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  1. You're right, I forgot he is Finnish. My bad. I'm still hesitant but I really hope he lives upto his hype because from the plays I've seen, he appears to be defensively mature.
  2. I wasn't super psyched hearing the team drafted another Swedish defensemen prospect but I think that is more because of what happened with Juolevi. I hope the best for Willander and I hope he's one of those players that starts to tip the teams fortunes in the right direction.
  3. I like Petey and would not have a problem with him being captain but Huggy just gives more of a presence as a captain and seems like the type of guy who can lead a group well if given the chance. I'm good with just about anyone as long as it isn't Miller.
  4. All things considered, I wouldn't be surprised to see the team going back to the skate jerseys full time next year with the 2023 RR being the third. For a team that is likely going to be bad for a long while, the jerseys seem to be the only real selling point that the team can work with in the meantime. The updated jersey in white might actually be the more appealing looking of the two TBH.
  5. Honestly, a coach like Babcock might be able to turn this season around. The damage is already done but a strong turnaround would do wonders for fans and the organization.
  6. Yes, because as history has proven time and time again, humans can all live under one government without any issue.
  7. I was sixteen years old, sleeping in bed early in the morning when my dad came into my room and shook me awake and told me to come out to the living room to see the news. At that point the only thing that had happened was the first plane hitting the first tower. I think he knew that this was a historical event of some sort by no one really knew just yet what was happening. Once the second plane hit (I remember vividly watching it live), I remember feeling such sadness because at that point it was clear this was an attack and I truly thought it was the beginning of WWIII. Watching the towers fall is still a memory that will stick with me for the rest of my life. As an American, it was truly surreal and painful to see my homeland under attack. My mother decided to drive us to school so we could see as much coverage of the tragedy as we could (as this was a significant moment in American history) and I can clearly remember sticking my head out the window of the car and looking up and seeing planes scrambled around in the air as they were trying to land ASAP at YVR (I lived in North Surrey at the time). It was a world changing moment that is truly hard to grasp if you weren't alive to experience it (or remember).
  8. If we were in a better spot with our depth I'd love for them to trade up to get Luke but we'll probably end up with at least someone with protential.
  9. Had COVID not happened, this team would not only look different but would be in a far better position in the playoff this year. People tend to ignore the fact the cap is frozen and is at least a year or two away from that changing. Not at all surprised by how some fans ignore that and want to throw management and coaching under the bus.
  10. 95% chance Eriksson is bought out after this season. That alone is going to free up 2 million. No point in even wasting the time to trade him, especially with a flat cap.
  11. Demko is going to win a Vezina someday and I hope to hell its as a Vancouver Canuck.
  12. This is going to sound incredibly "glass half full" but the team is somewhat trending in the right direction. No, there is no big winning streaks or anything resembling them but the team is at least giving themselves a fighting chance in games now. The frozen cap is killing teams that were already going to have cap issues and the Canucks are a good example of that.
  13. Are we talking Odd Couple or more of a Perfect Strangers kind of thing?
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