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EP Phone Home

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Everything posted by EP Phone Home

  1. It was a war back in 2003. I expect the same even though they are no longer in our division. Playoffs are where rivalries are born. Minny still looks at us as their biggest rival. Sunday night we rekindle the hate. I’m just happy that if in case we go up 2-0 in the series that no player on our team will tell the fans to go home and won’t be a game 4/5 much like Bert said there won’t be a game 6 back in 03. Thankfully there won’t be any fans to tell that to.
  2. Petey just like on his one timer attempt in the first: It’s ok boys we’ll get it right next time! Just like the result. Controlled the play most of the game and hit a Vezina winning goalie. On to Sunday showdown against Minny.
  3. And Steve Kariya and Fedor Fedorov. Preseason beasts who didn’t get a sniff after the games got real. But yeah good old CDC freaking out after outplaying the Jets and losing to the Venzina winner this year.
  4. I agree with this but also we got Rathbone with the Hanson trade(conditional 4th round pick) Goldy might be gone but we have a JackBone in the pipeline.
  5. Oh man I am happy they aren’t allowing fans into the arena but what about players parents? I recall Matt Bartkowski’s mom is a force to be reckon with. Tread lightly Canucks or the team bus tires will be slashed by a mad momma!
  6. Omg it’s here it’s finally here! I never thought I would live to see the day where I will be up in desolation sound in august enjoying the summer AND NHL hockey all at the same time. What a time to be alive!
  7. Not that it matters at all but... the goal Chucky scored was GI but who cares, flames lost anyways in a exhibition game. Just hope the zebras have brought their whistles into the Hubble when it comes to GI. Kesler would disagree
  8. Exactly I’m cheering for ex Canuck and The Dutch Gretzky! Love ya Dale! If it wasn’t for him we wouldn’t have gotten the 5th round pick that became Gaudette.
  9. Does Gene Principe and Daryl Katz go to the same barber? And did you wake up in the tanning salon Gene?
  10. Petey a Vlogger now, but I’m more impressed by the other flexing he’s doing. The Benefits of two off seasons is looking like it’s paying off
  11. Amen W! This is the time that we signed him for. Last time we were in the dance he destroyed us. Glad he is on our side. It has to start somewhere, it has to start sometime, what a better place than here, what a better time than now... All hell can’t stop us now- Zacharias Manuel de la Roca
  12. And conveniently in the same division that Dallas is in so when the Yotes eventually move to Houston (and they will) it will be the battle of Texas in the central division.
  13. This is the thing that excites me the most. I know there have been incarnations of sports rivalry with Seattle in the past but they didn’t really live up to what a rivalry brings. The Grizzlies/SuperSonics never materialized because the Grizzlies were never good in their existence (except when they won their first two games) so it never took off. The Whitecaps and Sounders in the MLS have a bit going for them however on our side we need to step it up because the sounders have 2 MLS cups in 4 years and even Portland Timbers have one before the Caps do. So what I’m saying is that finally we might have something that has that edge and feel that a genuine rivalry brings to the two cities. I for one am really stoked to go down the I5 and rep my Canucks colours in enemy territory. Seattle will be a good team from the outset with the landscape of the cap for the next few seasons and they will be in the driver seat when it comes to taking bad contracts for picks/prospects and the same goes for protection of teams players. How much will teams have to give to protect their valued assets will make Seattle just as good maybe even better then Vegas did in the ED. That’s ok because it will speed up the resentment towards the team and that’s the key ingredient towards a rivalry. I say bring it on cascadia sibling! We are ready for this!
  14. I agree, wouldn’t mind seeing a third jersey with that logo. Wonder if they will implement that red as their third with the Anchor space needle or if they will go with the powder blue. I hope they go off the colour scheme and do something green like the traditional Seattle colours. But totally agree that space needle anchor is awesome.
  15. Miss the days of Jim Hughson and Donny Taylor. That was the golden era of NHL commentary. Don: Awe man I spilled coffee on my legs. Jim: THOSE ARE MY LEGS!
