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[Mafia] Game of Thrones (Game On)

Beluga Whale

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This was a post I made on page 70

Kaz quoted it, and colour coded it for his response.

I'm going to give it his colour and then post his response to it

11 hours ago, JAY JAY said:

Earlier in the thread, round 1, someone said that it was unlikely that Chris would quit if he was mafia, therefore he must be town.

If that is likely(and it does seem reasonable), then that person subbing for Chris would be town.

Otherwise subbed for Chris, Otherwise was town. Otherwise was lynched.

Isn't then reasonable that mafia can be found in that vote or starting it.

11 hours ago, Kazmanian Devil said:

That's poor and dangerous reasoning to read someone as town. By that logic, Dral and Jazz must be town.


This applies to any reasonably sized wagon, doesn't it?

Orange: Actually, that is a very reasonable assumption to make. How often does somebody quit the game out of frustration when they are mafia? I know of several times that when that happens, they are in fact town. Chris himself has done it before, as I have. There was nothing that Chris had posted that even remotely suggested scum, but actually showed tp Chris.

So with that in mind, the probability that whomever subbed for Chris would also be town.


Orange If the players that were subbed for, quit in the same manner, it could suggest that. Qwags, however, was more driven out of the game, and so we have no real idea of his faction. Whatever it is, Dral as the sub is tp or mafia. We don't know, and have to evaluate Dral on his posts. Kass was banned, and Jazz is mafia or tp. Neither Dral or Jazz can be evaluated in the way that Otherwise could be. Your idea of logic is illogical.

Blue: As Curly would say, "certainly." However, while both tp and mafia vote on bandwagons, patterns can emerge, such as timely movements, who drives the wagon, who bails and when, especially when these occurrences and tallys  are compared and colour coded over several rounds.


I get the feeling that you are more worried that Otherwise flipping tp, will reveal your mafia alignment.


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Vote Kaz


JJ If I may suggest a TBT between 2 of KH, JL, Jazz and TL. I found the TBT very telling and when I did analysis on each it became pretty evident that Kaka was mafia when her posts were looked at closely.


KH, JL, Jazz, TL and Kaz... Likely about 3 mafia in this group IMO


Mau5, Dral, AV, DrS, BJ.... Likely about 1 mafia in this group IMO and likely the one mafia is either BJ or DrS


The sheriff should be getting close to solving this game hopefully if they manage to live one more round they should have it figured out 2 rounds should absolutely do it



For me my list would be as follows from scummiest to least













Not sure if I'm missing anyone. 

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On 2016-05-16 at 5:47 PM, Blue Jay 22 said:

Right now, I have fwybwed as the number 1 target. Reasons:


-He's made the 2nd least number of posts next to Kaka, who stated that he/she would not be able to post until Monday.


-When he has posted, he has made "go with the flow" type of posts: 1st attacking AV when AV was the popular target at the time, then attacked me, probably thinking "I can call out the noob and nobody will bat an eye."


-He hasn't posted in over 12 hours, despite the fact that others and myself have seen him not only on the forums, but on this page. He has been the 2nd hardest slanker next to falcon, imo, but at least Falcon is responding and offering his thoughts on the game so far and defending himself when called out.


-He has been called out several times about his PM'ing, and as I am typing this right now, offers the weakest response possible.


By this point, I think it's obvious he is not TP. He is either a special with a terrible plan, or Mafia.


On 2016-05-16 at 5:56 PM, Dr.Strangelove said:

Pretty good points here BJ (other than the pm point I'm not a fan of using someone pming as a reason to vote them out) I would like to hear from FWY regarding these points before voting for him however



On 2016-05-16 at 5:58 PM, Blue Jay 22 said:

Which is why I haven't casted yet. I'm waiting for him to respond, but unless he blows my mind, I'm pretty sure my hunch is right.

On 2016-05-16 at 5:58 PM, King Heffy said:

It shouldn't be the primary reason but if someone's already acting scummy it should be used as supporting evidence, especially when the defence is softer than Mason Raymond.

