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Ladies and Gentlemen


I am here not angry but rather disappointed. Some may ask how is milk and honey disappointed. Well let’s begin with the beginning of the game. Go look at kaz-me interactions and u tell me with a straight face that isn’t scummy on his part. Calls me confirmed tp but still votes for me the same round. Then again the following round. He is a troll type mafia guy and yet u believe him over me. How dare you guys even consider lynching me when I was honest since day one that I am a tp. I don’t care if he claim or anything. The only time you could have said I lied about my fraction was when I was KP like 6-8games  ago but I never said I was tp that game rather if I would get investigated that I would turn back tp. I am honest, kind and I understand I may not be the best at mafia but every game as tp or SK I have helped lynch’d a mafia member or had a mafia member on my scum list. You guys call me what you want and think of me what you want the facts of the matter is that I am a decent player.


Zfetch does a very similar thing when he is tp and is about to get lynch’d. He will go full mental and spam the thread but yet with him you believe him. You guy’s mindset is unjust and not remotely fair.


I am extremely disappointed as well with you guy’s scum tactics. With respect to aladeen, RAPE is just awful and nonsense. Go give yo head a good shake after u go rape kaz.  Pure nonsense with all these acronyms that reality are more times than not wrong.  May I request in future games we stop acting so smart and cocky and just play good old fashion mafia. Where we lynch players who aren’t making sense and the mafia kill those who are of danger with them.


I made a post yesterday testing if Stamkos did copy and paste something from a pm if it would change font. Posted it in the thread as well and it came back negative but yet u guys continued with your stupidity and killed a tp. Well done guys, well done.


The thing I am most disappointed by far is how we are wasting each other’s precious time. Most of us have lived 15-25% of our lifes already and I kept telling you guys you are wasting time. Netherless you guys continue to come after me. I am honest and will remain that way for the foreseeable future. What Kaz did as fake claiming to be vig/sheriff is just utter nonsense and wrong. I understand it’s under the rules of the game but as a human to human his acts are despicable to say the least.


In closing, I want to thank JJ as he has been nothing but a top class host. If mafia was a video game JJ would have a 99rating. How he keeps track of votes and vote occurrences is just something else. I know he says wait for the pros to host a game but he is one of the pros at hosting a game. I also want to thank those who believed me, those who voted with me and those who voted for other players beside me.  It says a lot when the people I tagged and called upon refused to bat an eye and look at the facts.  The fact are slips are clearly subjective, and not to believe someone as unreliable as kaz. How BW saying kaz should get a 2nd look didn’t have any talk over it till nightfall is stupid on the tp part. I am for one ashamed it took me so wrong to remember it and bring it up. I will continue playing but you guys need to step your games up. I don’t like people calling me out as tp because they are just wasting time simple as that. Time is precious and I don’t want you guys to forget that. I forgive the tp who voted me out, and the mafia who did. Infact I admire the mafia wittiness to get me lynch and they deserve respect if any mafia did indeed vote for me.


With pride in my lungs I chant for the final time in this game till the game ends



DPS me pls!






1 hour ago, Kazmanian Devil said:

I lied.


No real loss though.


that is getting -1 u dumb fart.  i am not stupid but rather u r a stupid daft selfless little chicken who rather kill a tp then go scum hunt for a real target. what a peice of trash u r 

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2 minutes ago, milk and honey said:

Ladies and Gentlemen


I am here not angry but rather disappointed. Some may ask how is milk and honey disappointed. Well let’s begin with the beginning of the game. Go look at kaz-me interactions and u tell me with a straight face that isn’t scummy on his part. Calls me confirmed tp but still votes for me the same round. Then again the following round. He is a troll type mafia guy and yet u believe him over me. How dare you guys even consider lynching me when I was honest since day one that I am a tp. I don’t care if he claim or anything. The only time you could have said I lied about my fraction was when I was KP like 6-8games  ago but I never said I was tp that game rather if I would get investigated that I would turn back tp. I am honest, kind and I understand I may not be the best at mafia but every game as tp or SK I have helped lynch’d a mafia member or had a mafia member on my scum list. You guys call me what you want and think of me what you want the facts of the matter is that I am a decent player.


