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My Angry Rant About Vancouver Drivers


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I've been a 10 ton truck driver for 5 years now, with my first 3 being downtown. You learn really fast to pick your battles and save your anger for the ones that really count, otherwise you'd go crazy with the amount of horrible things I see everyday.

Last night, southbound through the tunnel, both lanes are going 80km. Nobody that passes another car, going 1km faster then them, bothers moving over and instead clog everything up. Slowly everyone creeps up to 100km by the first overpass. Normally I'd pass on the temporary 3rd lane on the left, but the line of cars fills the entire thing. By the Hwy 10 exit I finally get an opportunity to pass. In the right lane. I swear I passed 10 cars all on my left before reaching the first car on the right. During this passing, I was going 120km. As I was, a few decide all of a sudden, that they too also want to drive at that speed. So I'm forced to go 130km just to distance myself from these horrible, obliviously dangerous, drivers.

If there's no one in front of you, move to the right. If you can't move to the right because there's someone beside you, you're going too slow. You're in the PASSING LANE. Pass and move over. It doesn't matter if you're going 200km/hr. The same rules apply. Pass and move over. You are not the "speed" police. If you need to exit on the left and it's more then 5minutes away, move over.

Driving beside another car is the most dangerous place you can be on the road. Blind spots lead to accidents. You may think you're being safe by driving beside that semi truck, but you're an idiot. This is probably the most dangerous thing you could be doing. Especially semi trucks. In the rain. For the love of god, PASS.

Downtown there's a curb lane with no parking allowed near cross streets for a reason. If you want to turn off the street, move into the curb lane first, then make your turn. If you do not do this, the ass of your car blocks my lane and I cannot move until you wait for the pedestrians to clear the street for you.

If you're driving 20km below the speed limit, in any lane, especially single lanes, I will ride your ass. You're the asshole, not me. Drive the speed limit.

The merging lane is just that, the merging lane. Speed up to the SAME speed as the lane you're merging with. It doesn't matter if that lane is speeding. Merge safely first at the same speed, then slow down to the limit if you so desire. Merge at the very end of the lane, especially in traffic. Nobody likes early mergers, because people just drive around them and everything gets out of whack and you piss the guy off you're merging in front of. Just drive to the end of the lane. You don't even have to signal. Everyone that has a clue will let you in willingly. If someone doesn't let you in willingly they're the asshole. The exception to that rule is if you're in a well known turn off lane, in traffic, that starts a long ways back. The people that merge near the front in a non merging lane are assholes, don't let them in.

That's all I've got for now, there's just too many.

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I find it sad how the asian stereotype is true. Not to hate on them or anything, but every time someone reverses out of a parking space without doing a 360 degree turn and almost hits me, or cuts me off, or isn't even paying attention the road and runs a stop sign, or pulls infront of me on the highway then slams the brakes for no reason, or goes 50 on highway 1 east bound between 264 street and mcallum road aka the part of the highway that is never stalled..etc..etc it's always been an asian. Not saying other races don't do stupid things as well, just 9/10 it's been an asian person, and an older one too.

One of my pet peeves is people who swerve in and out of lanes for no reason. For example, I'll be driving along a road and some idiot behind me will go into the lane beside me speed up, pull infront of me again and we will end up meeting at the red light anyways. Does that extra 10 seconds really matter that much?

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I've been a 10 ton truck driver for 5 years now, with my first 3 being downtown. You learn really fast to pick your battles and save your anger for the ones that really count, otherwise you'd go crazy with the amount of horrible things I see everyday.

Last night, southbound through the tunnel, both lanes are going 80km. Nobody that passes another car, going 1km faster then them, bothers moving over and instead clog everything up. Slowly everyone creeps up to 100km by the first overpass. Normally I'd pass on the temporary 3rd lane on the left, but the line of cars fills the entire thing. By the Hwy 10 exit I finally get an opportunity to pass. In the right lane. I swear I passed 10 cars all on my left before reaching the first car on the right. During this passing, I was going 120km. As I was, a few decide all of a sudden, that they too also want to drive at that speed. So I'm forced to go 130km just to distance myself from these horrible, obliviously dangerous, drivers.

