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Convincing John

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Everything posted by Convincing John

  1. I agree, we have a lot of potential but the players gotta learn to do the right thing at game speed. I’m not saying TG is the perfect coach but man, we are thin and that’s the biggest issue here.
  2. Again, you got hit by a car, the smokes causing cancer isn’t why you’re bleeding out on the street. We just don’t have the players, I know coaching is the easiest and most obvious thing to get mad at but it’s not why we suck. We have crappy players.
  3. Our best players are 21-25. This is part of the learning process. TG doesn’t have a headset talking to all the players through little speakers in their helmets. Player for player we just don’t match up with the best in the league yet.
  4. The car = other hockey teams. you = the canucks the smokes = Travis Greens coaching. the worrying about the smokes = you bro.
  5. Crying about coaching this season is like getting hit by a car and complaining that your smokes got squashed.
  6. A lot of chirping about coaching for a team that has it’s top 4 C’s injured. Great see all the knowledge and general awareness around here.
  7. I guess since a Dman broke Horvat’s foot this will also be baumer’s fault.
  8. be prepared to watch the greatest punk band documentary in the history of the universe.
  9. By the time D4 was out I was into the gothic metal stuff. But I’ve seen them live and really enjoyed it. Ya, Sweden had a great punk scene. There is about 10 bands that are just like Millincolin over there. Have you seen the Descendents documentary?
  10. Anyone ever get into the Sweden pop punk?
  11. When another day in paradise came out it absolutely blew everyone’s mind that and suburban are the only strung out albums I was into. Another great metal flavour pop/ punk band is 88 fingers Louie. Ignite, Satanic Surfers. As a musician, (well a drummer so not a real musician) my taste in punk grew more towards the tighter bands. There was a lot of the technical punk on the Swedish labels Bad Taste and Burning Heart Records. Satanic surfers started out great but then their music got so complex (for punk) that it was no longer catchy. I love the balance between catchy and tight. strung out is the perfect example of that.
  12. Didn’t one of the guys from dayglo have a t shirt shop in Vic? I bought a Wesley Willis shirt from there lol.
  13. We have very similar taste. I’ll confess and say I never heard Descendents until their comeback album “everything sucks” then I went backwards found this bounty of music from the 80’s and just got completely OCD about them. Screeching weasel is another great early 90’s punk band. That offspring ignition album was a game changer too. I was into the metal from my older skid cousin lol, then got into punk as I got into skateboarding. Suicidal Tendencies was the ideal crossover band from metal to punk. I didn’t like Nirvana, I was more into Alice because of their vocals but I kinda skipped the grunge for the most part. @Angry GooseI grew up in Saskatchewan so we had our own local punk bands. I’m not going to lie, I’ve never heard that stuff and I like it. Thank you. I never got exposed to the west coast scene like you guys. I even played drums in a few scabbed together opening bands for The Smalls, SNFU, Chixdiggit, Red fisher, Choke, bands in our territory. I honestly can’t count the amount of times I’ve seen those guys. Only west coast stuff that came around occasionally was GOB, DOA, Smugglers, Dayglo, was D.B.S from the coast? I liked those guys. I can’t believe you guys forgot to mention the best Vic band of all time. Nomeansno. Lol. Seriously though, they’re one of my favourites of all time.
  14. @luckylager @Gollumpus @Coconuts @Angry Goose Im kinda interested in what got you guys into punk. What in your mind are the albums that influenced you the most. For me, I was maybe 12 or 13 and my neighbour who was a few years older than me had a half pipe in his back yard and My annoying a$$ would go over there and try to skate with them and be cool like them. He had a ghetto blaster with one tape in it. Bad Religion Against the grain. So for an entire summer it’s basically the only thing I listened to. From there I saw an epitaph records compilation called punk o Rama at the music store, shoplifted it lol and I got into the bands on it. Back in those days it was hard to get exposed to punk music. I remember getting an order form with punk o Rama and ordering CD’s also ordering from Fat. Maximum Rocknroll zine was another way. Best 1. Descendents - Milo goes to college 1a. SNFU - Something Green and leafy 2. NOFX - White Trash 3. The Smugglers - Big sizzle 4. Big Drill Car - Batch 5. Satanic Surfers - Hero of our time 6. Bodyjar - Rimshot! 7. Misfits - Famous Monsters (Graves was better than Danzig) 8. Chixdiggit 9. Trigger happy - I’ll shut up.
