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Everything posted by StanleyCupOneDay

  1. What exactly do you propose when Hamonic is expected to play at some point this season? Get another player in a trade, ok. Which player do we trade for and how much do we have to give up as a team with no leverage? What do we do when Hamonic gets back? Trade away another player? Send down an expensive AHL’er? The reason that Benning is imo making the right move to stick with the 3 he has is that $3m cap hit that is going to hit our roster at some point this season and the fact Burroughs has been a pleasant unexpected surprise the way he’s played. If we didn’t have the emergence of Burroughs JB would likely make a move.
  2. My thoughts that probably won’t please anyone. As someone who is getting more towards the Fire Green sentiment who was a previous supporter the biggest problem is he’s not the type of coach we need. Saying he’s useless or a bad coach isn’t true, but what is true is that he’s the wrong coach for us right now. Even Green’s detractors have to admit he turned a lot of rookies into bonafide NHL’ers. That’s not an easy thing to do and he did a great job. He was the right coach for us when we were building a team with his structure and defensive minded play. He was creating a foundation of knowledge in the players that can grow over the years. But our needs have changed. We now have a core built through the draft/trades and we need to start winning games so we can make the playoffs and build chemistry together. Green is not the coach for winning games as even supporters have to admit his in game management and decisions have been terrible and static. So we’re stuck with a good coach in another area of hockey that doesn’t suit our goal to win and get to the playoffs. If we come back with 2 more losses on the road the pressure will be on and if we come out of our upcoming home stand less then .500 it might be the end of Green. Otherwise I think he gets to 20-30 games and management will decide then whether he’s done enough to continue in the job. I want the Canucks to win, it’s now the time to do so and I hope Green proves me wrong and we go on a streak, but I’m entirely unconvinced he’s right for the needs of our team at this point in the rebuild.
  3. It’s ok, we all go overboard in reacting to a situation sometimes, especially so for one that hits close to home due to our own experiences. It’s a good thing to be able to admit you got it wrong and is a trait more people need to have. I can only speak for myself, but for me I find if I’m ever feeling a strong negative emotion such as fear, anger or sadness (to name a few, there are many more) I tend to not react appropriately to whatever situation has caused that emotion. I do better when I take time to process instead of reacting right away. When I react instantly is usually when I end up being wrong. Like for example the one time I got in a road rage situation being stuck behind someone driving 10-20 km/h below the speed limit. I was late and felt frustrated, but in hindsight potentially putting other people at risk by increasing the likelihood of an accident caused by myself or the other driver was the wrong response and made things worse. I haven’t been in a road rage incident since then. We all make mistakes, as long as we can learn from them that’s the important part and what makes us become better people for it.
  4. This would be great if water wasn’t necessary to sustain life. It’s going to become an extremely precious commodity in the very near future and building another desert utopia that requires immense amounts of water to be used seems like a terrible idea. Also as others have pointed out: What could $400B being spent on other problems achieve in comparison? I think it’s a good idea on paper, but bad in practicality.
  5. I’m going to wait for more information before deciding what to think overall about this situation since we have few details about what happened before the attack and no evidence whether this was targeted or not. That being said anyone committing violence needs to be charged, it is never the answer to anything. I hope Benning’s son and daughter have a speedy recovery from their injuries.
  6. I honestly don’t understand a lot of this post, but it’s important to know that there are different levels of offensiveness regarding slurs. The N word is probably at the top and “midget”, while being completely unnecessary and inappropriate to use today is more in the middle or tail end of the spectrum of slur words. We’ve definitely moved past using the word as a society and I hope someone personally talks to him about why it’s wrong to say, but it’s not anywhere close to criminal. Treating all slurs as equally bad means the truly horrid words don’t get the level of condemnation they deserve and that does a disservice to those negatively affected by seeing/hearing that extreme slur.
  7. Horrible, but also expected. The guy’s never done this before and is used to the off air back and forth talking about any and every subject between interviews. He’s just doing that live now since he’s only ever done the interview style of commentary before. It seems like a really good guy put in a tough, almost impossible position to have such a huge role in something he’s probably never even practiced before. It’s not working and it likely won’t work, but I’m not going to attack or criticize Hirsch for his commentary. Try imagining getting hired in a new field of work you’ve never done before, receive no training or practice and then being expected to perform adequately. That’s the situation he’s in right now. I’m sure Shorty will talk to him and try to help him improve during this temporary in game commentator position, but I think we need to give the new guy a break. It’s not as easy as it sounds on tv.
  8. Sorry, wasn’t meaning to criticize, just clarify. 5-2 Canucks Horvat GWG
  9. Might be a dumb question, but in regards to shootouts, if you predict there’s no GWG player do you get points for getting it right? Or is it a situation where no one can get points on that question if it goes to a shootout?
