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the last outlaw

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Everything posted by the last outlaw

  1. Paige turned heel and dropped a pipebomb during Charlotte's celebration for winning Divas Title.
  2. Jimmy Graham unhappy with his role in Seattle. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2015/09/21/jimmy-graham-doesnt-seem-happy-with-his-role-in-seattles-offense/ Seattle is a team in turmoil ever since the SB call.
  3. Reigns and Ambrose have a huge brawl with Wyatts. Orton comes running out to even the sides.
  4. Sting will be on Raw. He was legit injured last night during the match. Whether Sting is on Raw or via satellite i'm thinking he's probably going to announce he's retiring.
  5. I swear when saw that fan thought it was Joey Mercury. It was awesome how Bray played it off and asked if that was their partner.
  6. Lost alot of respect for Gretzky endosing Harper. You don't speak for me as a Canadian.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Mongrel
    3. Mike Vanderhoek

      Mike Vanderhoek

      he never said he speaks for you as a Canadian lol

    4. Ghostsof1915


      I am offended at Ambiens offense.

  7. Home field doesn't really matter does it except for the World Series with 2-3-2 format. Jays have 3 player's with 30 HR, 100 RBI this season. Last time that happened was in 2006 by Chicago White Sox.
  8. Chancellor is 27. He's still in his prime. Seattle has said they don't want to trade him. Just thinking of what happened last time they were in this situation with Steve Hutchinson and how they never recovered from losing him.
  9. Bennett isn't happy with his contract either but at least he showed up and is playing hard. Seattle should consider trading him to a bad team like Cleveland, Jacksonville, Oakland and get a high 1st rounder. Whose to say if he goes to another team he doesn't pull the same thing.
  10. Paige reveals that time Bellas stole her clothes on Raw that she was completely naked and wasn't wearing anything under the towel.
  11. Sting talks about coming to WWE and admits he wants to help put younger guys over. That doesn't explain why HHH went over at WM. Everyone points to the fact that HHH had to look strong and go over because he's facing The Rock at WM32. What if for some reason the match doesn't happen and Sting lost for nothing. Sting came to WWE for a few reasons. Make some big money, have a few matches and finish his career on the biggest stage along with HOF induction.
  12. WWE is considering putting Lana back with Rusev. They should a double turn with Ziggler heel and Rusev face. Rusev has been the face and sympathetic figure.
  13. I realize they aren't going to win every game and series but they should be crushing teams like Atlanta. No excuse. That's a joke they lost tonight and could have taken taken advantage with Yankees losing. Yanks dominated Atlanta when they played them a few weeks back. If Pillar wasn't such a goof and injured our all-star shortshop, which could hurt the Jays offensively but mainly defensively. Sorry to say this team won't go far in the playoffs with their pitching. Hutchinson isn't as good as his deceiving record, Buehrle is inconsistent and Dickey has been a total bust and nothing close to his Cy Young form. form since coming here. I don't have alot of faith in pen either. Too many times they've blow games and cost the team wins.
  14. Pitching is their weakness. Rotation excluding Price, you don't know what your going to get. Bullpen is the same too. They look great for awhile and then blow games. Wish AA had got another starter for the rotation. If he was serious about "being all in" and Rogers was willing to take on another contract they should have gotten Shields and reunited him with Price. It would give them a 1-2 punch.
  15. Backstage News on who the Mystery Partner might be. Pretty lame if it's either of those choice, but not unexpected. Kane should be gunning for Rollins and costing him to lose the title to Sting.
  16. WWE signed ZZ from Tough Enough to a developmental deal. Why?
  17. How much longer are Lions going to continue to embarrass themselves and not make any personnel changes and changes to the roster. Tedford needs to go. Listen to him talk he has a massive ego and think he's god. Why is it too that everyone is casting blaming on everyone in the organization except Wally. Wally is the one most responsible for this mess. It's typical of him to blame EVERYONE but himself. He's another who has a massive ego. His 2 coaching hires have been abject failures. Until then attendance will keep falling as fans simply don't care anymore. I have no doubt there's in fighting and turmoil within the locker room.
  18. Marshawn Lynch's mom says Darrell Bevell should be fired. Mom knows best. I go further then that and fire Carroll too for SB call and the knucklehead decision to on-side kick in OT against Rams. http://www.king5.com/story/sports/nfl/seahawks/2015/09/15/marshawns-mama-wants-seahawks-play-caller-fired/72320862/
  19. The Rock as the third member for Reigns/Ambrose. I don't see it happening. WWE would announce it before the PPV and why have Rock appear on a B PPV, especially when Wyatt's need to go over. The third member needs to be a big man/monster to oppose Braun Strowman. I will seriously cringe if their partner turns out to be Erick Rowan because he will no doubt turn on them and return to Wyatts.
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