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Trudeau more unpopular than popular for the first time since election: survey


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2 hours ago, Ryan Strome said:

I find that liberal ndp comparison funny when I hear it as the parties have staunch differences. It was nice to see Layton lead his party to their biggest win in history, it was extra special as he destroyed the bloc in the process. I also enjoyed watching the arrogant, think they have the right to govern liberals reduced to third party.


Post Mulroney? I don't follow but maybe that's because I like the reform and the Canadian alliance.

I loathe the reform/alliance myself.  They;re the reason that the conservative brand allowed for more social conservative/religious politicking over fiscal conservative, let business live or die without help mandates



In 1993, Kim Campbell who took over for Mulroney lead the Conservative party to a defeat which saw the 156 seat strong Conservative party reduced to...two


It also saw the then NDP go from its 3rd strongest electoral win at the time to it's worst loss of seats at the time.


When the NDP polls strong, it hurts the Liberals and helps the Conservatives.  When they poll weakly like now it always historically hurts the Conservatives and helps the Liberals.


The NDP now is where the Liberals of the 80s were.  The Liberals now are where the Conservatives of the 80s were.  The Conservatives...well they stepped back to the 50s and haven't come back yet since MacKay sold the party to the hyper religious let's separate reformers

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6 hours ago, kingofsurrey said:

JT ain't pushing for any pipeline.....  JT Is just playing Alberta.  


Bitumen is like the Audio  Cassette or  VHS   Cassette industry.....  going  .... going....  GONE........


6 hours ago, Violator said:

Think most people realise hes trying to play alberta.He doesnt have to try nobody will vote for him in alberta.If it was a liberal strong hold he would try same reason he doesnt like bc

There is people I work with and people in general that believe this which is silly imo. One can love or hate Trudeau and the Liberals but it's clear he is behind this project. Not out of love or hate for Alberta or BC but rather the feds need that royalty money.

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11 hours ago, Ryan Strome said:

Get lost with your love for taxes. It's no surprise you support the liberals and the BC liberals provincially. We don't need any new taxes Infact hopefully in 2019 we will be abolishing taxes brought in by the ndp.


Lol help ourselves lol Alberta has been carrying Canada for decades. Not to long ago BC was a have not province.

you know that you can't prove that statement right? Even Harper admitted that oil doesn't "carry" Canada.


The run of easy money has made people loopy in AB. Yes that province needs a provincial sales tax, it can afford it and it needs the money to diversify. Or you can stomp your feet, whine about Trudeau and call the rest of us freeloaders. You know, both will achieve something right? 

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8 hours ago, Warhippy said:

I loathe the reform/alliance myself.  They;re the reason that the conservative brand allowed for more social conservative/religious politicking over fiscal conservative, let business live or die without help mandates



In 1993, Kim Campbell who took over for Mulroney lead the Conservative party to a defeat which saw the 156 seat strong Conservative party reduced to...two


It also saw the then NDP go from its 3rd strongest electoral win at the time to it's worst loss of seats at the time.


When the NDP polls strong, it hurts the Liberals and helps the Conservatives.  When they poll weakly like now it always historically hurts the Conservatives and helps the Liberals.


The NDP now is where the Liberals of the 80s were.  The Liberals now are where the Conservatives of the 80s were.  The Conservatives...well they stepped back to the 50s and haven't come back yet since MacKay sold the party to the hyper religious let's separate reformers

Thats when they lost my vote. Judas MacKay sold out the religious right and its never been the same party. Scheer is rudderless and there have been a lot of talk recently about him not really standing for anything. 



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2 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

I am very much a left of center social person.  Why?  because it isn't up to me, you or anyone else to tell people how to live, what to do with their lives, who to love or what to do with their bodies.  As long as your choices don't affect my family or pocketbook it's no big deal.  THAT is what was lost in the reform/conservative merger.  REAL Conservatives did not interfere.  If a person wanted to identify as a lamp, lol go ahead idiot show me where the lightbulb goes.  If a business said I need money or I am leaving, well.  Bye


Now...well the absolute opposite.  Every aspect of personal life, religion, business is now a talking point and that aint right.  You cannot govern a country if you are worried about what little timmy in Timmins is deciding to wear on Monday


Scheer showed while being speaker of the house he is not impartial.  He claims to be a common man but has worked in politics his entire life.  His net earnings since he first sat as a Harper MP is over $6 MILLION.  His hyper religious statements, views and actions before taking the leadership of the party are repugnant.  If he now says I didn't mean them then that's even worse as he's a flopper.  at least if he still owned up to it he'd appear to have some integrity or a backbone.


