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Everything posted by komodo0921

  1. I'm hoping not. We would be so far ahead in our rebuild if this guy can put it together. His offensive abilities have never been in question, it's always been his unwillingness to play the defensive zone. It's the thing that made me wonder why JB traded for him. JB's always preached two-way play. This guy had none of it. It was great to see him finally getting it at the end of the season. I hope he continues it into next season.
  2. That was a really good read. I honestly think AG is going to be another fantastic story in the near future. With what he's developed, not just in his skills but in his mind as well, it's hard to see this kid not having a fine NHL career. I've said it before; I believe this kid's going to show a lot better than a third-line depth player. I'm so excited for next season. I get a bit torqued when I hear people from other NHL markets say we're not able to accept a rebuild. I hear and see nothing but excitement for it and a lot saying, "It's about time." I'm excited to see a new core (led by Bo) emerge and come into their own.
  3. It's not difficult to see why JB wanted him. When he's on his game, he's a force. As I see it, he has two glaring issues. Consistency and Injuries. He needs to be a physical force every game, not just when he feels like it. He needs to lay the body and lay it hard. He doesn't have to fight every game, but he does need to know when it is necessary and be willing to answer the call every time. One underestimated weapon he has is his shot. It is hard and accurate. I don't know if he's unsure of whether or not he should shoot, or if he feels nervous to do so but he definitely needs to make it a more consistently used weapon in his repertoire. I think he's definitely capable of more offense than he's shown so far. It is hard not to notice his absence due to injuries. Of 164 games played since his arrival in Vancouver, he's played. exactly half. Unfortunately, like Tanev, his style of play is the key factor in his injuries but is also the key factor that makes him an NHLer. It's unrealistic to expect any changes in how he plays, so all we can do is hope he can avoid injury. He and Tanev do, however, demonstrate how important depth is to a team. A successful team will always have a player that steps up during the turbulent times and hold the fort. We don't have that right now. When everyone was healthy, we had a great team that was competing for a playoff spot. Unfortunately, injuries and lack of depth put an end to our playoff hopes. But the good news is we have an exciting group of prospects coming that will provide that depth.
  4. It appears we may be finding out next season. He's free to sign in North America. A lot of people underestimate this guy. The comparison to Shinkaruk is inaccurate. Theo Fleury may be closer. He may be 5'7", but he is no marshmallow. He is tenacious and has little fear about getting his nose dirty. I've said it before; 180 lbs on a 5'7" frame is a hell of a thing. His low center of gravity, combined with his strength gives him the ability to hit bigger players with effectiveness. If we have are to have a small player. I want to see Palmu be that player. Is he a lock to make the NHL? Obviously not, but his game is tailor-made for the top-six and, if he develops to NHL standards, I, totally see him matching up well with Bo. I believe he will surprise.
  5. I'm very curious to see what he can do over the course of a full season. His skill set suggests top-six but even if he does turn into a bottom six forward, it would still be considered a win for sure.
  6. Talk about coming out of nowhere. Goes from a relative unknown to competing for a spot with the big club next season. This kid's skillset scream 1RW. Hope he continues his offensive onslaught. A Dahlen, Pettersson, Jasek line could be pretty potent.
  7. I really hope we get him over here. This kids got all the talent in the world and could be something really special here. It would be really good for his development to get him back onto the smaller ice surface against pros in the "A". Could see him panning out as a left winger on Horvat's line.
  8. I'd like this as well, but I don't see him signing to a 5 or 6 year at 2 mil. just for that very reason. If he broke out and became a lock for 40 to 50 pnts and became a full 2 way player in a couple seasons, he knows he's going to be worth a whole lot more.
  9. I agree that the last quarter of his season was played with much more inspiration and drive. I'm really seeing him breaking out next season. That being said, I'm also looking for a value contract here. He's showing promise but has yet to fully embrace his gifts. I'd be perfectly comfortable at 3 x 2 mil. He still has a lot to work on but is showing improvement. This contract gives him a deserved raise but doesn't enter the realm of overpayment if he doesn't come around. On the flip side, if he does continue his up-trend, Vancouver could get a great player at a reduced rate for a couple seasons before having to pony up the bigger dough.
  10. I would love nothing more than to agree with you, but inconsistency has plagued him early in his career. I've said in other posts how painful it is to watch him get so close to realizing his talent then falling short. He needs to improve his stick work in close, his shooting accuracy, and being a consistent physical threat every time he's on the ice. I'm looking for improvements in all three areas next season and am expecting a breakout year. I must, also, remind myself that he's only 21 and has lots of time to develop.