  15. Back in the day 1995 Blink-182 broke out in the underground skate pop punk scene with Cheshire Cat. They had some albums prior to that but that album validated them. They toured with the Vandals, Frenzel Rhomb, AFI? I love that album, it’s probably more aggressive then the typical Fat sound but super catchy in its own way. Dude Ranch was actually released on Cargo initially which wasn’t a mainstream label, but maybe MCA? got involved and started promoting it and it caught fire. Green Day was part of that Screeching weasel, outlook records scene. Their first 2 albums kurplunk! And 1,039.. were 2 of the best punk albums you’ll ever listen to. At the time of those albums release they were hailed as the best thing since the Descendents. The problem with both of these bands is that they were too talented to remain underground. I mean, Green day willingly signed with Reprise and totally sold out. The Blink 182 Dude ranch was a little more complex with MCA taking the album over from cargo. Regardless Both exploded and became mainstream. It was heartbreaking for me because I was completely anti mainstream and now my music was being played on the radio and it pissed me off. Actually both green day and Offspring sold out at the same time. Then Blink 182 and AFI. so to answer your question. Is Blink 182 and Green day punk? No. They were punk and they play punk music But punk music isn’t just a sound it’s about anarchy, its not for commercial success, it’s not for profit. Dexter from Offspring at least used their sellout to benefit the scene by founding Nitro records. In my opinion, any Punk music that’s on a major label after say 1990 isn’t punk.
  16. Agree to disagree. I think the biggest mistake in a rebuild is a revolving door of coaches. Look at Buffalo, the Oilers. Another point I’d like to add. Why are players given the patience to develop but the coaching staff isn’t? We have a young NHL coaching staff developing with the core. That’s a good thing. I don’t Blame Baumer for giveaways in our own zone. I don’t blame Brown for having no slapper on the PP and really only one player that can carry the puck in. I don’t blame Green for not motivating millionaires who are millionaires because they are self motivated. I think the coaching staff is doing a great job developing our core and I’d love to have them back.
  17. Sounds like you want Richard Simmons behind the bench. If a coach needs to motivate his players, it’s not the coach that needs to go, it’s the players. Here is some food for thought. what’s the difference Between Babcock coaching the Redwings and Babcock coaching the leafs? It’s the players bud. - Our core is in their early 20’s, they need to figure it out and will. - We have a non existent bottom 6 that’s a mix of players that don’t complement each other. - We have 1 top pairing d man. - We don’t have a shutdown pairing - We have a player picked up on wavers in our top 6 and power play for god sake. - We don’t have a hard shot on the blue line. - Our franchise player is injured - we have had a top heavy schedule with little time to practice. the coach gets wayyyy too much criticism considering the tools he has to work with. The fact that we got 7/8 points on this road trip isn’t due to bad coaching. I’ll never understand the coaching blame. Look at the team poor WD had and we ran him out of town. Seriously, the man did all he could do his ghetto lineup that got him fired. Travis is in the same boat. We are an emerging core. Stability is what we need. These players literally have 1 job in life. They get millions of dollars to play a game and yet never get held accountable. They know how to advance the puck without turning it over, they know how to get out of their zone. Execution is on them.
  18. I’m not sold on their goalie. Remember the stacked Shark teams that were favourites every year? Nabokov was their only weakness and it cost them like 3-5 Stanley cups lol. That’s the Avs.
  19. I actually agree with this. He looks a lot like Gretzky when he skates, never even thought of that.
  20. We need Montreal and Calgary to collapse. A .700 win percentage won’t be enough.
  21. I should use this picture to make a custom pair of Vans.
  22. If we lose these next few. I think this break might be a good time to make some changes. Maybe we can make some room for some prospects to get them some NHL time to see exactly what we have moving forward. I’m not giving up on the season but when you start looking at the big picture, next season is becoming more of a priority then this one.
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