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Everything posted by sassbs

  1. What an idiot! I respect him for speaking his mind but did he not realize he represents the Vancouver Canucks?? In what way did he think they would’ve been ok with this?
  2. What do you guys think of getting Into GM stock?
  3. Yup. Vancouver was never winning the cup. the league/officials weren’t going to have a Canadian team bring home the cup. Don’t care what anyone says.
  4. He is immune because he doesn’t play hard. Unless it’s an empty net and he has a chance to score
  5. Lapierre and Malhotra, what an awesome 4th line tandem!
  6. Why did that person get banned. I remember when I was browsing years ago seeing that name often here. I never posted back then , I was a creeper
  7. Ohhhh that would infuriate me. I guess every city has it bad with the media!
  8. As long as he can crash and bang on a reg basis, I’m a happy camper. Consistency is key.
  9. Lolll I saw Kevin James sound guy version of this. Awesome editing !
  10. No thanks. Leivo (pre injury) was a cute little spark plug. Baertschevsky was meh.
  11. Everyone discussing jakes contract before and realizing what he got after lol I know I know... just can’t handle his inconsistency and his fear of hitting people when it matters.
  12. Pure bettman move here. Eliminate as much Canadian teams from the playoffs as possible. Americans don’t watch hockey if there are Canadian teams in it. every Canadian team has actually improved (with the exception of Toronto, They regressed lol ), they alll have a chance of making the playoffs. What better way of eliminating this than to have an all Canadian division, I just hate bettman
  13. Nordstrom is ok. I’m a guy so what do I care, but my wife loves that place. Drags me along shopping there all the time. anyone? Anyone? No? I’m here all night folks . ok , I’ll just see myself out....
  14. You guys are lucky to be on thr west end of life. Being from Toronto, I’m so sick and tired of turning on the tv and hearing about how strong the leafs are this year! Joe Thornton this, joe Thornton that! Full page article on how joe allowed Spezza to keep his 19. The next day, full page article on the reason why he joined the leafs “win now mentality”. More like no one else would sign him!!! I curse these leafs and everyone who worships them!! rant over
  15. The man knew how to fight but he wasn’t a big guy. Not at all muscular let alone athlete body. But he could knock out the best of them out!
  16. If that happened today Gino would’ve been suspended 40 games with no gear and shirt on! Wish we had him on todays team but you’ll never see another player like that again.
  17. Hopefully he’s not another Brett Lindros and retires early
  18. This kid was done before he was drafted. Way too many injuries in jr.
  19. Ahhh ok yes then you’re right. It is polluted, you can see it driving into the city!! You guys are lucky as you have the forest to filter that out. So some degree. I thought you mean trash on the road/streets. you are correct on both points. Polluted and freakin cold!!
  20. What are you on about? Dirty??? Lol no it’s not. Did you go to the projects or something.... as for cold....yeah you got me there (can reach up to -30 to -40 at times) Toronto isn’t as bad as you guys think. Its Like me when I lived in surrey for 6 months; I could easily say people are rude but the truth is, people in general are just arseholes! Every city has its good spots, bad spots, friendly to unfriendly, clean to unclean. Depends where you are
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