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Posts posted by Russ

  1. 3 hours ago, Kakanucks said:

    Wearing a face mask now or end up wearing a ventilator mask?? I know which one I would choose.


    I think in hindsight, the government shouldn't have denounced face mask usage in the beginning in fear of supply shortage.

    There wasn't nearly enough masks for health care from day 1. Let alone guys who were buying pallets and reselling. I don't like that people are doing that but they needed make good health care. 

    • Cheers 1
  2. 30 minutes ago, Ghostsof1915 said:

    Over/under on Lockdown September 1? 

    Lockdown, na not happening.  If our hospital numbers were suddenly skyrocketing then maybe but the fact they are continuing to drop theres no need to panic and lockdown.  Can we see a scale back and go back towards Phase 2?  Or have more health officials going around and fining buisnesses, etc. for breaking the rules, yea I could definitely see it.  Hopefully people can smarten up and get our numbers down a bit but until fall comes and the weather turns I have a hard time seeing it changing much. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Robert Long said:

    this pandemic has exposed so many people to just be selfish tools. I was at a market in Richmond yesterday, with signs everywhere saying masks are mandatory, and this mouth breather asshat is walking around with a mask hanging off his ear. 


    I do see far more people over 50 not wearing masks in stores than anyone else too, these people should be old enough to know better. 

    For all the crap the young crowd is getting I agree with you. Went to grocery store yesterday and there was honestly more percentage of the 25-40 crowd either wearing masks or at least giving space as opposed to many of the older adults who seemed to be brushing shoulders with me when there was plenty of room to give space, almost like they didn't want to move a few feet off their direct path. 

  4. On 8/12/2020 at 8:26 PM, AriGold2.0 said:

    Decided screw it and bought 5 shares of Tesla this morning.. Looking forward to the 5/1 split in a few weeks. 



    Anybody else own any Tesla ? Proof only! What's your thoughts ? Long term hold ?

    I got 13 yesterday a bit higher than I wanted.  Had problems getting money in my account to buy with, finally called my investment guy and he explained the steps.  I am in for the long haul though.  This is one that I put money in and I will just let it sit there for the next 3-5 years and see what comes of it.  It'll be interesting to see post split what happens with the valuation.  Will it go up and match my overall percentage?  Who knows but come back in 5 years and we'll see how its done. 

  5. 9 hours ago, Me_ said:

    In other news...


    My niece went back to school in Quebec. His mother, my sister, sent her there as a responsible 6 year old.


    When she got into class, she was the only child with a mask on. The teacher asked her to take it off because it’s not mandatory. My niece refused telling her teacher it protects her and others. 6 years old.


    The teacher then ripped it off her face and told her she was an embarrassment and that she was making the other students uncomfortable. 6 years old.


    It is taking every part of my soul not to drive there for hours and wait for that stupid teacher and break her legs with a baseball bat. See if she believes in science.


    Sure sounds like that teacher should be in line for a suspension if thats the crap they are doing.  If someone wants to wear a mask, damn straight you let them.  If it was actually ripped off her face and that was my kid that teacher would be getting a complete ass kicking.

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  6. 22 hours ago, stawns said:

    normally we can come in anytime after early august.  Obviously this year is special circumstances........every school is getting a deep clean and there are very strict protocols about who is allowed in and when

    Ah gotcha.  I litterally grew up in the summers playing basketball in the high school gym while my dad did work haha

  7. 16 minutes ago, stawns said:

    We're not even allowed in the building until the 27th.  That gives us very little time to figure this out.  On one hand, I get letting districts come up with a plan that fits their locality.  On the other hand it feels like they are trying to absolve themselves of any responsibility and are trying to be the "good guys" and avoid taking any responsibility.  


    Given the "Mrs Doubtfire" approach they've taken to managing this pandemic so far, I think it's much more the latter than the former.

    They don't let you back in the school until then?  Geeze I grew up spending weeks at my dads high schools in the summer.

  8. 7 hours ago, 24K PureCool said:

    Over exaggerated much. Case in point, don't do stupid things and no one will bat an eye. They are not pulling people off the streets. These people definitely did something illicit or dumb that caught Xi's eye. 

