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Everything posted by komodo0921

  1. Totally agree. This should be a year of proving and letting our youth develop, in a bid for an AHL championship. Let them continue the trend toward success and come up with lots of confidence, after, the dead weights been shed.
  2. The turn around point for me on Hutton was his willingness to step up on Gryba after he hit Chaput. It showed me, at least, that he is capable of sticking up for his team mates and answer the bell when needed. As he matures, I'd like to see more of that physical edge from him.
  3. I don't believe we've seen the best of Jake Virtanen yet and it would be a very foolish move to give up on him. He and Gadjovich are two players, I believe, are going to make impacts in the NHL, pun is definitely intended. He , simply needs time to develop his game at lower levels. It was a mistake to bring him up at an early age and I say, good on him for showing the maturity to recognize his need for said development. It says a lot about his character and willingness to do what it takes to better himself. Although I would love to see him turn into a top six power forward, the reality is he may not. I cannot see him as a fourth liner. IMO, he becomes, at least, RW on a very good third line. He brings a lot of physicality that we sorely need.
  4. So you're saying there's a chance.
  5. I'm looking for big things from this kid. He seems to be more of a scorer than a passer. A line of Horvat, Boeser and Gadjovich could turn into one of the best lines in hockey. Could be a steal.
  6. The thing that intrigues me the most about Petrus Palmu is that he's not going to get any bigger, he's already got elite hands and speed. If he can show that he can play with the big boys; Is it realistic that we may see him in a Vancouver uniform sooner then later? He's never going to be a physical force, so there's not much left to develop. He's already as big as he needs to be. Rumour has it, we may well be singing Sam Gagne. A line of Palmu, Gagne and Goldobin, although small, could be nightmare to defend against. The speed would be awesome.
  7. Another big factor in his potential success is his ability to carry his bulk with speed. At 179 lbs, he,s heavy for his height but this is another attribute that will work to his advantage.
  8. Just fished watching his highlites. I really like his potential. He's small but his elusiveness and speed could offset his lack of size and translate well to the NHL. The next Cliff Ronning.
  9. If he can gain 15-20 lbs in muscle and give us 20-30 points a season, while maintaining his defensive game, I'd be really happy with him. Be a great partner for Hutton or Stetch.
  10. Very excited to see this kid develop. He could be one of the steals of the '15 draft if he continues his up trend. I don't see him being a big offensive weapon but can see him being a great complimentary player, much like Tanev. To have a third rounder develop into an NHLER would give us a very deep defensive core.
  11. Rumours persist about Benning trying to get the third overall pick out of Dallas. Tanev going there makes sense for both sides. The only thing I don't want to give up is the fifth pick. If JB can pull off a deal where we end up with the third and fifth, I'd be ecstatic.
  12. Didn't mean to imply it's all on Hutton, but as it's his thread..... I hate it when threads go completely off topic.
  13. Hutton really needs to learn reliability in his end. A combined -43 over two seasons is not a shining endorsement of his defending skills and seeing as how it's a big part of his job description, I'd say it's a pretty important issue.
  14. I`m of the opinion, Guance isn`t going anywhere.
  15. I agree. I'd rather see Boeser do one season in the A to be sure that he can handle the rigours of a long season, then rushing him, unfairly, into a situation he may not be ready for. McCann and Virtanen should serve as our lessons on impatience and be heeded. The thing I love most about Brock, which is something that is so rare in youth, is his ability to understand his readiness and his willingness to hold himself back now for the rewards in the future. I fully expect that, if he feels he's not ready for an 82 game season, he will let management know and will be ready and willing to play for Utica. I firmly believe that he and Horvat are going to be the cornerstones of this team, post Sedin. This is not to say they will be 100 point guys, but their leadership abilities and the examples they set, will speak volumes to the future youth of this team. I am excited to see the development in Vancouver over the next few seasons.
  16. I agree. Tough guys can't just skate around, picking fights anymore. They have to have a secondary skill, whether it be as a defensive specialist or a primary/secondary points getter. Lucic- 50 pnts Maroon- 42 pants, +13 Kassian-24 pnts, +4 All three are the key reasons they've become a premiere team in the league. It's amazing what bringing a little skilled nastiness to a team can do.
  17. One thing I'm thinking after the lottery, is the RFA market. Given the lack of gaurentees, would an RFA be an attractive direction to go? A team like Edmonton is begging to be picked apart. We all know McDavid's payday is going to be massive. Should Draisitl elect to explore the RFA option, I would love to see Vancouver go after him.
  18. A guy like Ferland fits because he keeps opposition wary and has offensive talent to compliment Boeser and Horvat.
  19. I 100% agree. The guys who were supposed to be that grit turned out to be more like big marshmallows, rarely laying the body or showing up for team mates. We need one or two guys that everyone knows is out there and ready to "drop the hammer" at any moment. I keep bringing up Ferland from Calgary and, truly, believe he could be the guy that would fit nicely with Horvat and Boeser. I know Flamer management wouldn't trade him but I'd be willing to pay a high price to get him. A lot of Vancouver fans may disagree but he is exactly what we need. Edmonton went out and got Lucic and payed dearly to get him. They new what they needed and were willing to step up to fill the need. Now he's instrumental in their success and everyone is aware he's on the ice. It's funny how McDavid's attitude has changed since they've acquired a couple of players that keep his back nightly. He's not afraid anymore to take cheap shots at players now. He knows there's someone to step in to protect him and everyone else knows it too. Another guy I'd like to see get a better oportunity with our more skilled guys is Joe Labate.
  20. Tryamkin, last night, was a beast. That's how he needs to play every night. Not necessarily the fighting, but the big hits and smart decision making. Once he figures it out (and he will) he's going to be one of the most feared defenders in the league. And, yes, he does need to pollish up his combat skills. He looked pretty awkward in that fight.
  21. Know the subject's probably been beat to death but; Does Matt Duchene now make a little more sense in a trade scenario (the steep asking price being beside the point).
  22. It's my opinion that, with the addition of Goldobin, our focus at the draft should be changed. Watching the few shifts he played, I started to think about where he fits and who fits with his style. I, quickly, realized we don't have a centre that works with him and that we, now, need to either draft him a centre or trade for one at the draft. If we draft one, I can see good fits with either Mittlestadt or Vilardi. As for a trade? I'll leave that for another forum.
  23. He's going to be #1 by seasons end. Too bad; he's the player I wanted.
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