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Everything posted by JeremyCuddles

  1. Not much on the news front for Dahlen? Been that average?
  2. Gadjovich might struggle from the same thing keeping Gaunce from being a full time NHLer. Speed. Bullying kids in the CHL isn't the same as playing against grown men in the A that know you are a young guy with NHL dreams in your eyes. If he can't find another gear he may end up being another Archibald, which isn't bad. Playing pro hockey, even if it's the AHL, is nothing to scoff at. But obviously we are hoping he can be more.
  3. Gibson's lid looks solid, something about the Tyrannosaurus Duck looks dumb though. Lol
  4. He's a minus 4 on the season, he getting his points on the PP?
  5. I keep forgetting he is still so young. Also forgot how tiny he was at the draft. Nice to see he is holding his own fairly well. 50% against guys upwards of 4-5 years older than him is nothing to scoff at. For some reason I thought he was a 20 year old. Lol.
  6. Ah, I seen the 6/18 and 7/19 and thought those were two different games. My mistake there.
  7. Based off Sid's posts, he has been below average in the faceoff dot. Possible center turned winger at the pro level?
  8. Season is barely 2 weeks old, no need to rush Pettersson back. This year is and always has been a growing experience for the team. Even if this were March with us a few points out of the playoffs there'd be no reason to rush him back. You don't mess with a guy's health for a few extra points, no matter the stakes. Take all the time you need to get healthy. Game isn't worth a lifetime of headaches and misery.
  9. Likely gonna ask for upwards of 8-10 mil. He's near a point per game player and a 30 goal scorer, was PPG last year and potentially this year as well. Has consistently dropped 70+ points in each of the last 4 seasons. Doubt he signs here on the low end of my projections. Unless we have one hell of a season and Pettersson puts the league on notice we won't be a super sought after destination just yet. Eriksson contract kinda stinks in this regard too.
  10. Hard to say, doesn't seem all that sentimental to the NHL dream. It is encouraging that he keeps tabs on the team though. He has a pre-existing relationship with Goldy and they apparently talk pretty often.
  11. Because he's not new anymore. People are actually contemplating trading Horvat too. Gotta find a new shiny thing to overhype only to want them gone a few years later.
  12. Obviously, the super aggressive style defense is being asked to play is costing us in a big way defensively. Although, I think this team has just been bad at taking care of the puck. Marky has let in a good many softies, but the team gives up a lot of 2 on 1s, 2 on 0s etc. Forwards need to cover for the defense better when they inevitably make an aggressive pinch. And the defense needs to do a better job of actually succeeding in their pinches. Marky will hopefully start to clean up those softies as the year goes on. Seems like a good few goalies are known for slow starts.
  13. Jack Hughes is more likely to play wing than Pettersson. Given Pettersson's size potential being much greater than 5'10 Jack Hughes'. Not to mention I hear a fair bit that Hughes may fit better on the wing at the NHL level, specifically I heard Bobby Mac and Craig Button say that. Hughes is usually compared to Patrick Kane, so I could see a line of Hughes on Pettersson's wing. Pettersson's far better defensively and likely will always be far better defensively. Center's usually carry the bulk of the defensive workload. Just makes too much sense to have Hughes on the wing and Horvat and Pettersson as our top 6 centers. Assuming we are even lucky enough to draft the guy.
  14. Well, watching him play. He made decisions too slow. All you have to do is, you know, watch some games. Pay attention to certain names. It gets quite easy when you watch with the intent of seeing certain players. Watched every preseason game and looked for Gaudette a lot, takes too long to make a play. Defensive players would take away the time and space a lot quicker than college players. There was one game in particular where he waited too long to make a pass, had the puck stripped away and it was a easy 2 on 1 the other way that led to a goal.
  15. Gaudette is in Utica, so how is it too soon to conclude he belongs in Utica? And Leipsic and Goldy were average at best at the time of my posting this. If you wanna hit me with the hindsight card fine, but even then Goldy is largely feeding off Pettersson's electric start and Leipsic has done next to nothing in the NHL thus far this season and when Roussel comes back I imagine his name will be one of the first when it comes to who gets waived.
  16. Has the season only just started? I normally don't start following the AHL until it's obvious the Canucks are gonna be doo-doo.
  17. I take it Gadjovich hasn't looked too good in Utica thus far? How has Lind looked?
  18. That's really the problem with conspiracy theories. We will never definitively know if there is a bias against Vancouver. I am sure every fanbase in the league can point out instances where they were hit harder than another team. Wilson just got rocked with a 20 game suspension for a hit that didn't look any uglier than some other hits from other players that resulted in far fewer games. Washington could say "well the league is against us, if [Enter name of another team's player here] did this he would have gotten 5 games". It's why I buy more into the league is inconsistent view instead of the league just outright dislikes us. But who knows? Team has a history of calling out officiating/antagonizing refs. The white flag incident and Burrows incident come to mind. Don't we have a statue of the Roger Nielson incident outside our arena? Lol. Constant reminder of a storied member of our franchise publicly calling out officiating.
  19. Yeah but like I said a bad Canucks team is selling more tickets at higher prices than a legitimately good Panthers team. So it's not exactly the same. Not every team is valued the same. A good Canucks team (playoffs) would bring in far more money than a great Panthers team ever will. So it does the league no favors to intentionally go out of their way to hurt our team even if it helps some middling franchise be better. Lol
  20. I have a hard time thinking the league is anti Canucks. Are they inconsistent as hell? Of course. But it doesn't help the league make money by hurting our on ice product. The Canadian markets produce a good portion of the NHL's money. A successful Canucks team is worth way more than a successful Tampa Bay for instance.
  21. Well, Wilson playing on the 4th line was only good for 10-20 points. So why are we so hung up on Jake only scoring 20 points? Cause Wilson didn't score in the double digits for goals and drop more than 30 points until he started playing with top 6 players, namely the greatest goal scorer of all time. Almost makes you think the people trash talking Jake should maybe look around the league first. It's crazy how some players score more when they play with actual top 6 talent. Why can't Jake just make his bottom 6 linemate scrubs better? Such a bust, am I right?
  22. Take this information outta here. We don't need rational thought. He's 20 and not a top pairing d-man. Clearly he's a bust.
  23. A lot of Jake's hitting power comes from that speed. If you are 205 pounds and you are flying like McDavid, it's gonna hurt like hell. I do think the Hansen comparison works pretty well. Somewhere between a Hansen and a Shane Doan.
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