    Exactly, don't go do crap in countries that you know have very meh human rights and don't give 2 craps what the rest of the world thinks.  If you're going to run drugs in countries like China, Russia, etc. theres going to be consequences and it aint going to be a slap on the wrist like Canada does. 

  9. 47 minutes ago, BoKnows said:

    This image had to come from Deep South Trump country.


    The statement is definitely there to make it impossible for idiots to sue them if they caught COVID while wearing a mask.

    Down in the states anyone on both sides will sue for just about anything possible because easy money is the American way.  Gotta protect yourself as a company.  Hence why everything in California has "this may cause cancer".

  10. 25 minutes ago, Mackcanuck said:

    Both McDavid AND Crosby 1 game away from getting booted by really 2 of the only teams that were never going to make the playoffs had Covid not hit. :o


    I'm not that surprised at where the Coilers are, but am surprised with the Penguins

    I think Pens surprise me less just because theres always that thought that Price gets ridden so hard because they never have a backup that he is just worn right down and during a short stretch and layoff he could be the difference maker.


    Oilers surprise me more because I thought Tippet would have been able to get guys to buy into a more defensive system but Oilers gotta be Oilers, they can't defend if their life depended on it.  Yea McDavid and Drai will kill it on the offense but both are SUCH defensive reliablities.  Why is the center all the way up at the blueline suddenly going in on breakaways?  Center is supposed to take the downlow guy to help out the D and its clear as day thats the issue. 

  11. 2 hours ago, Junkyard Dog said:

    For sure. If there are places that don't require masks you shouldn't be hassled if you choose not to wear one. Just mind your own business.


    However you have to respect private policy of companies that implement a mask policy too however. If a store requires shoppers to wear masks you have to abide by that if you want to shop there.


    Most of the time I don't wear one but if there rules in place I will follow them. I have no problem with that.


    TBH there are a lot of dumb people on both sides with people hounding others for not wearing masks when they don't have to and then people refusing to wear masks when private policy states so in order to shop there.

    BINGO!  This is what people need to understand.  There is not provincial or federal rule for it, there is only store policies.  If a store requires it then they risk loosing out on buisness because people won't want to wear one and won't go there.  If stores don't require it they risk loosing buisness as people that really want masks might not feel as safe there. 


    Just like you, for me if I go somewhere and they say "ok you need a mask to enter" well sure I will throw on a mask.  Where I am there hasn't been any cases coming from grocery stores, etc. as far as I have been able to see so I still feel safe walking into those stores without a mask.  I got a young family and if for a second I didn't feel safe I would up my PPE but as of now, even with these spikes I still feel fairly safe for the little bit I do wander outside of work/stores, not like I am chilling at beaches at drum circles or anything :P

  12. 20 minutes ago, x00x said:

    Good ole TRUMP



    President Trump described explosions that occurred in Beirut on Tuesday and killed at least 78 people as an "attack," saying his military and national security advisers had indicated to him that it was likely a bomb.

    "I met with some of our great generals, and they just seemed to feel that it was - this was not some kind of manufacturing explosion type of event," Trump said at a White House news conference. "According to them - they would know better than I would - but they seem to think it was an attack, it was a bomb of some kind."


    Beirut was rocked by a massive explosion early Tuesday evening local time that has left 78 dead and at least 4,000 injured, according to The New York Times.

    The blast sent shockwaves through the city and was captured on a number of videos.

    The Lebanese government is investigating the source of the explosion, but officials suggested the blast occurred when a warehouse stored with explosive materials caught on fire.

    The Times reported that a large stock of ammonium nitrate was stored where the explosions occurred.

    Lebanon's prime minister, Hassan Diab, called the explosion a "catastrophe" and promised to hold those accountable to justice, saying there have been "facts about this dangerous warehouse that has been there since 2014," and said an investigation will take place, according to a copy of his remarks reported by Lebanese state media NNA.

    Every time I hear him say "our great" I just want to smack him as if no one else in the world can do what they do. And what a twat, just spewing crap out, even if it was an attack, better to keep that under wraps until more info was obtained but numbnuts just has to try and outdo everyone else. 

  13. 5 hours ago, kingofsurrey said:

    Good thing we in BC have an anti mask Provincial health office with Dr. B

    Call the election soon Horgan....  we need change.  



