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the last outlaw

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Everything posted by the last outlaw

  1. Have fun watching Jays go out of the playoffs early. Their pitching sucks (except for Price). They just seem happy to win the division and be in the playoffs for the first time in 22 years. Pitching becomes much tougher in post-season so Jays won't be scoring runs at will.
  2. You must be blind. He's been blowing saves left and right alot lately.
  3. Umm he's been doing it alot recently. He's totally unreliable. AA should have traded for experienced closer instead of pinning your hopes on some inexperienced rookie.
  4. Osuna isn't a closer. He's garbage. This useless and worthless POS shouldn't be on the post-season roster. Cecil should be the closer.
  5. WWE forgot to renew abunch or trademarks including Hornswoggle, Luantic Fringe, Stardust, Just Bring It, among others. Totally embarrassing. I'd expect this to happen from a promotion like TNA but not WWE. Another example and speaks to the current state of WWE. Be hilarious if fans bought them up forcing WWE to have to change their characters and gimmicks. Like Stardust for example would be no more and he goes back to being Cody.
  6. AMC is a joke. They keep showing the same movies repeatedly and now Halloween Fear Fest doesn't start until Oct 18 (it started Oct 1 last yr). Cable companies wonder why people are dropping them in droves in favor of online (Netflix, etc).

    1. Show previous comments  1 more


      and people who torrent movies are wondering why someone would use netflix

    3. Ghostsof1915


      The worst part it the editing for swearing but they are fine with tons of violence.

    4. Mr.DirtyDangles


      GJ speaketh the truth. Honestly why pay for netfilx when you pay for interwebz and can torrent ?

  7. Which means he'll be dropping the U.S. Title soon. What was the point of Cena winning it back with him taking time off.
  8. It's nice and great they won the division but lets move on as home field is still at stake. Finishing 1st in AL would mean playing the wild card game winner and not seeing their ace until Game 3 and only seeing them once in the series.
  9. Main Event for BFG has been now changed to EC3 vs. Drew Galloway vs. Matt Hardy with Jeff Hardy as Special Referee.
  10.   Really? I find it totally lame and uninteresting. We saw it before in TNA with Abyss and Joseph Parks.
  11. TNA is teasing that Dixie is going to make a major announcement next Monday at Noon ET. https://twitter.com/IMPACTWRESTLING/status/649407813903622144
  12. On the season finale of Total Divas Ziggler tells Nikki he still has feelings for her and that he could fulfill her wish of marriage and children something Cena doesn't want. Ziggler and Nikki used to date and were in a long term relationship.
  13. Save some runs for the playoffs. Now to secure home field advantage.
  14. Rumors that Cena and Ziggler are going to feud for not only U.S. Title but that it's going to be over Ziggler telling Nikki on Total Divas he still has feelings for her. They could play this off like Matt Hardy/Lita/Edge situation where they turned a real live situation into a storyline.
  15. His whole title reign has been a joke. He's been booked as a cowardly heel who can't win without help. Only 3 clean wins: Ambrose MITB PPV Ladder Match Neville Raw WWE Heavyweight Title Open Challenge Sting NOC
  16. Seahawks mascot gives it to Cowboys fan. Funny. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BC1gFUgCLYw
  17. Brothers Of Destruction feud with Wyatt Family once their feud with Reigns and Ambrose is finished. Kane and Undertaker both have history with Wyatts.
  18. WWE made low contract offer to Carlito to return and he turned it down. Can't blame him at all. Putting him with Los Matadores would be totally embarrassing.
  19. Possible opponents for Lesnar and Undertaker respectively at WM 32. It should be Lesnar vs. The Rock. They never had a re-match when Lesnar beat Rock for the title at SummerSlam. Cena vs. The Undertaker is one of the few big money matches they have left. They had a brief feud back when Cena was doing rapper gimmick and long before he became the face of WWE.
  20. It will be a totally different game in playoffs. Pitching is tougher and trumps hitting.
  21. Here we go again with Osuna. FFS Get a veteran and proven closer.
  22. Rollins asked Corporate Kane why he attacked him at NOC and Kane said he didn't know what he was talking about. So their going the Foley (3 Faces of Foley) and Abyss (Joseph Parks) route with alter egos.
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