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Posts posted by Russ

  1. 1 minute ago, Monty said:

    All of them? But perhaps the Ganges is what you're thinking of.

    Oh I bet its all of them.  I remember watching a documenty of one that was absolutely disgusting and it made me feel sick just seeing that people were actually swimming in it because they felt it was religious or something insane like that. 

  2. 2 hours ago, Monty said:

    Seems pretty reasonable. After going to Kolkata last year, a city seeing 15 million people trafficking through it daily, people socially distancing there is, in a word, "impossible." Inevitable that India would get hit hard.

    When you have well over a billion people theres no room for ANY distancing.  From videos I have seen, the common person is just crammed to hell there on the best of times on streets, etc/  Nothing you can really do about it, still have to work and get groceries, etc. Doesn't help the country is polluted to hell at the best of times, sanitary practices are almost non existent.  Whats that river that is brown with pollution and garbage and people still swim in it?

    • Cheers 1
  3. 7 hours ago, Warhippy said:

    Moving away from conspiracy theories and keeping back on topic.  


    The potential bump in the polls expected by the announcement of a new leader did not occur.  Much of the recent increase is on the backs of the WE "scandal" which has essentially proven to be thus far not much.  This is the age demographic in which the Conservatives expected to run away with the numbers but in fact have regressed by almost 3% in the 35-54 age bracket







    Surprised the NDP have such high numbers, guess theres lots of freeloading socialists out there these days.  Personally I would even rather see the Bloc win over the NDP if it came down to them.  To bad NDP and Greens have such garbage campaigns where their spending has no logical way to fund it, far worse financially than Libs and Cons ideas. 

  4. Just now, Warhippy said:

    Speaking to a woman running a dance studio in town.


    She's at half capacity, but her summer program is the only reason those parents can go to work.  Hadn't even considered that as an issue honestly


    Doesn't surprise me.  There was a 2 week period when things first shutting down that our daycare shut down outside of essential workers (eventhough like 95% of the jobs out there are classified as essential it seems) and it seems like 2/3 of the parents were screwed suddenly.  But all these little camps/programs are things that people don't think about normally when it comes to what parents need to get kids covered so parents can pay the bills.

  5. 19 minutes ago, kingofsurrey said:

    CERB ended at end of August for many Canadians....  24 week max. 

    Or maybe ending in the next few weeks...

    Thought it was until mid September or something then its this new easier modified EI. 


    25 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

    This actually is part of the reason that so many working parents are still on CERB.


    No programs, child care or anything.  They've no options for child minding

    Oh yea I can't blame them.  I am lucky my 2 year old is in daycare and my wife is on maternity right now so we are covered, if this was next year or last year then I would be working graveyards or night shifts to composate for the child care we would have needed if we couldn't get any.

  6. 1 hour ago, coho8888 said:



    A following link from that same article sums up Covid and the misconceptions neatly:




    Problem is, Covidiots will not be convinced otherwise and will say that article is fake news.  The only way covidiots get convinced now is if a loved one either dies or he or she gets Covid and gets seriously ill.




    5. Drinking alcohol can protect you from the coronavirus

    Unlike 5G networks, alcohol does have an effect on Covid-19: It raises your risk. “Alcohol use, especially heavy use, weakens the immune system and thus reduces the ability to cope with infectious diseases,” the World Health Organization states. And for the record, drinking alcohol-based hand sanitizer won’t help, either. In fact it could kill you straight away, as it has a few folks already."


    Fuuuuuugde...... this was my opportunity to have an excuse to drink more!

    • Haha 1
    • Vintage 1
  7. 4 hours ago, Junkyard Dog said:

    Vancouver/coast area has been won by notably Liberals/NDP last two elections, especially in 2015. The more you get away from Vancouver the more conservatives have seats in BC. If the conservatives can win a bit more in Vancouver/coast it will help them improve the gains they made in BC in 2019 but I don't think it'll be enough to win since I doubt the Liberals are gonna lose in Ontario/Quebec.

    Same reason outside of Vancouver/Island you start getting more Liberal than NDP at the provincial level.  Generally the NDP (provincially) and Liberal/NDP (Federally) will focus their attention on Vancouver and basically ignore anything outside of Langley or further.  Which is understandable, thats where their large voting base is and you want to stick to them best as possible but their policies dont generally benefit rural folks.  Going to be REALLY interesting since Horgan promised to help the mill/forestry workers last election and we have had record number closed so lots of those votes are going to be not given this time around I feel. Going to be interesting both at the provincial and federal level. 

  8. 7 minutes ago, kurtis said:

    Terrible loss. Movie was terrible but he was a great person. 

    What the black panther?  I quite enjoyed it.  Mind you I am not one who is hell bent on plots or anything and just like basic stories and action in those type of movies.

    • Cheers 1
  9. 9 hours ago, Fanuck said:

    Small group alternate day attendance wt mandatory daily health checks and thorough cleaning between cohorts being in building/classrooms.  Not 100% foolproof nor convenient for some I realize, but FAR safer for students and staff than simply throwing everyone into full-time attendance with essentially no other meaningful measures in place as is the plan right now. 


    There are several things the PHO/MoE should and could be doing but they, for reasons unknown, refuse. 

    Thats impossible for parents.  If my kid was supposed to be in school every day, how would my wife and I go to our employers and say "so yea we need 2 days a week off to care for my kid.  How would buisnesses run if suddenly parents had to start taking extra days off to take care of kids those days. 


    I assume parents wouldn't send their kids to school sick especially these days so other than a touchless fever test theres not much else they could do to test the kids which wouldn't be the worst thing. 

  10. 1 hour ago, CBH1926 said:

    CRM is a tech company involved in cloud business amongst other things.