Zfetch does a very similar thing when he is tp and is about to get lynch’d. He will go full mental and spam the thread but yet with him you believe him. You guy’s mindset is unjust and not remotely fair.


I am extremely disappointed as well with you guy’s scum tactics. With respect to aladeen, RAPE is just awful and nonsense. Go give yo head a good shake after u go rape kaz.  Pure nonsense with all these acronyms that reality are more times than not wrong.  May I request in future games we stop acting so smart and cocky and just play good old fashion mafia. Where we lynch players who aren’t making sense and the mafia kill those who are of danger with them.


I made a post yesterday testing if Stamkos did copy and paste something from a pm if it would change font. Posted it in the thread as well and it came back negative but yet u guys continued with your stupidity and killed a tp. Well done guys, well done.


The thing I am most disappointed by far is how we are wasting each other’s precious time. Most of us have lived 15-25% of our lifes already and I kept telling you guys you are wasting time. Netherless you guys continue to come after me. I am honest and will remain that way for the foreseeable future. What Kaz did as fake claiming to be vig/sheriff is just utter nonsense and wrong. I understand it’s under the rules of the game but as a human to human his acts are despicable to say the least.


In closing, I want to thank JJ as he has been nothing but a top class host. If mafia was a video game JJ would have a 99rating. How he keeps track of votes and vote occurrences is just something else. I know he says wait for the pros to host a game but he is one of the pros at hosting a game. I also want to thank those who believed me, those who voted with me and those who voted for other players beside me.  It says a lot when the people I tagged and called upon refused to bat an eye and look at the facts.  The fact are slips are clearly subjective, and not to believe someone as unreliable as kaz. How BW saying kaz should get a 2nd look didn’t have any talk over it till nightfall is stupid on the tp part. I am for one ashamed it took me so wrong to remember it and bring it up. I will continue playing but you guys need to step your games up. I don’t like people calling me out as tp because they are just wasting time simple as that. Time is precious and I don’t want you guys to forget that. I forgive the tp who voted me out, and the mafia who did. Infact I admire the mafia wittiness to get me lynch and they deserve respect if any mafia did indeed vote for me.


With pride in my lungs I chant for the final time in this game till the game ends



DPS me pls!




17yo41.jpgvia Imgflip Meme Generator


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that is getting -1 u dumb fart.  i am not stupid but rather u r a stupid daft selfless little chicken who rather kill a fellow tp then go scum hunt for a real target. what a peice of trash u r 

Can someone TLDR this please? I don't have the willpower or attention span to read it.

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7 minutes ago, JohnLocke said:

Can someone TLDR this please? I don't have the willpower or attention span to read it.

TL;DR I'm not angry, just disappointed. Zfetch sucks, Aladeen sucks, go after Kaz, we're wasting our lives by lying in mafia, mmm JJ's ass tastes good on my lips, go TP go,  DPS pls, meme.

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Vote Fwy


Earlier today it said he was last seen 3 hours ago but he had posted an hour ago.


Not sure if its a glitch on CDC or if he went offline to read mafia PMs or some $&!#.


But my vote will be there for now.

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1 minute ago, Alain Vigneault said:

Vote Fwy


Earlier today it said he was last seen 3 hours ago but he had posted an hour ago.


Not sure if its a glitch on CDC or if he went offline to read mafia PMs or some $&!#.


But my vote will be there for now.

I can buy this with the way he pushed the wagon on me.


unvote vote fwy

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8 minutes ago, Alain Vigneault said:

Vote Fwy


Earlier today it said he was last seen 3 hours ago but he had posted an hour ago.


Not sure if its a glitch on CDC or if he went offline to read mafia PMs or some $&!#.


But my vote will be there for now.

I might have something to add re: this but am going to wait for fwyb to issue a response of his own first.

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