Scheer is essentially a less aggressive form of Jason kenney without the pretending to be a cowboy.  No platform, no plan just reactionary statements

I'm left socially, centre financially. The PCs pre-merger were closest to that idea with their support of trade and multiculturalism, and they didn't look to get into charter fights or pump religious bs the way the current social con's do. The social side will win out with me ultimately tho, I can't stand the idea of religious conservatives dictating people's lives. And then there's the AB conspiracy theorists :picard:


Trudeau is what he is. They've disappointed me greatly on a few things, and have done a decent job on other things. But compared to handing the religious zealots the keys its just fine the way it is. 


Harper screwed Canada in so many ways, not just his hyper-focus on oil and all things Alberta. With GM its coming home to roost, Magna had a deal in place to buy Opel and we would have had a Canadian car manufacturer, but the sob blocked it to help GM and screw over the Stronach group. 


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9 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

I am very much a left of center social person.  Why?  because it isn't up to me, you or anyone else to tell people how to live, what to do with their lives, who to love or what to do with their bodies.  As long as your choices don't affect my family or pocketbook it's no big deal.  THAT is what was lost in the reform/conservative merger.  REAL Conservatives did not interfere.  If a person wanted to identify as a lamp, lol go ahead idiot show me where the lightbulb goes.  If a business said I need money or I am leaving, well.  Bye


Now...well the absolute opposite.  Every aspect of personal life, religion, business is now a talking point and that aint right.  You cannot govern a country if you are worried about what little timmy in Timmins is deciding to wear on Monday


Scheer showed while being speaker of the house he is not impartial.  He claims to be a common man but has worked in politics his entire life.  His net earnings since he first sat as a Harper MP is over $6 MILLION.  His hyper religious statements, views and actions before taking the leadership of the party are repugnant.  If he now says I didn't mean them then that's even worse as he's a flopper.  at least if he still owned up to it he'd appear to have some integrity or a backbone.


Scheer is essentially a less aggressive form of Jason kenney without the pretending to be a cowboy.  No platform, no plan just reactionary statements

These two dummies are why I loathe Conservatives. They've taken a page from the Republican Party...God and Country, and try to spin that as family values. I've never needed God or anyone to tell me what is right and good, so I sure don't need Andrew Scheer to tell me that I do. 

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4 minutes ago, Jimmy McGill said:

I'm left socially, centre financially. The PCs pre-merger were closest to that idea with their support of trade and multiculturalism, and they didn't look to get into charter fights or pump religious bs the way the current social con's do. The social side will win out with me ultimately tho, I can't stand the idea of religious conservatives dictating people's lives. And then there's the AB conspiracy theorists :picard:


Trudeau is what he is. They've disappointed me greatly on a few things, and have done a decent job on other things. But compared to handing the religious zealots the keys its just fine the way it is. 


Harper screwed Canada in so many ways, not just his hyper-focus on oil and all things Alberta. With GM its coming home to roost, Magna had a deal in place to buy Opel and we would have had a Canadian car manufacturer, but the sob blocked it to help GM and screw over the Stronach group. 


That SOB is the reason this Country is completely divided over the pipeline. Had he and his band of misfits on the NEB done their due diligence we wouldn't be in this mess today. Trudeau, though has really stuttered and stammered his way into a huge mess by buying the damn thing. When, and if, its completed, I see a price tag of around $20B, and our oil worth $20US a barrel, what could go wrong?

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1 hour ago, Jimmy McGill said:

you know that you can't prove that statement right? Even Harper admitted that oil doesn't "carry" Canada.


The run of easy money has made people loopy in AB. Yes that province needs a provincial sales tax, it can afford it and it needs the money to diversify. Or you can stomp your feet, whine about Trudeau and call the rest of us freeloaders. You know, both will achieve something right? 

