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[Mafia] Game of Thrones (Game On)

Beluga Whale

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1 hour ago, JAY JAY said:

Qwags and Fwybwed


As we are all aware, these two play a dgaf kinda game regardless of their faction.

With Qwags quitting (Dral subbed) I needed to try and get Fwybwed to slip up and reveal

his faction. I didn't want to waste a TBT in the first round, nor did I want to put him up against anyone else as he still would have got lynched and his opponent probably wouldn't have given us any answers. My plan (ill conceived though it may have been) was as I laid it out in the thread. Funny though, he actually was in a pm. Nobody cared! All the focus went on me. I really was surprised I survived the first round.


Kakacanucks and Mau5trap


I wasn't sure if I could survive past the second round so I decided to call a Thunderdome so that ability wouldn't go to waste. WE needed to take out a mafia.

They were 2 players who weren't particularly active and hadn't given much indication of their possible faction. At the time, they seemed to be my best choices. Hopefully a townie wouldn't get lynched and we could get some clues as to other player's faction. It worked, and I didn't even have to vote.

That vote should be looked at, any any players defending Kaka. Mau5 shouldn't get a free pass though.



I can only call one more, so I'm going to use this round. I fear my luck will run out, there are too many tp who want my hide.

I will entertain candidates. Know this though, I will decide!


Good job JJ sorry about last round lol!! 

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Lol looks like everyone I have had conflict with has turned up TP special, this makes me rethink my thoughts on KH, JL and TL, I have been easier on them than I should have been, thinking that they are too good of players to be playing this scummy, basically too scummy to actually be scum I reasoned that they were likely Tp specials. Now I will have to go back and re evaluate me reads.


At least I came to the right conclusion about KaKa.

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2 hours ago, JAY JAY said:

No, if there were 3 soft claims of specials, then who are they?

If the Sheriff can't help the town, then what purpose do they serve.

If a Sheriffs investigations aren't known to the town, then the mafia can still target, after all, regardless of special or not, the mafia know all of us.

Well the hope for the town with the sheriff is that they have enough time to solve the game completely or at least damn close before getting killed or exposed and leaving behind clues to the game.


one thing that is generally done when there is no PMing is that everyone says what their investigations would be if they were sheriff. This helps the sheriff blend in the game while still being able to post their results.


Often the town does this right from the get go and I was going to suggest doing it the first round. But the problem with doing it the first round is that since the TP have little to no info to work with it becomes easy for the Mafia to spot who is full of crap especially if the TP don't maintain their reads consistently. 


But I see no other choices here and I will start.


I My n1 investigation was Actually 112 and is the reason I laid off her in r2, my n2 investigation was you and obviously was also a miss.


If vanilla Tp feel strongly that they read someone Mafia post that as an investigation result but be consistent with it. 



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Ok so JJ and to a lesser, lesser extent, Falcon, are on my fly-list.


I always thought Al was TP so good for him to confirm.


I think Al and JJ should reveal their targets for this round that they are going to use their special on.  Falcon can too but I think regardless should get a pass since his power can get redirected and already has been (that's what I'm unsure of)


In the meantime, his scummy af post deserves for to go.  Vote BJ22

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8 hours ago, Aladeen said:

The I voted jazz is because he has been posting in the white noise ask and wish threads but not here? 

I was actually going to, but I got distracted by people in the AMA threads. 


As well as I hung out with a girl for most of last night and then got interrogated by my roommates when I got home.


Otherwise, I would have voted/contributed to the thread more.

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51 minutes ago, thejazz97 said:

I was actually going to, but I got distracted by people in the AMA threads. 


As well as I hung out with a girl for most of last night and then got interrogated by my roommates when I got home.


Otherwise, I would have voted/contributed to the thread more.

Omg Jasper you were on a date?!?!  How was it? 

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8 hours ago, JAY JAY said:

No, if there were 3 soft claims of specials, then who are they?

If the Sheriff can't help the town, then what purpose do they serve.

If a Sheriffs investigations aren't known to the town, then the mafia can still target, after all, regardless of special or not, the mafia know all of us.

What if the Sheriff's investigations have only hit town? Then what use would it really be to come forward as Sheriff, without PMing anything that TP shares with the Town  it shares with the Mafia. 


If our Sheriff comes forward to the Town, they're pretty much guaranteed to get MK'd that round.

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18 hours ago, falcon45ca said:



Look real close at the people voting for me. Scum are in there for sure.


FWY gave this a rep point last night. At the time the votes on me were JJ, Mau5 & TL.



Blue Jay, Kazmanian Devil, King Heffy, Dr.Strangelove, falcon45ca, Time Lord


The votes on Otherwise at the lynch.


Aladeen, Time Lord, King Heffy, Mau5trap, Dr.Strangelove, Kakanucks, Kazmanian Devil


The votes on FWY at the lynch.


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1 hour ago, falcon45ca said:

What if the Sheriff's investigations have only hit town? Then what use would it really be to come forward as Sheriff, without PMing anything that TP shares with the Town  it shares with the Mafia. 


If our Sheriff comes forward to the Town, they're pretty much guaranteed to get MK'd that round.

If/when the sheriff gets killed they will flip sheriff, then we know that those people they investigated are Town and for sure not mafia, that way we don't lynch them. The Mafia already know who is town, so giving up information about who is town to the mafia doesn't really matter. And I think you ultimately missed the whole point of my previous post.




This will help give cover to the sheriff and will give us valuable SPEW when someone flips mafia. Also everyone has to do it otherwise it doesn't work. 

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I investigated Zfetch in round 1.  My first interaction with him had me believing that a TP Zfetch wouldn't have took "screw it" as a mafia thing to say.  He came up TP and that's why I've laid off him and have asked for his input going forward.


Then I investigated Aladeen.  I had been trustworthy of 112 but the interactions between both her and Aladeen made me believe that one of them could have been mafia (since both were calling for each other's head).  He also made a comment about me being too agreeable, which was a bit odd because I'm usually quite the opposite with many players here.  In other words, I took it as a wy to put pressure on me.  I responded and conducted my investigation.  He came up TP.


Now why Aladeen over somebody like JJ or BJ, who I've been hounding all game?  In the past, my read on Aladeen hasn't been good.  I was very, very certain he was Mafia a few games ago but he ending up flipping TP.  While investigating JJ or BJ could have further confirmed my suspicions of them, I felt Aladeen to be too dangerous to leave alone.

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17 hours ago, Kazmanian Devil said:

Lol wtf otherwise is so scummy


17 hours ago, Kazmanian Devil said:

unvote vote otherwise


17 hours ago, Kazmanian Devil said:

There is no conviction here

I was here when he posted all these.  They came about 5 mins apart.  I personally gave him the benefit of the doubt because I saw a scenario where otherwise could be scummy (she had some weird posts and that post which Kaz quoted didn't look good on her) but now this looks like taking advantage of somebody who's had a sketchy game.  Which already happened with fwy.


TP Kaz, as I have come to know him, is usually more laxed and not somebody who steps up like this, especially when there was equally suspicious candidates available.

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1 hour ago, Aladeen said:

If/when the sheriff gets killed they will flip sheriff, then we know that those people they investigated are Town and for sure not mafia, that way we don't lynch them. The Mafia already know who is town, so giving up information about who is town to the mafia doesn't really matter. And I think you ultimately missed the whole point of my previous post.


No, I hadn't read your post when I responded to JJ.

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