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Everything posted by UnkNuk

  1. I'm sure these people know what they are doing. But when I think of this, all I see is the helicopter being pulled down by the booster.
  2. I see five pitchers for the New York Mets threw a no-hitter today. It's funny - whenever I think of a no-hitter I always think of one pitcher going nine innings. But a group can do it, too. Who knew? (Probably a lot of people but it was new to me.)
  3. Help is on its way? https://theprovince.com/sports/soccer/mls/vancouver-whitecaps/whitecaps-sign-ball-winning-midfielder-andres-cubas-fill-final-dp-spot Andres Cubas "...fills the final Designated Player spot on the team’s roster, coming to Vancouver for a four-year deal and a reported US$3 million transfer fee from the Ligue 2 club in France." "But the Whitecaps new midfielder is still a long way from donning the Hoop at B.C. Place. He still has to obtain work permits in the U.S. and Canada, although he did have a travel visa to the States from his travels with the Paraguayan national team, but will still take time to get integrated into the lineup and system. He’s currently with his family in Argentina — he’s a dual citizen with Argentina — awaiting the paperwork to allow them to move to Vancouver."
  4. There's still a chance!!! https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2022-nhl-predictions/?cid=rrpromo
  5. Sure it wasn't just a reaction to the Canucks missing the playoffs? (Jokes aside, such as they are, I hope you're feeling better.)
  6. Well, at least the Austin fans seemed to be enjoying themselves. That's something.
  7. My main takeaway from the article is this sentence from the article: "It turns out that producing a theory of quantum gravity is extraordinarily difficult."
  8. I don't follow baseball all that closely. But don't they play 162 games?
  9. I enjoyed that! The only thing that was missing was for him to jump up, kick over the chair and pound the keys like Jerry Lee Lewis.
  10. When I read "Cricket" I thought "That can't be right." Turns out, it is: https://www.ballerstatus.com/2021/01/06/top-10-most-watched-sports-in-the-world-today/ Who knew?
  11. USA versus Iran has a political shade of interest to it.
  12. So true. Right from the get-go they looked like the team from the second half of last season.
  13. Okay, so our group with rankings is: Belgium #2 Croatia #16 Morocco #24 and, of course Canada #38 So, on the face of it, according to the rankings, Canada is a clear underdog in this group. But the thing is, Mexico is ranked #9 and the US is ranked #15. And we handled both of them. So either Mexico and the US are considerably overrated or Canada (in its current form) is considerably underrated. I like to think it's the latter. If so, we've got a legitimate shot at getting out of this group.
  14. Something I don't understand about the draw: Concacaf teams are not allowed to be drawn into the same group. So what happens if we get to the end of the draw and the US is the only team left in Pot 2 and Canada is the only team left in Pot 4. Obviously they aren't going to redraw the whole shebang. Any idea how they manage to ensure a situation like this doesn't occur?
  15. Too bad for the loss. But how many of us would have been disappointed a year ago to learn that the Canadian team would make it to the World Cup, finish first in the qualifying competition, but miss out on getting into the third pot? For that matter, how many of us would have believed it?
  16. Apparently, if Canada wins today against Panama they'll be placed in Pot 3 for the World Cup draw. Any other result and they end up in Pot 4. https://dailyhive.com/vancouver/canada-could-get-pot-3-fifa-world-cup-draw
  17. Getting ready to read a new book.
  18. One last(?) thing: was the joke really in such bad taste? To be honest, I didn't even 'get' the joke when I watched a video of the incident ("GI Jane2? What's he talking about?"). I read an explanation of it later. And I didn't find it particularly funny. Thing is, though, I can see some women in Pinkett Smith's condition getting a laugh out of Rock's joke. Although, clearly, Mrs. Smith didn't.
  19. But how do we decide (and who decides) what is acceptable humour and what isn't? Suppose a Republican took sincere offense at some comedian's joke about Donald Trump and went onstage and punched the comedian in the face. Given that he was sincerely offended, does that make it okay? Will Smith may have opened a can of worms. We live in a copycat culture. I think this is the point that Kathy Griffin was trying to make.
  20. Seems to me you are talking about being offended.
  21. Perhaps. But then you get into the issue of what is 'offensive'. And maybe people who take exception to a 'joke' should restrict themselves to booing.
  22. I think Kathy Griffin pointed out the seriousness of what he did: https://www.nydailynews.com/snyde/ny-snyde-kathy-griffin-chris-rock-will-smith-20220328-4meqenupbzdq3ns2ojayrhnoma-story.html “Let me tell you something,” Griffin tweeted, “it’s a very bad practice to walk up on stage and physically assault a Comedian. Now we all have to worry about who wants to be the next Will Smith in comedy clubs and theaters.”
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