Oh it very much can be proved. You had this debate before about equalization and you were proven wrong. Hell Alberta paid for Quebec's subsidized daycare. Any normal person and government should want less taxes not more. Jimmy the socialist?? Gotta say I don't like how that sounds my friend.:P

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17 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:

Oh it very much can be proved. You had this debate before about equalization and you were proven wrong. Hell Alberta paid for Quebec's subsidized daycare. Any normal person and government should want less taxes not more. Jimmy the socialist?? Gotta say I don't like how that sounds my friend.:P

no, I wasn't. You said Albertan's pay more, and they don't. No individual Albertan pays more into equalization than any other Canadian citizen making the same wage.    Start a thread just on equalization and I'll be happy to show you how you are mistaken about how it works. 


Alberta has such a bizarre mythology when it comes to the Trudeau's, so much so that even when a PM is trying to help them - to no benefit at all for his party - they create a conspiracy theory that he's actually trying to sink the project :lol: even you have to admit that is bizarre. 


And you can't prove the "carrying Canada" shtick. Anyone that says that just shows how little they understand the Canadian economy or is full-on kool-aid time with Alberta mythos. 

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1 hour ago, johngould21 said:

That SOB is the reason this Country is completely divided over the pipeline. Had he and his band of misfits on the NEB done their due diligence we wouldn't be in this mess today. Trudeau, though has really stuttered and stammered his way into a huge mess by buying the damn thing. When, and if, its completed, I see a price tag of around $20B, and our oil worth $20US a barrel, what could go wrong?

yeah but its Trudeau Jr's fault that Harper made a mess of it. I mean otherwise people in Alberta would have to reassess a lot of things. Clearly thats not going to happen anytime soon.


Jim Prentice said it plainly and got the boot for it, but he was 100% correct when he told Albertans to look in the mirror. 

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45 minutes ago, Jimmy McGill said:

no, I wasn't. You said Albertan's pay more, and they don't. No individual Albertan pays more into equalization than any other Canadian citizen making the same wage.    Start a thread just on equalization and I'll be happy to show you how you are mistaken about how it works. 


Alberta has such a bizarre mythology when it comes to the Trudeau's, so much so that even when a PM is trying to help them - to no benefit at all for his party - they create a conspiracy theory that he's actually trying to sink the project :lol: even you have to admit that is bizarre. 


And you can't prove the "carrying Canada" shtick. Anyone that says that just shows how little they understand the Canadian economy or is full-on kool-aid time with Alberta mythos. 

So what does Alberta get back in equalization compared to other provinces? 


Our eastern friends on cbc and ctv constantly refer to Alberta asthe economic powerhouse of Canada. I wonder why that is? Are they fake news, Jimmy?

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1 hour ago, Jimmy McGill said:

yeah but its Trudeau Jr's fault that Harper made a mess of it. I mean otherwise people in Alberta would have to reassess a lot of things. Clearly thats not going to happen anytime soon.


Jim Prentice said it plainly and got the boot for it, but he was 100% correct when he told Albertans to look in the mirror. 

My oil cousin in Alberta keeps blaming Notley and Trudeau for all their woes, and their failure to get the pipeline pushed through BC. One of his responses to our high gas prices was, "build the pipeline". I asked him several times about that huge Heritage Fund that Alberta once had, all lost because of Prentice and the lady Premier before him. Crickets. No one in Eastern Canada, or Alberta was on our side when our lumber industry hit the skids, certainly not Stephen Harper, Paul Martin, or Jean Chretien.

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49 minutes ago, johngould21 said:

My oil cousin in Alberta keeps blaming Notley and Trudeau for all their woes, and their failure to get the pipeline pushed through BC. One of his responses to our high gas prices was, "build the pipeline". I asked him several times about that huge Heritage Fund that Alberta once had, all lost because of Prentice and the lady Premier before him. Crickets. No one in Eastern Canada, or Alberta was on our side when our lumber industry hit the skids, certainly not Stephen Harper, Paul Martin, or Jean Chretien.

Many Bc'ers blame CC and the BC liberals for all the problems there. See how that works?


Who said no one cared about the BC lumber industry? BC should look in the mirror and stop selling raw logs but I guess thats a debate for another time.

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2 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:

Many Bc'ers blame CC and the BC liberals for all the problems there. See how that works?