    BREAKING - Alberta is making mask use mandatory for Grade 4 to 12 students, and all school staff, when school returns in the fall.



    So they still only need it in the hallways and not classrooms. Found that interesting that they wouldn't just do both but I guess it would be almost impossible to have kids keep masks on during a whole classroom session while throwing it on to walk for 5 minutes wouldn't be that hard. 

  14. 2 hours ago, nuckin_futz said:


    I suspect many countries have been under reporting deaths. Oddly enough Iran's neighbor Turkmenistan has reported zero Covid-19 cases. But their President recommends all citizens wear a mask to protect against dust. lol

    I have a hard time believing most of these countries at the best of times with a lot of their slimy backdoor leadership and this definitely doesn't change my preception.   Hell took Iran a TON of pressure to finally admit they shot that plane down, like they would tell the truth unless forced too. 

    • Cheers 1
  15. 5 hours ago, gurn said:



    "They're going to say you have to take the vaccine even though it hasn't been proven to be safe," he said, echoing the anti-vaccination movement that has gained prominence in Canada, the U.S. and other countries in recent years.


    Apparently they don't realize that it hasn't been fully tested yet and thats why it hasn't been released yet.....

    • Upvote 1
  16. https://globalnews.ca/news/7245944/coronavirus-canada-taxes-pbo/



    But Giroux said if the programs are extended, or if Canada sees another year with a “big, big deficit” it would be “much more problematic.”

    [ Sign up for our Health IQ newsletter for the latest coronavirus updates ]

    “We would probably need to do something as a country to restore something that’s more fiscally sustainable over the long term, which means cutting expenditures or raising taxes or a combination of both,” he said.

    OH just wonderful.... Last thing I want is the government getting their hands on my hard earned money for their ridiculous spending and bailing out.



    On the bright side....




    Over the past week, an average of 40,665 people were tested daily, with 1% testing positive.

    Good to see people getting tested if they feel sick and coming back negative. 

  17. On 7/27/2020 at 3:36 PM, Chris12345 said:

    I think I was just born for heat.


    Worked labour in Van in pants a lot... no issues. Unless it's above 40 it ain't hot.



    I'm opposite. I wear shorts until it slows and still run the a/c until it drops to like 5 degrees 

  18. 11 hours ago, thedestroyerofworlds said:

    Here's another angle.   How many people will get a flu shot this year who normally don't?  Especially for those who can't afford to be off sick because their flu symptoms may trigger COVID quarantine protocols. 


    I know some years that the flu shot isn't as effective because they incorrectly assumed the wrong strains, but it still provides some protection. 

    I think I have only missed 2 or 3 flu shots in the last 15 years.  Had the flu so bad once when I was a kid my parents made me get it and the rare time I would get something it was much more mild.  I will get mine again as soon as its released this fall.

  19. 6 hours ago, samurai said:

    I don't think it is a foregone conclusion. And will it really be like the first one?  For example are we going to see 80% of all fatalities occurring in care homes - highly unlikely.   As you mention as well we are going to have all the other seasonal illnesses tossed in to the mix and competing. 


    Better treatments, better awareness and practice and then other illnesses will be in play.  Around the world we are seeing an increase in infections, but deaths and hospitalizations in most countries is dropping or stable.  It's not killing in say Italy like it was.  So much of this second wave depends on how you want to define it.  It will definitely not be like the first one.


    Yea with all the extra sanitizer, cleaning etc, wonder if the seasonal will be down quite a bit too? Plus new rules for health care workers in care homes etc. Maybe we won't see that gigantic spike especially when the weather turns to regular BC weather again and we don't have all this sun to go out and mingle. 

  20. 8 minutes ago, Sharpshooter said:

    On this rare occasion, I agree with you lr assessment of Dr. Henry. 

    My only criticism of her is that she walks the line a bit too much and that may come back to bite us with the amount of the second wave that’s due to arrive in the fall/winter. 


    I’ll defer to her expertise however. I wouldn’t want anyone guiding us, despite my criticisms, other than her. 


    Be interesting to see the second wave. Everyone will be on high alert and doctors better be ready to send out notices to patients for employers because there will probably be a large amount of seasonal flu and people will loose it and try to blame covid 19 right away. 

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