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Nicklas Bo Hunter

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Everything posted by Nicklas Bo Hunter

  1. you act like Ritchie is going to be the best player in the NHL when in reality his highest ceiling is 50-60 points a year. calm down.
  2. lol refs tried to give montreal the game. suck it montreal!

    1. Xbox


      Love when the refs lose

  3. lol what a dive.typically montreal

  4. there we go rangers!

  5. you can be a good play maker and a grinder though.... Bertuzzi. remember Nas- sniper Morrison- playmaker Bertuzzi- Grinder.
  6. seriously Think about a Jensen Nylander Kassian line going back to what works. a sniper, a play maker and a grinder.
  7. Ever player has character issues. The issues of nylander is similar to kane. The issue of character for ritchie is pure lazyness. I would rather draft a guy with kanes character issues because atleast they will give their all every shift. That being said the safest pick is ehlers
  8. We would regret picking ritchie. Nylander will be so much better and could be influenced by the sedins.
  9. Benning said they will look at skill first but the character will also play a big part. So if we stay at 6 we will look at drasitl (if he falls), nylander and elhers. Its been reported that nylander has charcter issues but thats the media saying it. We have now clue. Nylander is a for sure pick above elhers skill wise. It will come down to the interview. If nylander impresses benning with his character and drive to win then nylander will be the choice if not then it will be elhers. It will not be ritchie as we already have kassian and his lazyness will be a huge turn off for benning.
  10. I really think we will be moving up and drafting reinhart.
  11. wonder if new uniforms will be placed this year to signify a start of the new era

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Brad Marchand

      Brad Marchand

      Tired of seeing jersey changes, honestly.

    3. Newsflash


      You care too much what online tough guys think. I doubt NHL players care. I don't think I've ever heard anyone joke about our jersey changes in real life either. Just online fans.

    4. SixtyMinuteMan


      I'd rather they just keep it the same, i hate it when they use the old logos, they're bad luck.

  12. disrespectful?.... its hard to lose your mother... not like he is trying to get the media to talk about it.
  13. or maybe they are just leaving it in the hands of the players... you know let them play. If they made every call then the game would be so slow and it would lead to the art of drawing penalties to win the games. I would rather see refs let the players play.
  14. do you know how many non calls happen in the playoffs? hell last series the Canadians could have had so many penalties that didn't get called but oh well it is missed. crap happens.
  15. maybe some but there are others starting conspiracy theories that the nhl is riged and making the habs lose just cause they are a Canadian team.
  16. you only see it as corrupt because your team is not getting the calls. its actually been called pretty evenly and well done.
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