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Okay guys, I hear you're all fitness equipment experts so I am asking you all for some help/advice/recommendation/expert analysis


I am needing a treadmill. Im a big ass dude, 6'3 300 pounds. Clearly I have to get rid of the small person that is living inside of me. I want a treadmill that wont explode into pieces when I start stomping like a &^@#ing bigfoot on it. Wanna keep it under $2,500.00 CAD. Stores that I will explore are places like Canadian Tire, etc. I am open to ordering online if shipping doesn't cost me my monthly salary. 



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22 minutes ago, Lancaster said:

The  resale market usually isn't a bad place to get a good deal.  

True, but I am more concerned with getting a quality product without someones cooties. Also people be sneaky tryna sell broken $&!#. I will definitely look though. More wondering what brands are good or bad.

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Keep checking Canadian tire, they have flyer sales once in a while. 3 months ago I bought a Nordic Track for $700 down from $2500. I have owned 3 in 10yrs so they do break. Since I always buy on sale, I don't mind too much.

You are a big dude though, check the weight limits on whatever model you have interest in. 

Side note, I'm down 20lbs to 185 this year. I've always ran, lifted and trained( Karateka). But I lost the extra weight by fixing my diet...I'm in the alc business and enjoy my beers. Once I simmered back on that a touch and ate healthier, I saw way more weight loss.

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7 minutes ago, bishopshodan said:

Keep checking Canadian tire, they have flyer sales once in a while. 3 months ago I bought a Nordic Track for $700 down from $2500. I have owned 3 in 10yrs so they do break. Since I always buy on sale, I don't mind too much.

You are a big dude though, check the weight limits on whatever model you have interest in. 

Side note, I'm down 20lbs to 185 this year. I've always ran, lifted and trained( Karateka). But I lost the extra weight by fixing my diet...I'm in the alc business and enjoy my beers. Once I simmered back on that a touch and ate healthier, I saw way more weight loss.

Worth a read for those who drink and want to lose weight 



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Hey man.


Forget the treadmill, what you want is DDP Yoga.




It's alot cheaper and ALOT more effective than a treadmill.


I started it in May and have lost 80+ Pounds with it and I just hit my initial goal of weighing 170lbs(Down from 251.5) on December 15th.


It works if you do, if you have any questions I'd be happy to help!

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1 hour ago, MJDDawg said:

Take a look at this. Has great reviews and is low impact, which is perfect for someone just getting back into fitness.




With coupon code comes to about $2K.






Sorry, gotta Disagree with the point you made about it being perfect for someone "just getting back into fitness" - strongly. 


I've dealt with Spinal Stenosis since I was 13 years old and when I started DDPYoga I could barely go 10 minutes, and had 0 muscle mass/tone/knowledge about exercising/proper diet aside from most of the common stuff(Eat your veggies, yada yada)


With discount it comes out to about $150 USD - and that's only if you decide to buy the Yoga Mat/Heart Rate Monitor from them too.





You Can Do This!

Diamond Dallas Page originally developed DDP YOGA for athletes like himself who had suffered years of injuries due to high impact sports.  For the first 42 years of his life, Dallas was a guy who "wouldn't be caught dead" doing yoga, or anything like it.

When he ruptured his L4 and L5 spinal discs during the height of his professional wrestling career, he was so desperate to keep his childhood dream alive, he was willing to try anything.  So he tried yoga for the first time in his life.

Because Dallas (DDP) had so much experience in many other areas of fitness, he quickly learned how different yoga was from traditional workouts; soon, he started mixing elements of yoga with his rehab as well as traditional workout principles.  For almost a decade, DDP has refined his program and has become a master at teaching it to others, as well as motivating individuals to believe that anything is possible with dedication and hard work.

Along the way, Dallas learned that very deconditioned men and women could do DDP YOGA as well -- he was amazed to see stories of people doing DDP YOGA losing literally hundreds of pounds!  As Dallas puts it, "weight loss just happens to be a really AWESOME side effect of DDP YOGA!"


DDP YOGA combines the very best of yoga, traditional fitness, sports therapy and dynamic resistance to create one of the most effective fitness plans in existence today. It allows anyone to:

  • Get a kick-ass cardio workout
  • Increase flexibility
  • Strengthen core muscles
  • Experience almost no joint impact

DDP YOGA is CardiYoga!

The main benefits are body fat loss, lean muscle growth, and improved cardiovascular performance, without placing undue stress on the joints.  DDP YOGA is currently used by professional football players, more than 40 professional wrestlers, MMA fighters, and regular, everyday people who want to perform at optimum levels and place themselves in the best position to improve their quality of life.  At the same time, morbidly obese individuals have inspired us with their own DDP YOGA success stories!
DDP Yoga is the evolution of what was formerly the YRG Fitness System, which is best known for what many say is the most dramatic transformation in the health and fitness industry:
Arthur Boorman's incredible transformation story proves to people that not only can almost anyone do DDP YOGA, but that hard work and persistance can lead to incredible results.



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On 12/19/2016 at 2:35 PM, Chris said:

Sorry, gotta Disagree with the point you made about it being perfect for someone "just getting back into fitness" - strongly. 


I've dealt with Spinal Stenosis since I was 13 years old and when I started DDPYoga I could barely go 10 minutes, and had 0 muscle mass/tone/knowledge about exercising/proper diet aside from most of the common stuff(Eat your veggies, yada yada)


With discount it comes out to about $150 USD - and that's only if you decide to buy the Yoga Mat/Heart Rate Monitor from them too.




Very inspiring. We need inspiration. So motivating.... thanks for posting.

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