Who said no one cared about the BC lumber industry? BC should look in the mirror and stop selling raw logs but I guess thats a debate for another time.

I can blame CC and the BC Liberals for just about all that's wrong in this Province. How about doing nothing while, and this is only an estimate, how $5B dollars managed to find it's way into BC real estate, luxury cars, and the casino's without doing nothing but patting themselves on the back with their economic numbers. Or, her 5 conditions for the pipeline, which amount to nothing more than lip service. As well as paying off the First Nation bands along the pipeline route. On top of all of this, Trudeau comes in prior to becoming Prime Minister, saying NO tankers will go down the Coast of BC, if he's elected. 

Yes, the raw logs export is nothing short of criminal, but how about allowing all of the sawmills, Oil companies, Natural Gas companies, being bought up by foreign investment? I care about the lumber industry, a hell of a lot more than most Albertans, as many of my family are still involved in it. Small town BC used to be alive with mills and logging contractors.

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8 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:

Many Bc'ers blame CC and the BC liberals for all the problems there. See how that works?


Who said no one cared about the BC lumber industry? BC should look in the mirror and stop selling raw logs but I guess thats a debate for another time.

CC and the BC Libs, in power since 2001, are being blamed for results of their governing for 16 years.


Notley, in power since 2015, blamed for effects of oil crash in 2014, in a province governed by conservatives for 40 years prior. 


Totally the same, except not at all. :picard:

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2 hours ago, Ryan Strome said:

So what does Alberta get back in equalization compared to other provinces? 


Our eastern friends on cbc and ctv constantly refer to Alberta asthe economic powerhouse of Canada. I wonder why that is? Are they fake news, Jimmy?

what does Alberta 'get back'? so you mean getting a unequal concentration of high paying jobs and being lucky enough to have imaginary borders drawn over oil fields is a burden to you? 


You love to claim that "Albertans do more". So lets take you for e.g., I'm assuming you wouldn't fake being from there. Lets say for the sake of example you pull in 70k per year. Please elaborate on how your federal taxes do more than anyone else making 70k anywhere else in Canada. I can't wait to hear how your money "does more". 


Now if you don't like how corporate revenues are shared in Canada, then start an independence movement. Or keep spouting bs that only Albertans believe. 


How about you present the facts, you know, numbers proving your point? 

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1 hour ago, johngould21 said:

My oil cousin in Alberta keeps blaming Notley and Trudeau for all their woes, and their failure to get the pipeline pushed through BC. One of his responses to our high gas prices was, "build the pipeline". I asked him several times about that huge Heritage Fund that Alberta once had, all lost because of Prentice and the lady Premier before him. Crickets. No one in Eastern Canada, or Alberta was on our side when our lumber industry hit the skids, certainly not Stephen Harper, Paul Martin, or Jean Chretien.

yeah thats a good one, given that the KM twinning is all for export. It would likely lead to higher oil prices for BC since we wouldn't have as much capacity for domestic use. 


guys like @Ryan Strome just can't seem to accept the reality that AB pissed and partied away the chance to diversify their economy. No, lets whine and moan more about Trudeau instead of admitting the mistakes and trying to not make the same decisions. 


Jason Kenney and Notley are freaking out in the media, but this is an issue that AB should have been on top of years ago, no one's going to fix it for them tomorrow. Nor should we, the rest of Canada owes AB nothing. 

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1 hour ago, Jimmy McGill said:

yeah thats a good one, given that the KM twinning is all for export. It would likely lead to higher oil prices for BC since we wouldn't have as much capacity for domestic use. 


guys like @Ryan Strome just can't seem to accept the reality that AB pissed and partied away the chance to diversify their economy. No, lets whine and moan more about Trudeau instead of admitting the mistakes and trying to not make the same decisions. 


Jason Kenney and Notley are freaking out in the media, but this is an issue that AB should have been on top of years ago, no one's going to fix it for them tomorrow. Nor should we, the rest of Canada owes AB nothing. 

I heard $100M bandied about, now I'm not too sure if that's per year, or whatever deal is made with KM. That's what our cost is going to be. They can export sludge through our Province, yet we pay the freight. A tanker goes down, a pipeline decides to burst, I guess that's all on us in BC. But then, we'll pay for the disaster at the pump regardless.


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