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EP Phone Home

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Everything posted by EP Phone Home

  1. Leaf tears are always a sweet treat to sip on after a first round bouncing. Cupless since 67 and no playoff series wins in 16 years just like Marner’s jersey #.
  2. We have had the blues number in the regular season the past few years and are 3-0 all time when playing them in the playoffs. I’m not expecting a 2009 sweep more like a 2003 back and forth battle that sets up a heaven or hell game 7 decider. Love the fact that I am back into town Wednesday from my BC coastal voyage. Binnington is not as hot as he was last year, our boys are hungry and blues are content and full. Let’s do what we did in 2011 and dethrone the champs!
  3. This Turd is the biggest of the season coming up. It’s a big Turd, let’s keep it together now and not give them any life to breath.
  4. The trade that keeps on giving! Who says JT isn’t a playoff player WHO?! whoops it was the Brockstar keep on Brocking in the free world!
  5. Thanks man! I leave from Granville island and go up the Georgia Straight along Sechelt, Powell River, Lund and I have a few buddies that have property on Savary Island that I at stay a few days before heading up to the family cabin on Cortes Island and usually hang out there for several days. Then I go up to Desolation Sound to a few spots like Hole in the Wall and Sonora Island. Then I head back to Van after a good retrieve and I’m all refreshed and blessed how amazing and vast our beautiful province is. This year I have a bit more time which I’d like to get as north as alert bay and make a stop at Port McNeil. Just gives you more of an appreciation of the what is right in our own backyard.Gotta release that inner Johnny Canuck lifestyle every once and awhile to shake off that city slicker rep lol! Sounds like you have had a good amount of travels yourself. There really isn’t anywhere else I’d rather live. Safe travels the best with work and coming back home man. A few more pics for the road/voyage. Cheers WHL! Back to topic at hand, I know we haven’t done well with morning games in the past but at least the ice will finally be fresh. Couldn’t stand to see us get the last game of the day for the last two. Let’s win this for Ferland our other injured soldiers. Chapter 3 begins in a matter of hours. Petey is saving his goals for clutch time! Go get it boys!
  6. Really unfortunate about Ferland, we are getting thin really quick with 4 forward injuries in two games what happens once the 30 players wouldn’t be enough to dress a roster if the injuries are mounting up? These are definitely unusual times so I’m interested to know if teams are allowed to recall outside the bubble and if so they would have to quarantine? Or would we have Dman playing forward or if it really gets bad injury wise, would Demko play forward? Anybody could help me out with the protocol would be fantastic. Love the pushback from Petey and loved how he doesn’t take any crap. That’s what you want, no more turning the cheek. Game will be early but I’ll be listening to it on the way up Queen Charlotte Strait. Never thought I’d be doing the annal summer coastal trip while listening/watching hockey games. Just crazy times but loving it! GO CANUCKS GO!
  7. If we are going to tame the Wild and get back into this series we need more from the captain to lead. From Cortes Island wishing the boys to show up tonight and make this a best of 3. LETS #!€*ing GO!
  8. Power but we had aspersions to go to the family cabin on Cortes Island and Savary Island but need to have a Dingy/Zodiac to have day trips to shore. Won’t be the worst thing in the world to be docked on game day for repairs. And we do have a sailboat but it’s only good trips out around Burrard inlet/Spanish Banks. Enjoy your Sunday and the game Sonoman!
  9. They did change the lotto rules so that garbage tanking teams like a Edmonton would stop them from getting a generational talent.
  10. Well my boat trip hasn’t had the greatest start but I’m coming back to Granville island to get a new dingy. I think I’ll pull a Jeremy Roenick and eat at the Keg and watch the game. Game day is my saviour, hope we don’t come out as flat as Edmonton... or my dingy! It’s a beautiful day for a hockey game!
  11. This is my concern about tomorrow’s game being the last one on the schedule. I remember Quinn caught an edge on his skates because of the poor ice when they played in Anaheim and he left the game. This ice quality with the fast fierce pace of the playoffs is definitely a concern. Can you imagine if any of the games go to extended overtime periods. Could be nuts.
  12. Honestly I think just the Jets, Knights and Champion Blues are the ones that pose the biggest challenge. I honestly think we can go up against anybody else yes even the Avs as we always play a high tempo run and gun game against them. I’m actually hoping for a Canucks Avs matchup if we can take care of business with Minny.
  13. How’s it in the Hubble? I hear it’s scorching in Edmonton. That’s just terrific that the timeline of your work and the NHL being in Edmonton for the Stanley Cup Ball matches up. Enjoy being an insider and your pizza. Beer and Pizza on a Friday before the long weekend, not a bad idea.
  14. I agree, this isn’t even a case of beating a dead horse, there isn’t even a horse to beat to death. Just bitterbros TSN stirring up the pot with their venom and saltiness. Mind you I did screw up answering one of their toxic polls with the wrong answer lol. But just wanted to share a theme of who the biggest culprit of this trash media is. Someone please egg this muppet in the troll face when they see him on Cornwall. Guy is cruising for a bruising.
  15. Quinn embracing his inner Bane and “necessary evil”
  16. That’s no man, that’s a muppet. I never agree with David Pratt but when he called Matt a Muppet, that’s something he wasn’t wrong about. Happy to give you a giggle before the long weekend and the games ahead, cheers Capt!
  17. I concur completely and it’s coming from the same source and station. Sekeras syndrome isn’t ending it seems. It’s been a month of non stop “Canucks are looking to trade Boeser” “Will Jake be traded this off season” “Has Jake played his last game in a Canucks jersey” It’s really gotten childish and unprofessional of TSN1040 to keep trying to shove this negative narrative down the markets throat. In all honesty TSN1040 is making itself look like that crazy Ex that isn’t over the breakup and can’t seem to move on from it. Would rather make false rumours and toxicity than to grow up. Yup that sounds about right with Matt and TSN1040 losing the rights to Canucks games. This is the look of a radio host & station that just can’t let things go, so much venom and bitterness.
  18. Awesome to hear the dedication from fans from all over. I’ll be on the water on a big boat watching the games. I’ll have my towel waving make sure you don’t forget to bring a towel! Enjoy the games bright and early!
  19. It’s really too bad that we haven’t gotten the return that we traded him for when we traded Bonino, a 2nd (the pick we got for the Bieksa trade) and Clendening for him. Reminds me of the 2010 draft deal when we acquired Keith Ballard. We never got the same player that they were renown for. With how Ferland has come back from this pause and seeing Sutter not looking healthier than when the pause started. It’s not looking great for a redeeming Sutts. But hey there are so many beauties on this team that it’s easy to pick on the damaged Mules of Louie and Sutts (but Sutts is still better at FOs than Gaudette).
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