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the last outlaw

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Everything posted by the last outlaw

  1. TNA made 2 offers with the last being alot of to keep James Storm from going to WWE. How can TNA throw alot of money at Storm went they have no money.
  2. Fans on Jays FB are all blaming the umpires for today's loss. Stop complaining about the umps. The blame is on the entire team and player's. Umps do seem to have it out for Jays because they've probably been told they don't want to see Canada winning another World Series. Like in 1994 lockout when Montreal had the best record in the league and chances are they would have won World Series and that would been 3 World Series straight to Canada.
  3. Jays seem happy to just be in the playoffs. Winning AL East was their World Series and how they partied afterwards. Price is winless in the playoffs and he looks nothing like ace form regular season. He can't handle the pressure. Let him walk and not like Toronto had any kind of a chance to keep him anyway. Gibbons needs to fired too.
  4. I didn't even realize it the match was No DQ. What does EC3 have to complain about from a legal stand point.
  5. So they put the belt on Matt for the good feel moment in his hometown and send everyone home happy only to then turn around have him give it up because the heel champion is threatening legal action. All of Matt's family was at BFG and they turn around and do this. There's no rhyme or reason in trying to understand why they did this. Josh Matthews says EC3's undefeated streak is over. He wasn't the one pinned, so his undefeated streak remains intact.
  6. Another federal candidate knocking at the door. Do they all coodinate together when their going to bother people. Funny when their up for re-election and want something hound the frack out of you but when you want something from them it's a different story.

  7. TNA's biggest show of the year and the only title change comes in main event and 2 days later he's no longer champion. Doesn't even make 1 appear on TV as champion. The whole thing doesn't make any sense either. Apparently this has been in place since last July. TNA sure enjoys doing screw job finishes. Raw was awful. Nothing good about the show at all. Summer Rae asking Rusev to marry her. Need I say more.
  8. WWE teasing The Bunny is coming back. On wwe.com The Bunny is seen in the shadows standing behind Adam Rose in a video. Vince's idea to improve the ratings.
  9. RIP Matt Hardy TNA World Champion and the 2 days reign of memories.
  10. Holly frack. The loser candidate from Tories knocks on the door more then once (think Sheldon from Big Bang Theory) and kept doing so until I answered it and told him to take a hike. Then only seconds later (I kid you not) the NDP candidate calls. Frack off leave people alone. #cantwaitelectionisover

    1. Horvat


      you should probably vote

  11. Matt Hardy relinquishes TNA World Title to the have the injunction EC3 has filed dropped. Christian knows what it's like to have such a short world title reign. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kyK0Mn6HkZA
  12. I can't stand Royals and find them to be cocky little punks. Their non-sense of intentionally hitting opposing team's hitters. They've done it countless times to countless teams. The league does nothing about it. Remember the last time Jays played Royals in Toronto and that stupid umpire Jim Wolf lost control of the game and ejected Sanchez. Watch out for the umpires in playoffs they seem to have it out for Jays.
  13. Jennings has a few good games and suddenly you're comparing him to Russell Wilson. Give your head a shake. Real impressive he beat the worst team in the league.
  14. I've had this feeling Buehrle wasn't happy when he was traded because he was assured by the Marlins he wouldn't be and they turned around and traded him. Specifically he wasn't happy being in Toronto and another country.
  15. Tough to say. Buehrle has the experience factor and having won a WS but he's inconsistent. With Hutch at times he's great for awhile and then awful.
  16. Buehrle will pitch 2 innings tomorrow and retire. He won't be on the post-season roster. This is a bad idea even for two innings with such short rest and what if he gets lit up and there goes any chance at home field. http://mlb.nbcsports.com/2015/10/03/report-mark-buehrle-to-throw-two-innings-on-sunday-then-retire/
  17. That would be dumb to start him on that short amount of rest in a must win game. Gibbons I so want this guy fired. He's totally incompetent. I don't know why AA brought him back. Gibbons is great at challenging his player's to fights. Why would you bring a guy like that back and give him a second chance.
  18. Network Special has been anything but special. Neville over Stardust Orton/Ziggler over Rusev/Sheamus Dudleys/New Day ends in DQ finish. Team Bella over PCB. Charlotte and Becky walk out and leave Paige. Why is Paige still teaming with them? She's heel and turned on them. They keep teasing Natayla is going to take Paige's spot but it would be better to split up all the factions. Thought with Paige's turn that would be the start of it. Owens over Jericho Lesnar over Big Slow Cena over Rollins. Post match attack by Kane on Rollins.
  19. Oh great if Buehrle starts tomorrow. Which version is going to show up. Mr. Inconsistent. Someone that gets it. Exactly. He can't handle the pressure.
  20. You're quite the asset and made some real contributions to this place, which mostly consist of personal attacking people and throwing crap up and hoping it sticks. Sounds like you're quite the stalker too.
  21. Pretty funny coming from someone who has to resort to personal attacks. Pot meet kettle. CDC acting like they know everything about sports including Canucks, thinking they actually will have a 100 pt season and make the playoffs because Benning says so. Talk about delusional. Canucks will be at the very bottom of NHL for years to come. Have fun with that along with the rest of the Vancouver sports teams that are losers too.
  22. There's only one word to describe people if Harper gets re-elected again with all the lies, corruption and scandals. STUPID. B.C. already did it. STUPID #Anyonebutyou #TheyAllFallDown #Iwelcomethiswar

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. the last outlaw

      the last outlaw

      Doesn't really matter who gets in because they frack us all over. They lie and once in power they don't do what they promise. #PeoplePower #HoundsOfJustice

    3. Shift-4



    4. c00kies


      Raging erection?

  23. Big difference is Rivera is a HOFer has how many rings. Trying to compare him to Osuna is laughable and a joke. Rivera coming out of retirement still would be a better closer. Surprised you didn't personally attack me again like you recently did before in another thread.
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