  11. I can seriously see great potential in a Pettersson, Gaudette, Virtanen line. Most don't seem to see top line potential in AG, citing his 5th round selection as evidence. I guess "experts" can't see 30 other teams being wrong and that there has to be something wrong with players in the mid to lower rounds. True, most don't go anywhere and disappear but Gaudette looks to be one that doesn't. His play style is taylor made for today's NHL and should serve him well in the NHL career. If there's one thing I, absolutely trust in JB, it's he and his scouting team's ability to evaluate talent and to find the diamonds. I can't remember a time where I was as excited about lower round picks as I've been over the past 3 or 4 seasons. It's great to see.
  12. I liked what I saw too. He's looking like a solid forward in the making. Really liked his speed. Hopefully the intensity picks up as he gains confidence. I too like the Virtanen match.
  13. Pouliot has had a decent season. However, much like Edler, his dzone coverage has left a lot to be desired. Hopefully he focuses on improving this for next season. Of course, this is assuming they're re-signing him.
  14. I see it a little differently. His offensive output has been alright this year but he's still on the bad side of a lot of defensive lapses and brutal give aways. The good news is, I see it as a fixable situation in the offseason. As it stands, it sounds like JB wants Edler beyond next season. If this is the case, JB needs to find a compatible defenseman that nuetralizes Alex's weeknesses. Enter, Ian Cole. He's experienced, has physicality, and is defensively responsible. On paper, at least, he'd make a great pairing with Edler. I was going to suggest Jacob Trouba but that's a little too much to hope for. If he gets to free agency, I'd like to see a serious play for him.
  15. That's correct. The last player on the scoring team to touch the puck gets credit fo the shot. Even in the case of an own goal, even though no player on the scoring team actually shot the puck.
  16. I am really loving what's in the pipeline. It's great to have so much excitement for the near future. Lind could also slot in on Pettesson's line as he also carries grit to his game and has been known to drop the gloves. I feel it's important to have willing combatants on each line to keep the opposition from taking liberties with the Petterssons and Boesers.
  17. His foot speed is why I like him better on Boeser's line. While he's above average in speed, he's far from Pettersson speed. Bo is plenty bullish but isn't known for dropping the gloves. Gadget will when necessary. I see Bo centering Petterson as more logical and a good match. This opens the door for Gaudette to, possibly take the 2C ( I think he's going to be that good). I'm also taking note of Virtanen's improved play and am looking for him to break out next season (30+ points). I think next season is going to be a very interesting, entertaining, and hopefully one, during which, we see a definite transition to youth. 2-3 seasons from now: Pettersson Horvat Virtanen Gadjovich Gaudette Boeser Another darkhorse possibility is Palmu. He is proving to be a promising prospect. Playing with, truly elite talent like Pettersson, could really turn him into a potent weapon.
  18. Possibly, only without the pugilistic tendencies.
  19. I'm really hoping Gadjovich can refine his defensive game to pro level. I see him as a perfect compliment to Boeser. Where Brock and Bo are snipers, Jonah excels at screening and cleaning up garbage. He is also a willing combatant when necessary. A line of Gadjovich, Horvat, and Boeser could be a dominant force in the league.
  20. Me too. Being 5'7" myself, I always pull for the little guy. LOL.
  21. You can also add the fact that he's 180 lbs. On a 5'7" frame, that's a hell of a thing. He's an amazing skater. He turns on a dime and can stop and be back to full speed within a couple strides. He's unrelentingly tenacious. He doesn't leave the opposition alone and takes very few shifts off. He hits players, much bigger than him, with great effect. Due to his added muscle and, mentioned, low center of gravity, he's able to produce large amounts of energy which allows him to easily knock opponents off balance, giving him a great advantage along the boards. He's another prospect that's been underestimated by a lot of critics. I can see him in our top 9 in a couple seasons and is another with top six potential.
  22. I am excited about many of our prospects, but I don't think any prospect has my attention more than Gaudette. I see a lot of Horvat in his play style and skill set. If we get a second center like Bo, it is safe to say we are in for glorious days ahead.
  23. I think Gaudette is another diamond in the rough. He's got all the tools in his belt to be a dominant center in the NHL. He's fast, dynamic, hard-nosed, and plays the full 200 ft. He actually reminds me a lot of Boeser and that's an exciting thought. I can see him being much like Bo Horvat, making him our other top 2 center. That wouldn't be bad for a 149th pick. Baertschi Horvat Boeser Pettersson Gaudette ? I really like the looks of that.
  24. I agree. He's got the raw talent. I'd like to see what higher quality mentorship would do for him. His numbers seem to indicate defensive issues but without seeing him play or the situations he's being played in, it's impossible to tell.
  25. I don't place much importance in this tournament either. It's too short. It comes down to who finds chemistry fastest. I'm more interested in his skill set than I am in goals and assists; seeing how he fits in the Canucks grand scheme. Of course if he shows up a lot on the scoresheet, great, but it's not the end all, be all of his career.
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