even been questioned whether or not he's the Vig? Nobody has thought of the possibility that Virt is claiming Vig in order to lure the Vig out.


Of course if I were in the Vig's shoes, I wouldn't counter-claim, otherwise it'd give Mafia a clear cut target. Also like to add, I ain't liking how: Lewt just follows anyone like some lost puppy, milk just does the opposite of what everyone thinks, AV just keeps questioning everything and Heffy skeptical about my claims but not Virt's.


You guys are lynching a guy based off of a lie, doesn't get much more Mafia-like than that. Also, if the real vig is out there, if you don't put a kill on Virt after all this, you're dense af.


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3 minutes ago, Alain Vigneault said:

Despite the constant avoiding of questions, I still think Virt is TP.  He baited CL pretty hard into possibly admitting to a lie, enough so that I felt I could commit my vote. But I do feel JL and Lewt are Mafioso who pounced on a quick bandwagon opportunity.


I haven't said much about Qwags because he honestly hasn't done much other than the few votes and comments here and there. I was okay with his reasoning to vote me (well not officially vote me but lean in my direction) but the comment that he'd be a tiebreaker, to me, seems like such a lay-low move, now that I'm thinking it over.


I might regret this but UNVOTE


Will decide if I want to go CL again, or somebody else.



I am on the fence with CL too, I would like to hear from some of the slankers before making up my mind.


@ilduce39Needs to weigh in on all this imo

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1 minute ago, ilduce39 said:

Hear ye, hear ye...


The regime casts his ballot!


vote CL


That is all.  

Speak the Dukes name and he appears... I don't like this vote at all. If CL is legit the Duce is rotten! 

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Just now, ilduce39 said:

Hear ye, hear ye...


The regime casts his ballot!


vote CL


That is all.  

Nightfall one says to vote zfetch (and follows up)

Nightfall two says that me or Milk? (can't remember)  are a fine lynch

Now, its CL


this comes right after i take out my vote on CL.  Seems like a mafia trying to bandwagon and keep CLs count high.

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1 minute ago, Alain Vigneault said:

Nightfall one says to vote zfetch (and follows up)

Nightfall two says that me or Milk? (can't remember)  are a fine lynch

Now, its CL


this comes right after i take out my vote on CL.  Seems like a mafia trying to bandwagon and keep CLs count high.

The regime said to vote for you last round.


Unfortunately, the CL vote was based on old information apparently as Virt's tracker claim was faked.  But now CL claims a sheriff?


Your Duce shall keep his vote where it is.

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1 minute ago, ilduce39 said:

The regime said to vote for you last round.


Unfortunately, the CL vote was based on old information apparently as Virt's tracker claim was faked.  But now CL claims a sheriff?


Your Duce shall keep his vote where it is.

Have you not read anything at all? You were last game's MVP and now you're clueless.

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12 minutes ago, CanucksLegacy said:

I'm just sitting here laughing at how I'm getting lynched cause Virt faked tracker. Has he even been questioned whether or not he's the Vig? Nobody has thought of the possibility that Virt is claiming Vig in order to lure the Vig out.


Of course if I were in the Vig's shoes, I wouldn't counter-claim, otherwise it'd give Mafia a clear cut target. Also like to add, I ain't liking how: Lewt just follows anyone like some lost puppy, milk just does the opposite of what everyone thinks, AV just keeps questioning everything and Heffy skeptical about my claims but not Virt's.


You guys are lynching a guy based off of a lie, doesn't get much more Mafia-like than that. Also, if the real vig is out there, if you don't put a kill on Virt after all this, you're dense af.


Well I have been in awe of Virt's stupidity this round but in reality even he should have enough intelligence to know that fake claiming vig would never work since if he is not the vig the vig will just kill him.


the only way I think Virt is not the vig is if he is trying to goad the Mafia into killing him instead of one of the sheriff's, but he is still TP. 


If Virt really is the vig he should almost get a game suspension for working against his team. 

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Just now, CanucksLegacy said:

Have you not read anything at all? You were last game's MVP and now you're clueless.

The regime admits to partaking in too much bunga bunga this round and not enough reading.  (Honestly haven't read much)


With sober second thought withholding a sheriff claim is exactly something that CL would do. 


Your Duce rarely backtracks. But came back to change votes before you quoted.  He shall also be going to bed for a 12 hour Odinsleep to kick off Spring Break like the old man he is.


Vote stays where it was meant to fall last round.




vote AV

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Just now, Aladeen said:

Well I have been in awe of Virt's stupidity this round but in reality even he should have enough intelligence to know that fake claiming vig would never work since if he is not the vig the vig will just kill him.


the only way I think Virt is not the vig is if he is trying to goad the Mafia into killing him instead of one of the sheriff's, but he is still TP. 


If Virt really is the vig he should almost get a game suspension for working against his team. 

And if Virt is Mafia? Then what?

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Just now, CanucksLegacy said:

Anyone want to be invited into my role PM? Might as well get GK'd at this point, so you guys can at least have the lynch to work with your dense minds

Don't do it! I am leaning towards believing you and I personally think there are others that may be a more beneficial lynch this round anyways.  If you do get hung and show up town it will be a very informative round.

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Just now, CanucksLegacy said:

You'll probably just lie about what's in the PM anyways. I'll take anyone to see it aside Virt. Aladeen, do you want in?

No! I want to play this game. I think it would be disrespectful to intoews and I believe you enough that I don't think we should be voting you out this round

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