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the last outlaw

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Everything posted by the last outlaw

  1. Speculation that Roman Reigns turns heel with Reigns being upset with Ambrose for bringing Jimmy Uso in the feud with Wyatts and getting destroyed.
  2. Speculation now is that WWE wants Roman Reigns when he wins World Title to surpass CM Punk's reign of 434 days. This is stupid. Punk's reign wasn't the longest reign of all-time like A.J. Lee was the longest reigning Divas Champion of all-time. Punk was 6th longest World Title reign of all-time and the longest reign in the modern era.
  3. Another great Divas Match was: Natayla/Beth Phoenix vs. LayCool Tables Match TLC 2010
  4. Talk is Cena's next run with World Title will be sometime in 2016.
  5. It really sucks losing Tulo. Hope it's not serious and he's out for awhile. I hate Pillar. They should release him for being stupid.
  6. Speculation on Jeff Hardy returning to WWE. He only returns part-time along with Matt coming back too.
  7. Pen is garbage. All these scrubs they called up are filth and trash.
  8. How much longer do they have to wait and decide to call the game and award it to Jays.
  9. Cost of Chancellor's holdout as of Sunday $1.87 million. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2015/09/12/cost-of-kam-chancellors-holdout-as-of-sunday-187-million/ Paul Allen has ended negotiations with Bam Bam.
  10. That's crap. The game should resume with the present score and inning.
  11. Russo was talking about Hogan and Bischoff on his podcasts and mentioned Hogan blocked Bret from coming to TNA. Russo also revealed the plan for those ninja's kidnapping Samoa Joe. I don't believe Bret would have ever went to TNA.
  12. Bayley/Sasha in a 30 minute Iron Woman Match. This could be match of the year, if not one of the greatest matches ever and greatest women's match of all-time. Look at that match they had in Brooklyn lets see what they do to top that.
  13. Exactly. Honor your contract. I don't get it with guys like Chancellor and Bennett who cry and whine a year after they signed new deals. Bennett will says me next if this happen along with others.
  14. Chancellor and Seattle are less then $1 Million apart. http://sea.247sports.com/Bolt/Report-Chancellor-says-he-Seahawks-less-than-1-million-apart-39300078
  15. Hits keep on coming with the cheaters. Several teams warned Seattle to secure their practices at SB against Pats spying. http://www.cbssports.com/nfl/eye-on-football/25294382/report-multiple-teams-called-seahawks-before-super-bowl-to-warn-about-patriots Pats sent team employees to steal opposing teams' play sheets. http://ftw.usatoday.com/2015/09/report-patriots-used-to-send-team-employee-to-steal-opponents-play-sheets"]http://ftw.usatoday.com/2015/09/report-patriots-used-to-send-team-employee-to-steal-opponents-play-sheets
  16. We're not allowed because certain posters will start crying and whining about any discussion or postings of news/rumors/spoilers.
  17. Corruption at it's finest. It's clear as day except to any Patsies fanboys who will come up with some excuse.
  18. Losing a series to a bad team like Red Sox is embarrassing and unacceptable.
  19. Hutchinson is garbage as is rest of the rotation except for Price. Why didn't AA add another pitcher at August waiver deadline.
  20. Here's another one making the rounds. This would be so stupid because it's so obvious he would turn on them and reunite with Wyatt's.
  21. Angle has announced he won't be re-signing with TNA once his deal is up and he won't be trying to return to WWE. He's taking 2016 off from the business. TNA has nothing left in the way of top name talent except The Hardys.
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