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22 July 2016




Almost nobody likes taxes, but some taxes are more economically harmful than others. Governments should always seek the least economically harmful way to raise the money needed to fund public services. A dollar-for-dollar tax swap with a new HST being offset by reductions in personal and business taxes would be a significant step in that direction.  

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1 minute ago, Shift-4 said:

Something I have argued for decades now

Reading some of the reports that a 5% PST would generate about $5-6B in revenue.  Combine that with some tax cuts and reduced spending, AB would probably be debt free in 10-15 years.  I believe AB current deficit is about $70B.


Contrast that to BC, where BC deficit is also about $70B but already has a 7% PST.  Man...I wish BC could get it's spending under control and reduce that debt.

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1 hour ago, Jimmy McGill said:

I know, no PST is like a religion with you guys. Even if it means a more expensive option like debt you just won't go to a PST for some reason. 


39 minutes ago, Shift-4 said:

HST please

Don't want to be like all the idiots in surrounding provinces.




Someone who actually deals with PST returns in all surrounding provinces


37 minutes ago, Jimmy McGill said:

one step at a time, I don't want to shock Strome into a coma. 

Thank you.B)

19 minutes ago, BPA said:

Reading some of the reports that a 5% PST would generate about $5-6B in revenue.  Combine that with some tax cuts and reduced spending, AB would probably be debt free in 10-15 years.  I believe AB current deficit is about $70B.


Contrast that to BC, where BC deficit is also about $70B but already has a 7% PST.  Man...I wish BC could get it's spending under control and reduce that debt.




No New Taxes.jpg

Edited by Ryan Strome
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01 March 2016




A decade ago, when Alberta was debt-free and staring at a $7.4-billion surplus, Premier Ralph Klein decided it was time to spread the wealth. He announced that every person who lived in the province—and, as it turned out, more than a few who didn’t—would receive a cheque for $400 as a “Prosperity Bonus,” a $1.4-billion giveaway that quickly became known as “Ralph Bucks.” Former premier Peter Lougheed, the architect of the province’s long-neglected Heritage Fund, disagreed with the move. In an open letter in the Calgary Herald on February 16, 2006, he wrote: “If we do not save a sufficient portion of these oil and gas revenues, history proves that much of it will be dissipated on non-essential expenditures and we will not have much to show for it 10 years or so from now.”








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5 minutes ago, BPA said:

01 March 2016




A decade ago, when Alberta was debt-free and staring at a $7.4-billion surplus, Premier Ralph Klein decided it was time to spread the wealth. He announced that every person who lived in the province—and, as it turned out, more than a few who didn’t—would receive a cheque for $400 as a “Prosperity Bonus,” a $1.4-billion giveaway that quickly became known as “Ralph Bucks.” Former premier Peter Lougheed, the architect of the province’s long-neglected Heritage Fund, disagreed with the move. In an open letter in the Calgary Herald on February 16, 2006, he wrote: “If we do not save a sufficient portion of these oil and gas revenues, history proves that much of it will be dissipated on non-essential expenditures and we will not have much to show for it 10 years or so from now.”








First you can't compare a country to a province, secondly we could do that Alsska model however we chose a different path. Best paid doctors, nurses, teachers, etc. Best highways in the country, beautiful hospitals, investing in social programs, etc. Ralph was right, give back, those resources belong to Albertans also making services the best is giving back.

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6 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:

First you can't compare a country to a province, secondly we could do that Alsska model however we chose a different path. Best paid doctors, nurses, teachers, etc. Best highways in the country, beautiful hospitals, investing in social programs, etc. Ralph was right, give back, those resources belong to Albertans also making services the best is giving back.

Not a comparison.   It was showing the actual Heritage fund or lack of one vs. what Albertans could have if they invested like Norway or Alaska.  Instead of saving for a rainy day, Albertans blew their load on tax cuts and other stuff on top of the stuff you list.  

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22 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:



Thank you.B)




No New Taxes.jpg

Then he got a look at the books and realized that taxes were needed and raised taxes.  Sometimes reality can force you to do the thing you initially didnt want to do.  An actual conservative with brains, unlike the knuckleheads who populate the conservative movement today.

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11 minutes ago, thedestroyerofworlds said:

Not a comparison.   It was showing the actual Heritage fund or lack of one vs. what Albertans could have if they invested like Norway or Alaska.  Instead of saving for a rainy day, Albertans blew their load on tax cuts and other stuff on top of the stuff you list.  

More anti Alberta stupidity. We have no taxes, the nicest hospitals, roads, hell the nicest everything. We pay our life savers and life teachers very well so they go above and beyond, that is investing in Alberta!

Again  you can't compare Norway, they don't give away 20-30 billion annually to a place called Ottawa.

