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EP Phone Home

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Everything posted by EP Phone Home

  1. Not bad for an undrafted D man. One of the few prospects Gillis got right. Way to go TanMan
  2. Solid pressure in their end. Hopefully pot one before the end of the period.
  3. Whenever I see Hartman wearing #38 for the Wild I think of Demitra. R.I.P Demo
  4. Drive home from work safe, we will save some goals for you when get to the tv.
  5. I agree that we need to have pushback for our elite players. Hope our guys start sticking up for each other or Petey will be always looking behind his back rather then play his game. Was a bad joke, and having our superstars out is no joke. My bad seabass.
  6. Nice tuning up by Tuna. See folks Jake can scrap when he wants to.
  7. While we are talking about seedy folk here. Good ol Rich Coleman sold out the province when he was Corrupt Christys Deputy. Guy is rotten to the core.
  8. Looks like leafs have slim pick-ins with their draft allotment. Would be delicious if they missed the playoffs. Mmm Maple flavoured tears yum yum. No 1st no 3rd no 5th and no playoffs would be something to behold and hear all the media try to spin and backpedal. It will be glorious if it comes to fruition.
  9. Bounce back game coming up! I feel like Gaud Brock and Eagle will get on the scoreboard tonight. Just also found out today that I’ll be going to dice & ice next Friday courtesy of one of the company suppliers. Let the good times roll and let’s roll up this wild stuff and smoke em!
  10. “The second coronavirus patient identified in British Columbia is a woman in her 50s who has family visiting from Wuhan, the Chinese city at the centre of the outbreak. Provincial health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry said the patient fell ill a few days ago, and is being kept at home in isolation along with her visiting relatives.” So these visitors are in BC and this women is now sick with the virus from her visiting family. Sorry but visiting or not shouldn’t they be confirming more then 2 cases in BC since that the visitors are in BC now? That’s what I got out of that article that they are being vague on. But I guess if you are not from BC it doesn’t count? Okie dokie karaoke.
  11. So this game is a dog I see. But why are we acting like we just missed the playoffs? Chill Canuck fam chill. Go out piss in the snow if you’re pissed the $&@! off. Game is done pretty done. Onto Minny.
  12. Trots eyebrows always have a mind of their own. Always moving!
  13. A week late to the party but finally WHO sees this as an emergency. Also Russia has closed its 4209.3KM (2615.5mi) border with China. Finally some urgency is being done rather than just waiting for it to spread.
  14. Golden clip from Reddit from our empty net gods! Pearson and Louie must have a Canucks record for most empty netters in a season. Great W against the Sharts. That Marky pad stacker was unreal. Love this !$&#ing team!
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