Now, bearing in mind that I started the damn pm thing, read how neutral these posts are, I get a feeling that if they are mafia, they know fwy isn't and can defend his being lynched without shade cast on them. They are just biding their time.

Especially KH and Dr. S.

Of these 3, only BJ didn't vote for fwy. He did leave the wagon though to vote for Falcon.


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1 minute ago, JAY JAY said:

Now, bearing in mind that I started the damn pm thing, read how neutral these posts are, I get a feeling that if they are mafia, they know fwy isn't and can defend his being lynched without shade cast on them. They are just biding their time.

Especially KH and Dr. S.

Of these 3, only BJ didn't vote for fwy. He did leave the wagon though to vote for Falcon.


Read the entire 1st quote and tell me that is not mafia behavior. You even thought so yourself. And unlike Dr. S, and KH, I actually outlined my reasons for thinking suspicious of him, as opposed to piggy backing onto another's opinion. As TP, I have no idea who is mafia and who is TP. I can only form knowledge based off gameplay behavior and reading text. And fwy's terrible gameplay (ALONG WITH YOUR PM CLAIMS) led me to believe he was mafia.


Would you agree that fwy played the crappiest regular TP game in the history of mafia?

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8 minutes ago, Blue Jay 22 said:

Read the entire 1st quote and tell me that is not mafia behavior. You even thought so yourself. And unlike Dr. S, and KH, I actually outlined my reasons for thinking suspicious of him, as opposed to piggy backing onto another's opinion. As TP, I have no idea who is mafia and who is TP. I can only form knowledge based off gameplay behavior and reading text. And fwy's terrible gameplay (ALONG WITH YOUR PM CLAIMS) led me to believe he was mafia.


Would you agree that fwy played the crappiest regular TP game in the history of mafia?

I actually never expected you to respond to this. I needed your quote to show what KH and Dr.S were responding to.

I noted that you left the wagon. You seem a little too defensive when there was no need to be.

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1 minute ago, Aladeen said:

Sorry Blue Jay did you ever answer my question about why you went Anon on one device? If So I must have missed it.



He said he thinks because he had CDC opened on his laptop and his phone, it essentially negated showing his name.

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Not Voting (6)


Jay Jay, JohnLocke, thejazz97, Mau5trap, Kakanucks, Zfetch

TBT vote for Round 2- Kakanucks didn't even vote for mau5? Mau5 didn't even vote for Kakanucks? And the 3 people who all voted for mau5 (Aladeen, AV, Falcon) are more than likely TP people. That means no suspected mafia members voted for mau5 in the thunderdome, and kakanucks (A CONFIRMED MAFIA MEMBER), didn't vote for mau5 either even though his/her life was on the line. Protecting a bigger fish?


Not Voting (3)


 Kakanucks, Zfetch,

Lynch no voters for Round 2


King Heffy (1)




Dral (1)



Voting for each other because they know they won't be lynched because of few votes? Jazz being protective of Heffy?


Dr.Strangelove (3)


One one two, JohnLocke, Aladeen,


2nd place finisher in round 2, and again, I don't think any suspected mafia members voted for Dr. S. I had suspicions of 112, but she turned out TP. I'm not 100% convinced JL isn't Mafia, but I'm not leaning that way right now. 112 and Aladeen appear to be a couple of the more respected and experienced players here. Why did the other experienced members not follow their suit if they believed them to be TP, unless they were protecting Dr. S?


Kaz (1)



Zfetch round 1 vote. For someone who seems experienced in this game, Zfetch has left no mark whatsover so far this game. He/She has casted 1 vote, and it was for a person that wasn't in any danger of being lynched. When I've played IRL before and was mafia, my teammates and myself would sometimes cast votes for each other if someone we knew was TP was about to be voted out for the group. That way the TP take care of the lynch candidate for us, we could say that we didn't vote for the candidate who turned out TP, and we still get the night kill as an extra bonus.