  10. Looking back it feels like a planned process. 1st season under JB was about going all in to try to give the Sedins one last shot at the cup. And if I’m being honest whatever we had to give up to do that was worth it for two of the best NHL players ever to get another crack. They deserve the Stanley Cup. They’ve given so much to us as Canucks fans it felt right to do so for them. Next 2-3 seasons we had no prospects and no set roster, trading and inserting placeholders in and out of the lineup. Whoever we could get to sign with us regardless of NHL ability. It wasn’t so much a team, but a mishmash of AHL’ers and vets. Then things start to change. The last 2-3 seasons our draft picks are starting to enter the NHL and regulars are solidifying their spot. We start having assets we can trade for upgrades in positional needs that other teams actually want. Holes start to get plugged and the Canucks continue improving. Rebuilds take a minimum of 5 seasons to do, so if you take out the Sedins last shot year and the COVID all hell breaks loose year you get about 6 seasons to build this core, which really isn’t that bad of a job done overall. JB like all GM’s has made mistakes, but none have irreparably harmed our team. These next few years are the really fun ones for us fans. It’s when a rebuilt core starts to gel and compete hard in the regular season and playoffs. We have a great starter goalie and capable backup, a complete top 6, a good/decent bottom 6 and a good top 4 D. As long as we stay healthy we’re going to be a team to watch every season for a potential run at lord Stanley. We’re right there now with the talent on our roster, just need to have some years playing together to build chemistry between the lines to really threaten for the finals and the ultimate end goal of winning a cup. Going to be a fun ride in the years ahead. Go Canucks Go!
  11. Looking back it feels like a planned process. 1st year was about going all in to try to give the Sedins one last shot at the cup. And if I’m being honest whatever we had to give up to do that was worth it for two of the best NHL players ever to get another crack. They deserve the Stanley Cup. They’ve given so much to us as Canucks fans it felt right to do so for them. Next 2-3 years we had no prospects and no set roster, trading and inserting placeholders in and out of the lineup. Whoever we could get to sign with us regardless of NHL ability. It wasn’t so much a team, but a mishmash of AHL’ers and vets. Then things start to change. The last 2-3 years our draft picks are starting to enter the NHL and regulars are starting to solidify their spot. We start having assets we can trade for upgrades in positional needs that other teams actually want. Holes start to get plugged and the Canucks continue improving. Rebuilds take a minimum of 5 years to do, so if you take out the Sedins last shot year and the COVID all hell breaks loose year you get about 6 years to build this core. It’s really not that bad of a job done overall. JB like all GM’s has made mistakes, but none have irreparably harmed our team. These next few years are the really fun ones for us fans. It’s when a rebuilt core starts to gel and compete hard in the regular season and playoffs. We have a great goalie and capable backup, a complete top 6, a good/decent bottom 6 and a good top 4 D. As long as we stay healthy we’re going to be a team to watch every season for a potential run at lord Stanley. We’re right there now with the talent on our roster, just need to have some years playing together to build chemistry between the lines to really threaten for the finals and the ultimate end goal of winning a cup.
  12. We’ll get to around 92-93% in the end I’d bet. About 5% of Canadians are hardcore will never ever get the shot regardless of logic, fact, reason or consequences and there’s probably about 2-3% who can’t get it due to being immunocompromised. The other unvaccinated people still have questions or are hesitant and can be convinced to get protected. Given that every day we see the first dose and second dose numbers increase I think we still haven’t hit the ceiling there yet. 91% of kids in Canada are vaccinated against measles and mumps so getting us close to or even over that number despite the deluge of misinformation and disinformation on social media/internet that never occurred for those diseases is pretty damn encouraging. It reflects well on our country, lifestyle and values regardless of our political differences. Don’t get me wrong there’s still going to be unnecessary deaths, hospitalizations and outbreaks, but I shudder to think about what situation we’d be in if say a quarter of our country said no to the vaccine.
  13. That's why I couldn’t find it. Wrong title for the channel, thanks! It’s on tomorrow too, so I’ll just watch it then. Been getting more into watching soccer lately, which I’m definitely not alone in doing given the ever growing popularity of the sport in Canada. Might end up becoming our 2nd national sport one day besides hockey.
  14. At least we’re on track to hit 90% of all people above age 12 fully vaccinated considering we’re at 89% now who’ve had 1 dose (if they get one they’re almost assuredly going to get the 2nd). The anti-vaxxers are a small minority and are shrinking daily in numbers. They just like to be really loud on the internet to make their following seem bigger. It’s encouraging to see that Canada is also creeping up the vaccine charts as we used to be 20th in the world with more people getting the shot/s. As of today we’re 12th in the world in 1st doses behind U.A.E., Portugal, Cuba, Malta, Chile, Qatar, Singapore, China, Cambodia, Spain and Uruguay. We’re 14th in fully vaccinated behind U.A.E., Portugal, Malta, Singapore, Spain, Qatar, Iceland, Denmark, Ireland, Uruguay, Chile, China and Belgium.
  15. So I guess while the deadline was at 2pm today we won’t know what the final roster looks like until tomorrow for whatever reason.
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