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Everything posted by Slegr

  1. I wish really we had traded Bo by now. It’s inevitable, and the more he plays with us now, the greater risk we have of losing these pointless games, and / or he may end up injured.
  2. It sure seems curious as to why the officers were so charged up to start the whole thing. I thought to myself it must have been a full moon that night, and sure enough, Jan 7th, it was as full as it gets. Weird crap and behaviours seem to happen on full moons.
  3. Things are about to get crazy in Memphis and other major cities in the US, with riots likely once the videos of Tyre Nichols’ death are released this evening. The whole thing sounds like extreme police brutality. https://www.cnn.com/2023/01/26/us/tyre-nichols-timeline-investigation/index.html
  4. We would have had a team earlier (60s) if CBC and Toronto didn’t hold us back, concerned about TV revenues being split further.
  5. If we changed sponsors to Scotiabank, my money is on the fact that this would change. We’re outsiders of the special club right now. We’d even get included in little contests like this one: https://scotiabankhockeyclub.com/skaters/#form
  6. I've seen the power and influence Scotiabank has in the NHL and the Canucks are on the outside looking in with the Sens. Even when we have strong years, we never get the credit we deserve, and it will stay that way as long as this sponsorship remains the same - you can bank on it. https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/bank-nova-scotia-agrees-pay-604-million-connection-commodities-price-manipulation-scheme
  7. Apart from the local broadcast team, have you ever noticed how Sportsnet articles and media tend to rip on the Canucks every chance they get? And also the Ottawa Senators? All of the Canadian teams get much more positive attention. The reason why this is may surprise you. It actually has to do with sponsorship. The Canucks and Sens are the only two Canadian teams that are not affiliated with Scotiabank (as we’re all too aware after seeing those unsightly TD ads on the black skate jersey). So what does that have to do with anything? Scotiabank has massive influence on the media and promotion end of things. They are involved in all of it. Scotiabank hockey day in Canada. They help decide all kinds of NHL related things. Scotiabank is a sponsor of programming on Sportsnet, including Wednesday Night Hockey, Hockey Day in Canada and Hometown Hockey. And they care nothing about the Canucks and Sens to the point where they belittle the organizations every chance they get through their influence on Sportsnet. Follow the money. How did the Canucks get such an unfair opening for the schedule this season, putting them on a disastrous road trip? Hmm, television companies shouldn’t have influence on that kind of thing, do they? Is it just coincidence the Leafs are at home every Saturday for hockey night in Canada? One big bank is largely to blame. Sportsnet is just the puppet.
  8. Kuzmenko is great to watch. I’m supportive of this signing, and look forward to more magic with him and Petey
  9. Canucks are too soft says coach. How about we bring this guy back already. He’ll give us some push back.
  10. There is no doubt the Canucks crapped the bed with the coaching situation. But I also believe the medium is the message, and Sportsnet absolutely loves to make bigger deals when possible to humiliate the Canucks and make the Leafs look great. They have been pushing that agenda for years, and have capitalized on the Canucks managements’ incompetence in recent weeks. But it’s not as bad as they make it sound. The same kind of thing generally happens elsewhere. When Babcock was being fired, everyone knew it was coming for about a week at least. Sportsnet makes it sound like Vancouver is the only place that has left a coach in place too long knowing his time was up.
  11. Yeah, he’s probably already lost the room. He’s like JT Miller but as a coach.
  12. Whatevs. I'm not a fan of how it was handled at all, but it is done. Time to move forward and look at bright sides. Horvat about to be traded too... so I'm going with the following: Defense wins hockey games. Nice guys don't factor into winning much. We've had lots of "nice".. Sedins, Horvat, very clean, professional, say-the-right-thing kind of guys... Bruce Boudreau too (although to his credit, he has won a championship). They're guys who are easy to get behind, but that trait doesn't translate into winning cups. Sometimes you need guys who aren't the classiest to win. Sometimes perhaps you may need former gambling cons, folks who prioritize doing whatever it takes to win. It feels a little darker, a little sleazier, but maybe this might be what we need?
  13. Horvat will likely go to Seattle, a team we play often. Just as Marky and Tanev went to Flames.
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