  16. I was there as well and I remember there was no proper lineup and it got so bad that the crowd started chanting “It’s your fault it’s your fault” gong show good times.
  17. https://www.citynews1130.com/2020/07/18/highway-93-bus-rollover-multiple-injuries/ JASPER, Alta. — RCMP say three passengers were killed when a glacier sightseeing bus rolled over at one of the most popular attractions in the Rocky Mountains, the Columbia Icefields. Cpl. Leigh Drinkwater says there were a total of 27 passengers on the vehicle when it crashed. In addition to the three deaths, 14 people suffered life-threatening injuries and 10 other people on the bus are hurt. Drinkwater says getting updates from the scene is difficult due to unreliable cellular service in the mountains, but he says the ice explorer apparently rolled, and that critically injured patients were taken to Calgary by air and ground ambulances. The iconic red and white coaches, which look like buses with monster-truck tires, regularly take tourists up a rough road onto the Athabasca Glacier. Tanya Otis, a spokeswoman for Pursuit, the company that runs the ice explorers, says one of the off-road vehicles overturned early in the afternoon on its way to the Athabasca Glacier and that the company is supporting the efforts of first responders. STARS air ambulance spokeswoman Fatima Khawaja says it sent choppers from its bases in Edmonton, Calgary and Grande Prairie. Rob Kanty and his family were in the parking lot at 1:30 p.m. after completing a tour of the Columbia Icefield when they were told they had to leave immediately. “We were asked all of a sudden to leave,” he says. “We got back in our car, we took a look up the glacier and I could still see the dust and the rocks sliding. So right away we knew there was a rockslide on part of the road that goes up to the glacier. Then, unfortunately after looking a little bit further we could see one of the coaches had rolled down from the rockslide and was sitting on its roof at the bottom of the rockslide. There’s rocks on either side of you, you’re on the side of the mountain so definitely the rock slide would have pretty much hit the side of the snow coach and pushed the snow coach off the road and down an embankment towards the bottom.” Kanty says each coach holds about 20 people due to reduced capacity to facilitate social distancing and notes there are no seatbelts. “They’re beautiful machines, but they’re all windows, all glass, have very high centre of gravity. So, unfortunately, if that thing ever tips over like it did it’d be pretty tough on the people inside for sure.” Pretty crazy that this happened an hour before my gf and I arrived to the Ice fields yesterday. Didn’t know what was happening at the time (just was told that we had to leave right away) but from there to Banff I counted about 18 EMS, national park vehicles and ambulances on the way to the site. Took a pic of the Ice Fields when I was in the parking lot and saw two busses stalled on the field because the one that rolled over is in the embankment below. Very humbled and blessed that we took our time to the fields as it could’ve been us in that bus.
  18. Austin Matthews nominated for the Lady Byng? The same “gentleman” who mooned a female security guard... that’s rich. I like ROR but didn’t he drunk drive his truck into a Tim’s back in the day? I would go with Coal Harbour’s Nate the great on this one.
  19. Could very well be so that we avoid having Seattle potentially pick him in the ED. However you’d think we would’ve signed him to a one year deal then. But I am happy to see if he improves in the K another year, while other prospects here like Rafferty, Rathbone, Juolevi and Brisebois might make the club. It’s getting crowded on the depth chart. Tryamkin and agent diamond might have missed their opportunity with the team by not agreeing to a two way deal. We already have a 6-8 D man in Benn making 2 Million. And he’s proven, Tryamkin still needs to earn his keep.
  20. For only the third time in 80 seasons a rookie defenseman leads the league in rookie scoring with 53 points. But not good enough for the Calder apparently.
  21. Smug muppet needs to take the L but he doubled down on his take on Monday. Anything for ratings with 1040. That station wants to keep reporting on Canucks and eat their drama cupcake too. Mayor of wrongville once again Matt.
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