If there's no one in front of you, move to the right. If you can't move to the right because there's someone beside you, you're going too slow. You're in the PASSING LANE. Pass and move over. It doesn't matter if you're going 200km/hr. The same rules apply. Pass and move over. You are not the "speed" police. If you need to exit on the left and it's more then 5minutes away, move over.

Driving beside another car is the most dangerous place you can be on the road. Blind spots lead to accidents. You may think you're being safe by driving beside that semi truck, but you're an idiot. This is probably the most dangerous thing you could be doing. Especially semi trucks. In the rain. For the love of god, PASS.

Downtown there's a curb lane with no parking allowed near cross streets for a reason. If you want to turn off the street, move into the curb lane first, then make your turn. If you do not do this, the ass of your car blocks my lane and I cannot move until you wait for the pedestrians to clear the street for you.

If you're driving 20km below the speed limit, in any lane, especially single lanes, I will ride your ass. You're the asshole, not me. Drive the speed limit.

The merging lane is just that, the merging lane. Speed up to the SAME speed as the lane you're merging with. It doesn't matter if that lane is speeding. Merge safely first at the same speed, then slow down to the limit if you so desire. Merge at the very end of the lane, especially in traffic. Nobody likes early mergers, because people just drive around them and everything gets out of whack and you piss the guy off you're merging in front of. Just drive to the end of the lane. You don't even have to signal. Everyone that has a clue will let you in willingly. If someone doesn't let you in willingly they're the asshole. The exception to that rule is if you're in a well known turn off lane, in traffic, that starts a long ways back. The people that merge near the front in a non merging lane are assholes, don't let them in.

That's all I've got for now, there's just too many.

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I don't drive 20 below the speed limit but you realize it is a right of a driver to do that right? The speed limit is the MAXIMUM speed. 80 in a 100 zone is legal. And you tailgating someone for driving in the SLOW lane for doing something legal is ignorant. I've driven a truck too for a few years and I never did dumb stuff like that. You had better hope you don't tailgate me. Because I'd make sure you are VERY VERY late to wherever you need to be so bad that you think it's okay to endanger the lives of others. If the person in the SLOW lane is not going fast enough for you, pass them.
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If you're alone on the road, drive at whatever speed you want.  But if we're in traffic, it is not your right to drive unreasonably slow.  20km below, in traffic, is NOT reasonable.

You're part of the problem because you think you're right.  Learn the rules of the road.

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I hate it when its pissing rain or snowing and no one turns there lights on. And you know they are saying "I can see just fine." IT'S NOT SO YOU CAN SEE!!! It's so people can see you, especially drivers of larger vehicles who rely on their mirrors.

Also hate the merge lane people that slow down and people who, when turning left into a mall, don't realize that the people turning right into said mall have to yield to you....GO!!!

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I hate it when its pissing rain or snowing and no one turns there lights on. And you know they are saying "I can see just fine." IT'S NOT SO YOU CAN SEE!!! It's so people can see you, especially drivers of larger vehicles who rely on their mirrors.

Also hate the merge lane people that slow down and people who, when turning left into a mall, don't realize that the people turning right into said mall have to yield to you....GO!!!

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My #1 problem is all the people who stay in the passing lane on the left and than continue on without returning to the right lane after they passed someone going extremely slow, allowing all the cars on the right to pass them. Getting stuck behind these people is the most annoying thing in the world especially since I don't want to be a hypocrite and pass them on the right cause you're not allowed. So I usually flash them with my highbeams but they never understand and started flipping me off like I'm in the wrong :picard: , they're the reason traffic is so slow.
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Be grateful you are living here. There are much more terrible places in the world then Vancouver. Like Indonesia, in fact, Vancouver does not even make the top 10 worst places to drive in the world. Toronto New YOrk happens be on the list a long with Paris, and Tokyo. This is not bad already, there are idiot drivers out there that live here, but be happy your not somewhere else.

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