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@thedestroyerofworlds also the low corporate tax rate prior to the ndp made Alberta the most invested in place in Canada. That means they created 10s of thousands of jobs making life better for all those people. This has been proven over and over again, lower corporate taxes creates jobs and makes life better. Higher corporate taxes causes job losses and brings living standards down and directly hurts people. 


Alberta's flat tax rate is the best way to go.

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7 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:

@thedestroyerofworlds also the low corporate tax rate prior to the ndp made Alberta the most invested in place in Canada. That means they created 10s of thousands of jobs making life better for all those people. This has been proven over and over again, lower corporate taxes creates jobs and makes life better. Higher corporate taxes causes job losses and brings living standards down and directly hurts people. 


Alberta's flat tax rate is the best way to go.

Man you can't use logic lol 

it's not even worth it.......

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32 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:

More anti Alberta stupidity. We have no taxes, the nicest hospitals, roads, hell the nicest everything. We pay our life savers and life teachers very well so they go above and beyond, that is investing in Alberta!

Again  you can't compare Norway, they don't give away 20-30 billion annually to a place called Ottawa.







The graph was showing possibilities for the Heritage Fund vs the actual fund or lack there of.


If Alberta actually saved some or all, there would be a nice nest egg for current and future Albertans.   As it stands, yes, Alberta blew its load on low/no taxes and other crap ON TOP of those things you list.  Not AntiAlbertan.  Pointing out flaws in previous Albertan governments policies.  You fail to see this.

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40 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:

@thedestroyerofworlds also the low corporate tax rate prior to the ndp made Alberta the most invested in place in Canada. That means they created 10s of thousands of jobs making life better for all those people. This has been proven over and over again, lower corporate taxes creates jobs and makes life better. Higher corporate taxes causes job losses and brings living standards down and directly hurts people. 


Alberta's flat tax rate is the best way to go.

And yet we have examples like Brownback's Kansas tax cuts that dont result in what you say here.  So much so that bordering states outperformed Kansas economically and resulted in Kansas conservatives eventually repealing most of Brownback's tax cuts.  Even in the face of mounting evidence that those tax cuts failed, there are still some Kansas GOP members who think Brownback didn't go far enough.  But hey, keep believing in voodoo economics.   They work according to you. 

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14 minutes ago, thedestroyerofworlds said:







The graph was showing possibilities for the Heritage Fund vs the actual fund or lack there of.


If Alberta actually saved some or all, there would be a nice nest egg for current and future Albertans.   As it stands, yes, Alberta blew its load on low/no taxes and other crap ON TOP of those things you list.  Not AntiAlbertan.  Pointing out flaws in previous Albertan governments policies.  You fail to see this.

All those things I mentioned are the majority of the money.

2 minutes ago, thedestroyerofworlds said:

And yet we have examples like Brownback's Kansas tax cuts that dont result in what you say here.  So much so that bordering states outperformed Kansas economically and resulted in Kansas conservatives eventually repealing most of Brownback's tax cuts.  Even in the face of mounting evidence that those tax cuts failed, there are still some Kansas GOP members who think Brownback didn't go far enough.  But hey, keep believing in voodoo economics.   They work according to you. 

Funny why both the cpc and liberals believe in lower corporate taxes. Provinces with lower corporate taxes have lower unemployment rates. Pretty obvious stuff.

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56 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:

More anti Alberta stupidity. We have no taxes, the nicest hospitals, roads, hell the nicest everything. We pay our life savers and life teachers very well so they go above and beyond, that is investing in Alberta!

Again  you can't compare Norway, they don't give away 20-30 billion annually to a place called Ottawa.


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1 minute ago, Ryan Strome said:

Don't like giving freeloaders like you all our money..

funny how you can make the most money and have all the nicest things but still somehow feel like you're giving away all your money and be hard done by. the tiniest violin isn't tiny enough  for that attitude from greedy pigs.


Oh and when your one trick pony goes belly up, I'm sure you won't come whinging for help from all us second class money stealing bums, right?


A little self-reflection on how entitled and douchey you sound is in order. Try your hardest to think beyond your massive entitlement and greed and perhaps give fleeting thought to the benefits you derive from slumming it in Canada with the rest of us before you wexit off in your scrooge mcduck wet dream. 





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8 minutes ago, inane said:

funny how you can make the most money and have all the nicest things but still somehow feel like you're giving away all your money and be hard done by. the tiniest violin isn't tiny enough  for that attitude from greedy pigs.


Oh and when your one trick pony goes belly up, I'm sure you won't come whinging for help from all us second class money stealing bums, right?


A little self-reflection on how entitled and douchey you sound is in order. Try your hardest to think beyond your massive entitlement and greed and perhaps give fleeting thought to the benefits you derive from slumming it in Canada with the rest of us before you wexit off in your scrooge mcduck wet dream. 





Wtf are you talking about? All those things are paid for from and by Alberta/Albertans. Ottawa, BC or anyone else isn't contributing anything into the things I mentioned. It's not greed at all. 

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