    They were added to DJIA30 with Honeywell and Amgen after Exon Mobil, Pfizer and Raytheon were taken off.

    TBH is was expecting $10-15 bump after the earnings but today it went up $56 which is crazy.

    That's awesome. Wish I payed more attention to the ins and outs 

  11. 12 hours ago, Warhippy said:

    No wonder America is in so much trouble :lol:

    JP had a pretty good video on it. Now I still support the extra pre auctions but he does have a good point that health of everyone needs to really become a priority for the future as opposed to dealing with essentially sick people and this just pushes them over the top to death or worse health. 


  12. 5 hours ago, AriGold2.0 said:

    Anybody else looked into TDOC ? I have a feeling this is like the opportunity to buy Tesla in mid March at $200 before it skyrockets.


    I just feel like this is how doctors will be doing it in the future...


    Anybody have any input ? 



    My doctor has been using something like this for years for those who don't want or can't make it into the office.  Wife had used it but I never have (only times I go to doctor is if I need him to completely look at something like a physical injury)

  13. 3 minutes ago, stawns said:

    to be fair,my school was built in 1955 and has had many weird additions over the years.  But, we do have a library and 4 classrooms that have zero windows

    Ah yes I can see that then, my elementary had some weird ass additions but nothing like that where they cut off outside access.  I think most I have been in are probably 70s+

  14. 11 minutes ago, kingofsurrey said:

    I agree schools opening is. good thing...  Just don't put our kids and school staffs at risk of dying please.

    BC gov needs to spend the money and do it right ( safe )


    This time the BC gov needs to at least buy each classroom a bottle of hand sanitizer...  as a minimum safety item.


    30 -32 kids and adults in a poorly ventilated room all day .. no windows.. no masks... no PPE makes no sense.


    I wonder if the BC Fed of Labour gets involved to protect school staff' lives.   Job action in Sept is a very real possiblity....  so then unionized parents may be off anyways...

    What room has no windows?  Gotta find an old ass school because theres NO way that would ever be to code.  All the schools I went to had plenty of windows.  And I am sure there will be sanitizer, simple things like that I am sure classrooms will be stocked with, not like we ever didn't have soap or paper, etc when I was in school.  In June my buddy went back to school to teach, and he couldn't believe how much they had upped the cleaning compared to prior.  

  15. On 8/20/2020 at 1:42 PM, NucksPatsFan said:

    Still mad I didn't jump in TSLA that day Ari did, but glad I caught  AAPL on the dip the other day at 456, not gonna miss the run to hopefully 500 pre split. Averaged up today so now sitting at a 460 average. Plan on holding long post split anyways. 

    Yea I should have listened to Ari.... I did buy some Tesla stock just after the split announcement and it has done well so far.  I figure I will let it sit for a handful of years and see how it does, it was money I didn't really need anyways and RBC wasn't making squat on it anyways. See in 5 years from now if it was a worthwhile investment. 

  16. 7 hours ago, Gawdzukes said:

    I am not a parent making these decisions so my opinion is probably not worth much but I would never put my kids back in school in this situation. I remember volunteering to be with special education grade 8'ers in a 7/8 split when I was kid. Just me and the 8 of us. Best school year ever. It's not like you're learning anything that important anyway, (i learned how to carve ACDC in my arm with a staple that year and cumulus clouds are my favourite) the biggest thing is you don't want your child left behind. If no one goes, no one gets left behind.


    It's a lot of lazy parents, lazy planners, and complacent people that make these decisions who are getting restless because their cash flow isn't coming in and children hinder that. So, let's babysit them in school and set the Country back a year or two so 20% of the world can get back to riding on our shoulders.


    How is it that a somewhat financially irresponsible person such as myself could make sacrifices to get by yet the supposedly responsible people are sending there children off to exposure of a lethally viral disease.


    This is exactly why our political system needs to be changed. To be honest this is what the world really needs. Put the brakes on and stop taking advantage of each other for a year. Is it too much to ask? Probably.

    Wait so families whos parents work, take jobs that work around school hours so they can continue to work, bringing in an income and provide a roof and food for their family are suddenly lazy?  I work earlier mornings and by the time my kid ends up in elementary school I hope to have an even earlier shift so I can work, my wife can drop my kid off at school and I can pick him up each day.  So that makes us lazy parents to try and put them in school so they can learn while we both work and put a roof over our kids head and keep their bellies full?


    And you're acting like these kids aren't hanging out with each other all day anyways.  Talked with a guy from work and he kept his kids home for a while at the beginning but eventually his middle/high school kids just started going and seeing friends anyways at each other homes.  


    And if you put the brakes on everything, hows anyone going to afford anything.  People are about to get evicted for not paying rent, people are pushing back their mortgages right now to composate for loss of income and its going to hit them HARD later on as its not a free bump from the banks.  

  17. 13 hours ago, Tortorella's Rant said:



    a $4 sanitation charge for getting a haircut. Any covid related fees are going to remain indefinite. 

    Oh, and you can forget about tips anymore. Including restaurants. Not that they should receive any tips to begin with. It's not my job to do your employers job.

    Damn I didn't realize a spritz of bleach and 4 seconds of wipe down cost so damn much.  My hair dresser better not need that at her salon because I just give her a $20 bill each time for 5 years now lol.  I don't care more than 20 with me in there.

  18. 1 hour ago, bishopshodan said:

    Nice work Rup.

    I built a deck too! I was forced to as the old one was soo rotted that I put a foot through it. However don't have your skills so I hired a friend to be the foreman. Learned a bunch.


    I also got into shooting crossbows :P.




    I really want to learn.  I got a bow that I tried years ago, want to get back into it soon hopefully. 

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