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Nicklas Bo Hunter

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Everything posted by Nicklas Bo Hunter

  1. I am getting called a douche now for liking a player? wow and BTW I am not Tiger A) I am BertuzziFan2010 already told everyone that and B) I didn't like Roberto Luongo much (Because of his attitude).... Tiger was inlove with Luongo.

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. LeanBeef


      The kids about to cry everytime someone says something bad about jensen

    3. BananaMash


      Jensen isn't a superstar.

      *prepares tissues*

    4. Mr.DirtyDangles


      ^^ ZOMG Mash you take that back :(

  2. been a fan of jensen from his oshawa days. glad people are seeing how special of a player he is

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Carrots


      Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure BUD

    3. CatsPajamas
    4. Baka


      Fabian Brunnstrom had 5 goals and 1 assist in his first 7 NHL games. Jensen is a fraud yo. Can't even match that scrub's pace

  3. I know that. I didn't say he would I said its what is projected.
  4. with the Burrows Sedin Jensen line playing so well how can you justify messing with it when D. sedin gets back? which one stays with the sedins? or is Daniel the odd man out?

    1. Shamu101


      You can't take Daniel out he's legendary

    2. Henrik Kesler

      Henrik Kesler

      Daniel needs to earn his keep. He can't just ride shotgun on Hank's line when Jensen has clearly been better than Daniel was before his injury.

    3. smith80


      Does it really matter? The season is as good as over. Let Jensen play and keep Danny out so he can have a nice long summer to heal and get ready for next year

  5. welp Jensen has 4 points in 6 games which is 0.666666666 points per game which means in a 82 game rookie season he would have around 55 points..... that's calder type stats
  6. At work for another hour... hows the ream looking? Who is looking the best on our side?
  7. I will never chher for this team to lose for a top pick. if our team plays their guts out but lose every night thats fine I'll take the pick but I will never wish for my team to just give up and tank. people also seem to forget how weak this draft is. we could easily move up in the draft if we really want a top pick. ott, wpg,, car and nashville all would trade down in this draft to upgrade for next year. I'm sure a package of our 1st +schroeder or Hansen could move us int to the top...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. gmen81


      Dont like this "Its a weak draft" talk. Its not weak, it just doesnt have a Connor McDavid type

    3. Nicklas Bo Hunter

      Nicklas Bo Hunter

      ^compared to other drafts it is known as a weak draft to insiders and gms.

    4. AppleJack


      I agree 10000%

  8. Can you imagine if we actually did pull off an LA? Jensen would be the spark that started it all. I did the math. Jensen in an 82 game season would be on pace right now for 29 goals and 16 assists. 45 points. Obviously its only 5 games so can't read much into it but still! Jensen is gonna be one of our best.
  9. The Great dane Nicklas Jensen with the Winning goal.
  10. Luongo never knew van had a kid who can shoot like that
  11. Burrows still ran into the guy... its a stupid penalty to take on the pp
  12. Wtf burrows takes a stupid penalty yet jensen gets demoted... wtf.
  13. Was a good game. Didn't get the win but atleast had entertainment for once.

    1. Shamu101


      Jensen scored his 1st

    2. Nicklas Bo Hunter
  14. #46 with a naslund like snipe! First of many for the great dane nicklas jensen.
  15. with kassian back and kesler out what will the lines be?

    1. CatsPajamas


      They'll change but to start my guess would be:

      Burr - Hank - Jensen

      Higgins - Matthias - Hansen

      Booth - Schroeder - Kass

      Sestito - Dalpe - Archibald

  16. Seriously I hope they don't send Jensen down after this game. Send Archie down instead. no offense to him but Jensen is NHL ready and might as well stay up for the last little bit and get use to the core.
  17. So kassian comes back next game... do you guys think jensen stays?
  18. Jensen played poorly? Did you watch the game or just look at the score. The only bad thing he did was tske two penalties and one was a good one.
  19. Solid games by matthias, higgins, hansen, jensen and booth. Crappy game by bieksa, edler, sedin (even though he got the goal his passing all game was terrible) and the others were just meh. Lack obviously had a bad game too but he really got no help
  20. Jensen helped break henriks slump. He needs to stay up.
  21. why are two shutdown fowards. burrows and matthias on the pp? are we trying to just contain the penalty killers?

    1. Erik Karlsson

      Erik Karlsson

      I like Matthias on it, but I think Jensen should be on there instead of Burr or atleast Hansen

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