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Everything posted by sassbs

  1. Is it possible to have a another rookie fighting for the Calder. Ohhhhhhh. Exciting to think that we could have 4 players in a row!
  2. Why does the score have horvat and Petey on the same line with beagle. 3 centres on one line?
  3. Ok, how can you guys be so damn naive!! Really, you don’t think doctors can do that? cause it’s immoral ? BS. Take a look at car accident victims, or heart attacks this year and compare it last year and I guarantee you it will be lower. Why is that? Maybe cause they are being reported as covid cases. Edit: I just googled it. 243,000 cases for heart attacks in 2019!! And last year 164,000 in 2020 and that is just America!!!! another exampl, my wife’s friends husband is a doctor. He’s being investigated and lost his clinic because he was prescribing a drug to everyone and anyone (not covid related). Why? Because he received $300 per prescription written. As wrong as it was for him to do it. Fortunately, he was caught. Google his name and you can read about him Dr. Harmander Gill Its kick backs. I don’t understand how closed minded some of you are and I don’t mean that in an insulting way. But to think doctors are incapable of taking advantage of a situation to make extra $$$. You don’t think police are like this? Or any other profession. come on guys....
  4. Cause if he is doing it, I could only imagine how many others are.
  5. Why is that so hard to believe? Like these numbers aren’t inflated to begin with
  6. Ontario laid down some law today. Surprised no curfew has been mandated yet at the same time, we will get fined if we are not following the new orders. Even driving, if you don’t have a reason they will ticket you up to $1500. One of My brother’s good friend is a doctor, and he told him that regardless of what a patient comes in for, they file it under covid as they get an extra $200 per covid case. Makes you wonder...
  7. Didn’t Allen Iverson had a net worth of over 200 million at one point in his career before filing for bankruptcy. Can’t understand how athletes can burn through so much money so quickly. At some point you’d think these guys would stop and say hey!! Maybe I should save .
  8. Oh for sure! In fact I knew it had nothing to do whatsoever with current events. That’s an old pic. I just found it funny. Whoever posted that pic initially also made a joke of it.
  9. What ... lol really ? I sincerely apologize if i insulted you in the most profound way. Honestly , long have been the days where you could freely say something without insulting ones sensitivity. why would I go one on one with an nhl player? relax man, it was a joke and you clearly took it to heart.
  10. Lmao!!!! As soon as I heard about it, first thing to pop in my head was this dipsh!t
  11. Jake had success in numbers this is true. But he was a lazy, inconsistent, bieber loving man child most nights. Making stupid plays, not finishing checks, not doing what he suppose to be doing ; throwing his weight around. Just cause you put up numbers doesn’t give you thr right to fight with the top lines.
  12. Wasn’t it hamonic who stood up for his Calgary teammate and fought Gudbrandson and had his face broken? I didn’t care about the loss but I loved how, without any hesitation, Hamonic just jumped in and fought a guy 3 times his size.
  13. He said he wanted to sign with super young talented team. Isn’t Washington on the opposite end of that spectrum, unless it’s to team up with ovechkin.
  14. I remember Stanton being a beast for me offensively back when they had that nhl game in the App Store for mobile phones ...
  15. Doesn’t work, it’s too predictable. Look what happens when they play good defensive teams
  16. Lolll was just going to comment on this. You’ll have a player flying down the middle on a PP, making fans get excited, and then comes the drop pass.
  17. I just got excited Canucks did something and now there’s something to talk about for the next few months
  18. Anyone looking into air bnb ipo on dec 14th or something like that.
  19. There’s a creepy guy who gives out free cocaine at party’s!?! I’m in the wrong Province
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