Vote Mau5


And I think members of the group of Zfetch, Dr. S, Jazz, and Heffy would make great Thunderdome candidates.

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1 minute ago, Alain Vigneault said:

He said he thinks because he had CDC opened on his laptop and his phone, it essentially negated showing his name.

It doesn't work that way and I can prove it if you want. I can be on laptop and phone, the only way for someone to post something sooner than the last time they were online is if they went anon. 


The reason being logged in on two devices shouldn't matter is because the record of when someone is last online is stored on CDC not their devices. 


If he was last online 16 minutes ago but posted 11 minutes ago, the only way that's possible is if he posted while he was anon.


Now if he claims he is anon on one device and not the other, that makes sense to what we saw, but I still say why would a mafia noob need to be anon on either device to begin with.






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6 minutes ago, Aladeen said:

Sorry Blue Jay did you ever answer my question about why you went Anon on one device? If So I must have missed it.




16 hours ago, Blue Jay 22 said:


Sorry about that. I've had a busy afternoon.


Uh, let's see. 2 hours ago. Went to Wal-Mart to pick up some wine. Then came back and grilled for me and my girlfriend. In between all those times, I would check my phone and update the chat while driving and cooking. When I came back into my room just now, I noticed my laptop was already open and on snooze. When turned on, it opened onto this page. What I think happened was that while still logged on to my laptop, I was also on my phone checking out the thread. Having 2 things opened on the same thing at once, followed by the eventual snooze probably messed with what you are seeing. Whether or not that was the cause, I have no idea. But that is the truth. 

This was my explanation. Whether or not that explains anything, I have no idea. Truth be told, I have no idea how I went Anon. But that was my response to AV 1st questioning me about it and that is what I am sticking with since that is the truth.

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3 minutes ago, Blue Jay 22 said:

Not Voting (6)


Jay Jay, JohnLocke, thejazz97, Mau5trap, Kakanucks, Zfetch

TBT vote for Round 2- Kakanucks didn't even vote for mau5? Mau5 didn't even vote for Kakanucks? And the 3 people who all voted for mau5 (Aladeen, AV, Falcon) are more than likely TP people. That means no suspected mafia members voted for mau5 in the thunderdome, and kakanucks (A CONFIRMED MAFIA MEMBER), didn't vote for mau5 either even though his/her life was on the line. Protecting a bigger fish?


Not Voting (3)


 Kakanucks, Zfetch,

Lynch no voters for Round 2


King Heffy (1)




Dral (1)



Voting for each other because they know they won't be lynched because of few votes? Jazz being protective of Heffy?


Dr.Strangelove (3)


One one two, JohnLocke, Aladeen,


2nd place finisher in round 2, and again, I don't think any suspected mafia members voted for Dr. S. I had suspicions of 112, but she turned out TP. I'm not 100% convinced JL isn't Mafia, but I'm not leaning that way right now. 112 and Aladeen appear to be a couple of the more respected and experienced players here. Why did the other experienced members not follow their suit if they believed them to be TP, unless they were protecting Dr. S?


Kaz (1)



Zfetch round 1 vote. For someone who seems experienced in this game, Zfetch has left no mark whatsover so far this game. He/She has casted 1 vote, and it was for a person that wasn't in any danger of being lynched. When I've played IRL before and was mafia, my teammates and myself would sometimes cast votes for each other if someone we knew was TP was about to be voted out for the group. That way the TP take care of the lynch candidate for us, we could say that we didn't vote for the candidate who turned out TP, and we still get the night kill as an extra bonus.


Vote Mau5


And I think members of the group of Zfetch, Dr. S, Jazz, and Heffy would make great Thunderdome candidates.

Mau couldn't vote Kaka and Kaka couldn't vote mau. 

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8 minutes ago, Aladeen said:

Mau couldn't vote Kaka and Kaka couldn't vote mau. 

Hmmm, why is that? BW never said that in the rules or the post regarding the TBT...you'd think at least one of them would've tried to vote for the other one if they were both TP.

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